- Max. dissimilarity: 0.934
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.445
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68178962 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 68311640 - tmeconverse
- 68391514 - lefleur
- 68550066 - jesseytucker
- 68595411 - gailkoelker
- 71543227 - the3esses

68178962 - Preacher357
6 iv 1951 Dearest Sylvia,How kind and thoughful of you, my sweet
love, to send me the slip-over. Thank you
so much. I forgive you immediately, as you
have been painting so hard, for the drop in
your letters. I am glad Wacho's state
portrait is progressing well & I hope to
hear that Ruth's will soon be pleasing to
The party last night was very pleasant,
except for the abominable puppets. Before
I tell you more, however, I think that the
reason your pictures were not in, may have
been that they were so different to each
other. Madeleine told Dave that they look
for unity on selecting committees when con-
fronted with new painters. I think we
might act on this idea in future - it
could do no harm.
Madeleine, Paul, Harry, and I went toge-
ther. We met there numerous people includ-
ing Margaret Bayo, Ithell, Sinclais,
Margaret Reid. Also Celia & Mary Open-
WINNER - 68311640 - tmeconverse
6 iv 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
How kind and thoughtful of you, my sweet love, to send me the slip-over. Thank you so much. I forgive you immediately, as you have been painting so hard, for the drop in your letters. I am glad Wacho's state portrait is progressing well & I hope to hear that Ruth's will soon be pleasing to you.
The party last night was very pleasant, except for the abominable puppets. Before I tell you more, however, I think that the reason your pictures were not in may have been that they were so different to each other. Madeleine told Paul that they look for unity on collection committees when confronted with new painters. I think we might act on this idea in future - it could do no harm.
Madeleine, Paul, Harry, and I went together. We met there numerous people including Margaret Bayo, Ithell, Beryl Sinclair, Margaret Reid. Also Celia de Wary Open-
68391514 - lefleur
6.IV.1951O dear Eylin
How and of you, my sweet love, send me .Thank you so much. I forgive you
68550066 - jesseytucker
6 IV 1951
Dearest Sylvia,
How kind and thoughtful of you, my sweet
love, to send me the slip-cover. Thank you
so much. I forgive you immediately, or you
have been painting so hard, for the drop in
your letters. I am glad Wacko's state
portrait is progressing well and I hope in
her that Ruth's smile soon be pleasing to
The party last night was very pleasant
except for the abominable puppets. Before
I tell you more, however, I think that the
reason your pictures were not in my have
been that they were so different to lock
others. Madeleine told Paul that they look
for unity on collection committees when con-
fronted with new painters. I think we
might act on this idea in future--it
could do no harm.
Madeleine, Paul, Harry, and I went toge-
there. We met there nuerous people wilent-
ing hangout Boyd, Ithell, Beryl Savclais,
Margaret said. Also Celia by Ivoary open-
68595411 - gailkoelker
6 iv 1951Dearest Sylvia
How kind and thoughtful of you, my sweet love, to send me the slip-cover. Thank you so much. I forgive you immediately, as you have been painting so hard, for the drop in your letters. I am glad Wacho's state portrait is progressing well & I hope to hear that Ruhl's will soon be pleasing to you.
The party last night was very pleasant except for the abominable puppets. Before I tell you more, however, I think that the reason your pictures were not in may have been that they were so different to each other. Madeleine told Paul that they look for unity on selection committees when confronted with new painters. I think we might act on this idea in future-it could do no harm.
Madeleine, Paul, Harry, and I went together. We met there numerous people including Margaret Body, Ithell, Beryl Sinclair, Margaret Reid. Also Celia & Mary O pen-
71543227 - the3esses
6 IV 1951Dearest Sylvia
How kind and thoughtful of you, my sweet love, to send me the slip-over. Thank you so much. I forgive you immediately, as you have been painting so hard, for the drop in your letters. I am glad Wacho's state portrait is progressing well & I hope to hear that Ruth's will soon be pleasing to you.
The party last night was very pleasant except for the abominable puppets. Before I tell you more, however, I think that the reason your pictures were not in may have been that they were so different to each other. Madeleine told Pane that they look for unity on selection committee when confronted with new painters. I think we might act on this idea in future - it could do no harm.
Madeleine, Paul, Harry and I went together. We met there numerous people Welising Margaret Boyd, Ithell, Beryl Sinclair, Margaret Reid. Also Celia & Mary Open-