- Max. dissimilarity: 0.094
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.049
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66765529 - charlotteisreading
- 67216607 - Preacher357
- 67659413 - rhughes307
- 68099242 - JanetCormack
- 68359896 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 68466338 - Chris5420

66765529 - charlotteisreading
Blackheath20 ii 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey back was not too crowded:
the bus passed me after I left you and it did seem
fairly well occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost
everything I wanted being out: but by 5.00 I had
git substitutes (including an American deceive-the-
eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had
the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured
photographs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are
the reproductions I think they give an idea of the
magnificance of the originals.
I saw The Dark Man: it was photographed, a good
deal of it, in Hastings and Camber castle figured in
the chase. The beach at Pett Level, with men work-
ing on the seawall in the background, provided the
best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it
to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the sup-
porting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns
I have ever seen since Red River. So the evening was not
wasted: not entirely, I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It just started here
(11.00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tun-
bridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before
you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I
can do congratulate you. I know Paul will, too. I
do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are
full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure
67216607 - Preacher357
Blackheath 20 ii 1951 Dearest Sylvia,I hope your journey back was not too crowded:
the bus passed me after I left you and it did seem
fairly well occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost
everything I wanted being out: but by 5.00 I had
got substitutes (including and American deceive-the-
eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had
the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured
photgraphs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are
the reproductions I think they give an idea of the
magnificence of the originals.
I saw The Dark Man: it was photographed, a good
deal of it, in Hastings and Camber castle figured in
the chase. The bench at Pett Level, with men work-
ing on the seawall in the background, provided the
best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it
to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the sup-
porting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns
I have seen since Red River. So the evening was not
wasted: not entirely, I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It has just started here
(11.00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tun-
bridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before
writing this. Last time you were there: I wish
you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I
do congratulate you. I know Paul will, too. I
do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are
full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure
67659413 - rhughes307
Blackheath20 ii 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey back was not too crowded:
the bus passes me after I left you and it did seem
fairly well occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost
everything I wanted being out: but bu 5.00 I had
got substitutes (including an American deceive-the-
eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had
the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured
photographs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are
the reproductions I think they give an idea of the
magnificence of the originals.
I saw The Dark Men: it was photographed, a good
deal of it, in Hastings and Camber castle figured in
the chase. The beach at Pett Level, with men work-
ing on the seawall in the background, provided the
best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it
to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the sup-
porting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns
I have seen since Red River. So the evening was not
wasted: not entirely, I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It has just started here
(11:00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tun-
bridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before
writing this. Last time you were there: I wise
you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I
do congratulate you. I know Paul will, too. I
do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are
full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure
68099242 - JanetCormack
Blackheath20 ii 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey was not too crowded: the bus passed me after I left you and it did seem fairly wll occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost everything I wanted being out: but by 5.00 I had got substitutes (including an American decieve-the-eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured photographs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are the reproductions I think they give an idea of the magnificence of the originals.
I saw The Dark Man: it was photographed, a good deal of it, in Hastings and Camber Castle figured in the chase. The beach at Pett Level, with men working on the sea wall in the background, provided the best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the supporting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns I have seen since Red River. So the evening was not entirely wasted: not entirely I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It has just started here (11.00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tunbridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before writing this. Last time you were there: I wish you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I do congratulate you. I know Paul will, to. I do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure you.
68359896 - jesseytucker
Black heath20 ii 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey back was not too crowded:
the bus passed me after I left you and it did seem
fairly well occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost
everything I wanted being out: but by 5:00 I had
got substitutes (including an American deceive-the-
eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had
the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured
photographs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are
the reproductions I think they give an idea of the
magnificence of the originals.
I saw The Dark Man: it was photographed, a good
deal of it, ini hastings and Camber castle figured in
the chase. The beach at Pett Level, with men work-
ing on the seawall in the background, provided the
best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it
to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the sup-
porting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns
I have seen since Red River. So the evening was not
wasted: not entirely, I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It has just started here
(11:00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tun-
bridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before
writing this. Last time you were there: I wish
you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I
do congratulate you. I know Paul will, too. I
do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are
full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure you.
WINNER - 68466338 - Chris5420
Blackheath20 ii 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope your journey back was not too crowded:
the bus passed me after I left you and it did seem
fairly well occupied, I was sorry to see.
I had a great wrestle at the V and A, almost
everything I wanted being out: but by 5.00 I had
got substitutes (including an American deceive-the-
eye still life) and raced to Ted's. There I had
the good fortune to find the enclosed coloured
photographs of Ludwig's palaces. Tawdry as are
the reproductions I think they give an idea of the
magnificence of the originals.
I saw The Dark Man: it was photographed, a good
deal of it, in Hastings and Camber castle figured in
the chase. The beach at Pett Level, with men work-
ing on the seawall in the background, provided the
best scene in the film. But I don't recommend it
to you topographically. Kansas Raiders, the sup-
porting film, was among the most homosexual Westerns
I have seen since Red River. So the evening was not
wasted: not entirely, I keep telling myself.
Is it raining at Pett? It has just started here
(11.00): soon I must get ready to leave for Tun-
bridge Wells: I have prepared the lecture before
writing this. Last time you were there: I wish
you would be this time, my love.
How excellent is your new double portrait. I
do congratulate you. I know Paul will, too. I
do love you, my dearest one: my mind and heart are
full of you as I write. I love you, I treasure