- Max. dissimilarity: 0.345
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.174
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67364190 - Preacher357
- 67464764 - Molly_Carr
- WINNER - 67582315 - evanstonsherry
- 67661849 - gailkoelker
- 68237136 - JanetCormack
- 68328888 - jesseytucker
- 68338601 - NVarellas

67364190 - Preacher357
20 iii 1951 My dearest SylviaI will take in Interior and The Poet
to the women's tomorrow. Thursday
is the water colours day at the R.A. I
take it you have no suitably enormous
one and M will deliver an oil. When
will he be at the R.A. for I can meet him
and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have
Homage a Tonks and still life with Mermaid)
in a single batch. I suppose sometime
on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at
the N.G. 1-2 so it should be earlier
or later than that, if possible. Let me
know what you and he decide and I
will do my best to fit your arrangements
I think we should save Ajax for some-
thing really important, don't you?
Alas, I fear that I have broken my
record of good health & gerneral ins-
minity. I went to Ithell last night
with Paul and we stayed very late -
until 3:30 this morning in fact. As
67464764 - Molly_Carr
20 ''' 1951My dearest Sylvia
I will take in Intenos and The Poet to the women's tomorrow. Thursday is the watercolour dat at the R.A. I take it you have no suitably enormous one and M will delives on oil. when will he be at R.A for I can meet him and we will delives your 3 oils ( have Horoge a Tonlu and stilllife will merwaid) in a single batch. I suppose sometime on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at the N.G. 1-2 so it should be earlies on later clan that, if possible. Let me errow what you and he decide and ' will do my best to fit your arrangements. I think we slaved some Ajax for something ually important, don't you?
Alas, I fear that I have broken my second of good health & general immunity. I went to Ithell last night with Paul and we stayed very late - until 3.30 this morning in fact. As
WINNER - 67582315 - evanstonsherry
20 III 1951
My dearest Sylvia
I will take in Interior and The Poet
to the Women's tomorrow. Thursday
is the watercolour day at the R. A. I
take it you have no suitably enormous
one and M will deliver an oil. When
will he be at the R. A. for I can meet him
and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have
Homage a Tonks and Still Live with Mermaid)
in a single batch. I suppose sometime
on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at
the N. G. 1-2 so it should be earlier
or later than that, if possible. Let me
know what you and he decide and I
will do my best to fit your arrangements.
I think we should save Ajax for some-
thing really important, dont' you?
Alas, I fear that I have broken my
record of good health & general im-
munity. I went to Ithell last night
with Paul and we stayed very late -
until 3.30 this morning in fact. As
67661849 - gailkoelker
S.E.AThe Society for Education in Art
29 Tavistock Square London WC 1
20 iii 1951
My dearest Sylvia
I will take in "Interior" and "The Poet" to the Women's tomorrow. Thursday is the watercolour day at the R.A. I take it you have no suitably enormous one and M will deliver an oil. When will he be at the R.A. for I can meet him and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have "Hermoge a Tonbis" and "Still Life with Mermaid") in a single batch. I suppose sometime on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at the N.G. 1-2 so it should be earlier or later than that, if possible, Let me know what you and he decide and I will do my best to fit your arrangements.
I think we should save "Ajax" for something really important, don't you?
Also, I fear that I have broken my record of good health & general immunity. I went to Ithell last night with Paul and we stayed very late-until 3.30 this morning in fact. As
68237136 - JanetCormack
20 III 1951My dearest Sylvia
I will take in Interior and The Poet to the Women's tomorrow. Thursday is the watercolour day at the R.A. I take it you have no suitable enormous one and M will deliver an oil. When will he be at the R.A. for I can meet him and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have Homage a Tonks and Still Life with Mermaid) in a single batch. I suppose sometime on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at the N.G. 1-2 so it should be earlier or later than that, if possible. Let me know what you and he decide and I will do my best to fit your arrangements. I think we should save Ajax for something really important, don't you?
Alas, I fear I have broken my record of good health & general immunity. I went to Ithell last night with Paul and we stayed very late - until 3.30 this morning in fact. As
68328888 - jesseytucker
20 III 1951
My dearest Sylvia
I will take in Interior and The Poet
to the women's tomorrow. Thursday
is the watercolour day at the RA. I
take it you have no suitably enormous
one and M will deliver an oil. When
will he be at the RA for I can meet him
and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have
Homage a Tonlis and Still life until Mermaid)
in a single batch. I suppose sometime
on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at
the NG 1-2 so it should be earlier
or later than that, if possible. Let me
know what you and he decide and I
will do my best to fit your arrangements.
I thin we should save Ajax for some-
thing really important, don't you?
Alas, I fear that I have broken my
record of good health and general im-
munity. I went to Ithell last night
until Paul and me stayed very late--
until 3:30 this morning in fact. As
68338601 - NVarellas
S.E.AThe Society for Education in Art
29 Tavistock WC 1
20 111 1951
My dearest Sylvia
I will take in Interior and The Poet to the Women's tomorrow. Thursday is the watercolour day at the R.A. I take it you have no suitably enormous one and M will deliver an oil. When will he be at the R.A. for I can meet him and we will deliver your 3 oils (I have Homoge a Tonks and Still life with Mermaid) in a single batch. I suppose sometime on Saturday? I shall be lecturing at the N.G. 1- 2 so it should be earlier or later than that, if possible. Let me know what you and he decide and I will do my best to fit your arrangements. I think we should save Ajax for something really important, don't you?
Alas, I fear that I have broken my record of good health & general immunity. I went to Ithell last night with Paul and we stayed very late - until 3:30 this morning in fact. As