- Max. dissimilarity: 0.064
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.038
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66685941 - not-logged-in-a7a19d89e8db1e851b67
- 67144566 - Molly_Carr
- WINNER - 67287564 - jbcur721
- 67406566 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
- 67493369 - Preacher357
- 68080920 - elle67

66685941 - not-logged-in-a7a19d89e8db1e851b67
SESTINA: TWOA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanishes into a woman's dream,
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids and defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in the trophies up the wall of sky:
I like the other side of sleep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
Of diverse grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfume of a dream -
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of your arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Symbolic landscape of desire, the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
So though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-burg in-between, reflects on lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an imprudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a roe and sleep
Falls from your sleepy head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazons the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dream.
February 1949
67144566 - Molly_Carr
Sestina: TwoA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanishes into a woman's dream,
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids and defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in trophies up the wall of sky:
I lie the other side of sheep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
Of divers grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfume of a dream -
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of your arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Symbolic landscape of desire the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
so though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-burg in-between, reflects one lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an imprudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a rose and sleep
Falls from your sleepy head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazons the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dreams
February 1949
WINNER - 67287564 - jbcur721
SESTINA : TWOA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanishes into a woman's dream,
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids and defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in trophies up the wall of sky :
I lie on the other side of sleep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream ;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
Of divers grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfume of a dream -
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of your arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Symbolic landscape of desire, the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
So though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-burg in-between, reflects one lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an imprudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a rose and sleep
Falls from your sleepy head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazons the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dream.
February 1949
67406566 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
SESTINA: TWOA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanishes into a woman's dream,
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids and defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in trophies up the wall of sky:
I lie the other side of sleep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
Of diverse grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfume of a dream -
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of you arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Symbolic landscape of desire, the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
So though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-burg in-between, reflects one lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an imprudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a rose and sleep
Falls from your sleepy head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazon the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dream.
February 1949
67493369 - Preacher357
SESTINA: TWOA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanished into a woman's dream,
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids and defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in trophies up the wall of sky:
I lie the other side of sleep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
of divers grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfumes of a dream -
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of your arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Sybolic landscape of desire the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
So though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-berg in-beween, reflects one lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an imprudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a rose and sleep
Falls from your sleepy head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazons the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dream.
February 1949
68080920 - elle67
SESTINA: TWOA silver comet stoops across the sky
And vanishes into a woman's dream
To dazzle there and function as a lamp,
Illuminate the grottos of sleep,
Colour the monochrome sea and flowers,
Behind her eyelids an defensive arms.
The stars make patterns, as of arms
Arranged in trophies up to the wall of sky:
I lie the other side of sleep
On the dark subconscious coast of Dream;
My wish rides on the falling star, a flower
Whose petals cross the shadows like a lamp.
O coral heroes, fishes bright as lamps,
Inhabiting a sea of sleep where arms
Of divers grope for pearls in every flower,
O when they surface in the morning sky
Their hands divulge the perfume of a dream
Accurate, innocent, souvenir of sleep.
Under the waves of sheets you sleep:
Behind the naked circle of your arms
Luminous vistas answer the lamp,
Mutable premises of dream
Where pearls can change to roses and the sky
Distends with pollen for the missing flower.
Symbolic landscape of desire the flower
I dream of burgeons also in your sleep,
So though we sleep apart, the sky,
An ice-berg in-between, reflects one lamp,
Which we divide in dreams - the phallic arm
That reaches out to morning from the dream.
Apollo's comet in the sea of dreams
Was an impudent coral flower
And now the sunlight lies upon your arms
Like petals of a rose and sleep
Falls from our sleep head. The lamp
Expands to fill the total dazzling sky.
Souvenir of sleep, Apollo's lamp,
Comet of flowers, blazons the future sky,
When you will test my arms, my love, my dream.
February 1949