- Max. dissimilarity: 0.731
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.414
- Image votes: 1.0
- 66842296 - Graceling1
- 67117092 - mar15ted
- WINNER - 68366652 - Preacher357
- 68388481 - uninvitedghosts
- 68534742 - jesseytucker
- 70133151 - ravendrop

66842296 - Graceling1
[23-4-51]Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your journey was comfortable: as the afternoon
wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on
the train. I do hope that you do not find undone work in
balls you are Pett and that M is not dreary. No, truly, I
hope that he is gay.
As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A.
67117092 - mar15ted
[23-4-51] Dearest Sylvia I hope that your journey was comfortable: as the afternoon wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on the train. I do hope that you do not find undone work to bother you at Pett and that M is not dreary. No, further, I hope that he is gay. As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A. Not only have I Arrest & Movement 2 books, one of Guardi's & the other of Fureli's drawings, have arrived. Also a review of Farleigh's new book which I had given up has arrived: so the 4 rage void is substantially reduced. Luck is working for me on ATHENE, but, then, as it bears your title what else should happen. I am going in again on Thursday, so I have until then to write the review, after all. I telephoned Ricky and found he has been away for a few days, in the country: Molly was there & very well. I shall not know about the wig-wams until tomorrow [ DRAWING] I love you, dearest Sylvia. Let me know immediately (at Blackheath) if you wish me to see about the Maxwells. Have no fear. I love you Lawrence.WINNER - 68366652 - Preacher357
[23-4-51] Dearest SylviaI hope that your journey was comfortable: as the afternoon
wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on
the train. I do hope that you do not find undone work to
bother you at Pett and that M is not dreary. No, further, I
hope that he is gay.
As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A. Not only have
I Arrest & Movement 2 books, one of Guardi's & the other
of Furili's drawings, have arrived. Also a review of
Farleighs new book which I had given up has arrived: so the
4 page raid is substantially reduced which is working
for me on ATHENE, but, then, as it bears your title what
else should happen.
I am going in again on Thursday, so I have until then to
write the reviews, after all.
I telephoned Ricky and found he has been away for a few
days, in the country: was there & very well. I shall
not know about the wig-wams until tomorrow.
I love you, dearest Sylvia. Let me know immediately
(at Blackheath) if you want me to see about the Maxwells.
Have No Fear. I love you
68388481 - uninvitedghosts
[23-4-51]Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your journey was comfortable: as the afternoon
wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on
the train. I do hope that you do not find undone work to
bother you at Pett and that M is not dreary. No, Sylvia, I
hope that he is gay.
As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A. Not only have
I Arrest & Movement 2 books, one of Gandhi's & the atlas
Funeli's drawings, have arrives. Also a review of
Farleighs's new book which I had given up has arrived: so the
4 rage raid is substantially reduced, luck is waiting
for me on ATHENE, but, then, as it hears your title what
else should happen.
I am going in again on Thursday, so I hope until then to
write the reviews, after all.
I telephoned Ricky and found he has been away for a few
day, in the country: Nols was there & very well. I shall
not bow about the wig-wams until tomorrow.
I love you, dearest Syliva. Let me know immediately
(or bluchheall) if you mind me to see about the Marinelli.
Have no fear. I love you
68534742 - jesseytucker
23-4-51Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your journey was comfortale: as the afternoon
wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on
the train. I do hope that you do not find undone work to
bother you at Pett and that M is not dreary. No, fruther, I
hope that he is gay.
As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A. Not only have
I Arrest of Muhammad 2 books, one ofhe Quardi's and the other
of Funeli's drawings, have arrived. Also, a review of
Farleight's new book which I had give up has arrived: so the
4 rage raid in substatially reduced. Which is working
for me on ATHENE, but, then, as it hears your title what
else should happen.
I am goin gin again on thursday, so I have until the a
unite on the review, after all.
I telephoned Ricky and found he has been away for a few
days, in the country: half was there and very well. I shall
not know about the wig-wams until tomorrow
I love you, dearest Sylvia. Let me know immediately
(at Blackheath) if you mind me to see about the Mawells.
Have no fear. I love you.
70133151 - ravendrop
[23-4-51]Dearest Sylvia
I hope your journey was comfortable : as the afternoon
wears on it becomes warmer so I am glad you decided on
the train. I do hope that you do not find undone wrote to
batls you at Patt and that M is not dreary. No, frankly, I hope that he is gay.
As for me, do not worry about the S.E.A. Natons have
1 article & manuscript 2 books, one of Guadi's & the atlas of Funeli's drawings, have arrived. Also a review of
Farleigh's new book which I had given up has arrived : so the
4 page raid is substantially reduced. Wick is working
for me on ATHENE, first, then, as it hears your title what
else should happen.
I am going in again on Thursday, so I have until then to
write the reviews, after all.
I telephoned Ricky and found he has been away for a few
days, in the country : nall was there & very well. I shall
not know about wig-wams until tomorrow
I love you, dearest Sylvia. Let me know immediately
(at Blackheat) if you want me to see about the Maswells.
Have no fear. I love you