- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.599
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67027129 - not-logged-in-82d3bbaf71c543f18ba4
- WINNER - 67306249 - k8mielke
- 67494303 - Preacher357
- 67711781 - highc51239
- 68349173 - not-logged-in-84d8f626888ebe864256
- 68373232 - xuelee

67027129 - not-logged-in-82d3bbaf71c543f18ba4
Dear Madam,Re: 27, Belsize Square, N.W.3.
First Floor Flat.
We have this morning received a letter
from Mr. Maxwell dated the 14th instant, and we feel
that we should send you a copy of it before we give
an official reply.
Yours faithfully,
WINNER - 67306249 - k8mielke
MATCH & Co, LTD DIRECTORS, ALFRED A. ROSE, L.S. BRIMBLECOMBE, F.A.I., I.R. CRAMMOND. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS > "MATCH, SWISS COTTAGE" TELEPHONE No. PRIMROSE 0111 (PRIVATE EXCHANGE) 14 & 15 College Crescent, (Near Swiss Cottage Station) South Hampstead, N.W.3. LCM/DJL. 16th April, 1951. Mrs. S.M. Greenwood, Rectory Lodge, Pett, Nr. Hastings, Sussex. Dear Madam, Re: 27, Belsize Square ,N.W.3. First Floor Flat. We have thing morning received a letter from Mr. Maxwell dated the 14th instant, and we feel that we should send you a copy of it before we give an official reply. We should be glad to receive your comments thereon. Yours faithfully, Hatolsby67494303 - Preacher357
67711781 - highc51239
Match * Co. L..Directors
Alfred A. Rose
L.S. Brimblecombe, F.A.I.
I.R. Crammond
Telegraphic Address:
Telephone No.
PRIMROSE OIII (private exchange)
14&15, College Crescent
(Near Swiss Cottage Station)
South Hampstead, N.W.3.
16th April, 1951
Mrs. S.M. Greenwood
Rectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings,
Dear Madam,
re: 27, Belsize Square, N.W.3.
First Floor Flat
We have this morning received a letter from Mr. Maxwell dated the 14th instant, and we feel that we should send you a copy of it before we give an official rely.
We should be glad to receive your comments thereon.
Yours faithfully,
68349173 - not-logged-in-84d8f626888ebe864256
Match & Co. LTDDirectors,
Alfred A. Rose.
L.S. Brimblecombe, F.A.I.
I.R. Crammond.
Telegraphic Address:-
"Match, Swiss Cottage"
Telephone No.
Primrose 0111 (private exchange)
14V15 Colleve Crescent,
(Near Swiss Cottage Station.}
South Hampstead, N.W.3.
16th April 1951.
Mrs. S.M. Greenwood,
Rectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings,
Dear Madam,
Re: 27, Belsize Square, N.W.3.
First Floor Flat.
We have this morning received a letter from Mr. Maxwell dated the 14th instant, and we feel that we should send you a copy before we give an official reply. We should be glad to receive your comments thereon.
Yourse faithfully, Matolsky
68373232 - xuelee
LCM/DJL.16th April, 1951.
Mrs. S.M. Greenwoog,
Rectory Lodge,
Nr. Hastings,
Dear Madam,
Re: 27, Belsize Square, N.W.3.
First Floor Flat.
We have this morning received a letter from Mr. Maxwell dated the 14th instant, and we feel that we should send you a copy of it before we give an official reply.
We should be glad to receive your comments hereon.
Yours faithfully,