- Max. dissimilarity: 0.209
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.141
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67287907 - ethomson
- WINNER - 68139565 - hoskinml
- 68277790 - Sticker88
- 68437302 - OldWoodchuck
- 68480851 - saffyre13
- 68535181 - jesseytucker

67287907 - ethomson
N.G. 24 III 1951Dearest Sylvia,
I do hope that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that
Spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms
here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you
be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett which you so
often have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some fumage drawings (done with the aid of a cand-
le) over which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the compil-
ation pleases you: I think it reather successful. Speaking of
writing Orphee is at last written. I will send you a copy soon.
Going over my notes I realised how much of it I owed to you.
Indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your es-
sential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifice is, by the
way: my only discovery!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day
there. A nice lot to drink will dispell the last of my cold. Inci-
dentally I have just lectured without much difficulty so
you will realise I am nearly well.
Your two oils are now at the R.A. How good they are. I am sure
that they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring de-
signs - divinely painted.
Owing to some silly typographical slip my name in Art News is left off the Braunes
review : on the other hand it is dignified by exemption from the us-
usal pages for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually
of you, pausing neither when I write or sleep from contemplating
your fabulous enchanting visions.
I love you, I love you
WINNER - 68139565 - hoskinml
N.G. 24 iii 1951Dearest Sylvia,
I do hope that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that Spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett which you so often have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some funoge drawings (done with the aid of a cand-le) over which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the complic-ation pleases you: I I think it rather successful. Speaking of writing Orphee is at last written. I will send you a copy soon. Going over my notes I realised how much of it I owed to you. Indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your es-sential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifice is, by the way: my only discovery!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day there. A nice lot to drink will dispell the last of my cold. Inci-dentally I have just lectured without much difficulty so you will realise I am nearly well.
Your two oils are now at the R. A. how good they are. I am sure that they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring de-signs - divinely painted.
Owing to some silly typographical slip my name in Art News is left off the Brauner review: on the other hand it is dignified by exemption from the us-ual pages for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually of you, pausing neither when I write or sleep from contemplating your fabulous enchanting visions.
I love you, I love you
68277790 - Sticker88
N.6 24 iii 1951Dearest Sylvia,
I do hope that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that
spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms
here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you
be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett which you so
often have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some funage drawings (done with the aid of a card-
le) ones which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the comli-
ation pleases you: I think it rather successful. Speaking of
visiting ongles is at last wrilter. I will send you a copy soon.
going over my rates I realised how much of it I owed to you.
Indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your es-
sential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifies is, the
way: my only discovery!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day
there. A nice lot to drink will dispell the last of my cold. Inci-
dentally I have fast lectured without much difficulty so
you will realise I am nearly well.
Your two oils are now at the R.A. How good they are. I am sure
that they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring de-
signs - divinely painted.
Owing to some silly typographical slips my name in Aus News is left off the Braunes
review: on the other hand it is dignified exemption from the us-
ual rages for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually
of you, racising neither when I write or sleep from contemplating
your fabulous enchanting visions.
I love you, I love you
68437302 - OldWoodchuck
N.G. 24 ||| 1951Dearest Sylvia, I do hope that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that Spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett which you so often have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some jumoge drawings (done with the aid of a candle)ones which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the composition pleases you: I think it rather successful. Speaking of writing, Onplie is at last written. I will send you a copy soon. going over my notes I realised how much of it I owed to you. indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your essential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifice is, I see the way: my only discovery!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day there. A nice lot to drink will dispell the last of my cold. Incidentally I have just lectured without much difficulty so you will realise I am nearly well.
Your aro ails are now at the R.A. How good they are. I am sure that they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring designs - divinely painted.
Owing to some silly typographical slip my name in Art News is left off the Brauner review: on the other hand it is dignified & exception from the usual roger for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually of you, rousing neither when I write or sleep from contemplating your fabulous enchanting nirions.
I love you, I love you
68480851 - saffyre13
N.6. 24 11 1951Dearest Sylvia,
I do hope that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that
spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms
here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you
be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett which you so
often have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some fumage drawings (done with the aid of a cand-
le) ones which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the combin-
ation pleases you: I think it rather successful. Speaking of
writing onpl'ee is at last written. I will send you a copy soon.
Going over my notes I realised how much of it I owed to you.
Indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your es-
sential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifice is, in the
way: my only discovery!
If it my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day
there. A nice lot to drink will dispel the last of my cold. Inci-
dentally I have just lectured without much difficulty so
you will realise I am nearly well.
Your two ails are now at the R.A. How good they are. I am sure they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring de-
signs - devinely painted.
Owing to some silly typographical slip my name in Act News is left off the Brauner
review: on the other hand it is dignified and exemption from the usual pages for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually
of you, pausing neither when I write or sleep from contemplating
your fabulous enchanting visions.
I love you, I love you
68535181 - jesseytucker
N.G. 29 III 1951Dearest Sylvia,
I do hpe that you have a pleasant Easter and I do hope that
spring, which is already encouraging exquisite pink blossoms
here, will surround you with fresh and lovely colours. Will you
be able to paint some of the blossoms at Pett unhid you so
after have missed at this season in the past?
I enclose some juroge drawings (done with the aid of a cand-
le) over which are lyrics dedicated to you. I hope the complic-
ation pleases you: I think it rather successful. Speaking of
wirting Ophie is at last written. I will send ou a copy soon.
Going over my note, I realised how much of it I owed to you.
Indeed my own contribution is quite tiny compared with your es-
sential perceptions. I know what Death's sacrifice is, and the
way: my only discovery!
It is my mother's birthday tomorrow and I shall spend the day
there. A nice lot to drink will dispel the last of my cold. Inci-
dentally I have just lectured without much difficulty so
you will realise I am nearly well.
Your two oils are now at the RA. How good they are. I am sure
that they must be admitted. They are coherent yet daring de-
signs--divinely painted.
Owing to some with typographical slip name in Art News in left off the Brauner
review: on the other hand it is dignified and exemption from the us-
ual pagers for reviews.
I trust that you are well. I adore you and think continually
of you, pausing neither when I write or sleep from contemplating
your fabulous enchanting vision.
I love you, I love you