- Max. dissimilarity: 0.222
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.129
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 67440154 - ethomson
- 67640708 - altheist
- 68227164 - JanetCormack
- 68456567 - Preacher357
- 68599573 - Sarahbt
- 68635662 - gailkoelker

WINNER - 67440154 - ethomson
There is the doric tall houseOn the bridge above the river
Where I rowed another summer:
The river is what it was then -
Sluggish, picturesque, & cool.
The muses of topography
Are hamadryads & river-gods:
Though no oracle inhales the steam,
Yet, superstitious classicist,
I count the toga and the laurel.
Tender fallacies in the contour
of the landscape and the city:
Emperors posed against the tower
of 'the lantern of the West'.
Mostly it is Minerva I mind,
In marble bust and local lore.
I think of you all the while, as my poem tries to show. Do
think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more,
in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs. Taft is nice this after-
I adore you
67640708 - altheist
There is the darie tall houseOn the bridge along the river
Where I sowed another summer:
The river is what it was then -
Sluggish, picturesque, & cool.
The muses of topography
Are hamadryads & river - gods:
Thang so oracle inhales the steam,
Yet, superstitious classicist,
I count the toga and the laurel.
Tender fallacies in the contour
Of the landscape and the city:
Empoerors poased against the towns
Of "the lantern of the West".
Mostly is it Minerva I mind,
In marble bust and local lore.
I think of you all the while, as my poem tnes to show. Do think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more, in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs. Taft is nice this afternoon.
I adore you,
68227164 - JanetCormack
There is the doric tall houseOn the bridge above the river
Where I rowed another summer:
The river is what it was then -
Sluggish, picturesque, & cool.
The muses of topography
Are hamadryads & river-gods:
Though no oracles inhales the steam,
Yet, superstitious classicist,
I count the toga and the laurel.
Tender fallacies in the contours
Of the landscape and the city:
Emperors posed againstthe tower
Of 'the lantern of the West'.
Mostly it is Minerva I mind
In marble lust and local lore.
I think of you all the while, as my poem tries to show. Do think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more, in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs Taft is nice this afternoon.
I adore you
68456567 - Preacher357
There is the daric tall houseOn the bridge above the river
Where I another summer:
The river is what it was then -
Sluggish, picturesque, and cool.
The muses of topography
Are hamadryads & river - gods:
Though no oracle inhale the steam,
Yet, superstitious classicist,
I count the togo and the laurel.
Tender fallacies in the contans
Of the landscape and the city:
Emperors posed against the tower
Of ' the lantern of the West?
Mostly it is I mind,
In marble bust and local lore.
I think of you all the while, as my poem tries to show. Do think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more, in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs Taft is nice this after-
I adore you
68599573 - Sarahbt
There is the dark tall houseOn the bridge above the river
Where I rowed another summer
The river is what it was then
Sluggish, picturesque, & cool
The muses of topography
Are hamadryads & river-gods
Though no oracle inhales the steam,
Yet, superstitious classicist,
I count the toga and the laurel
Tender fallacies in the contours
of the landscape and the city
Emperors posed against the tower
of 'the lantern of the West'.
Mostly it is Minerva I need
In marble bust and local lore.
I think of you all the while, as my poem tries to show. Do think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more, in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs Taft is nice this after-noon.
I adore you
68635662 - gailkoelker
There is the doric tall houseOn the bridge above the river
Where I sowed another summer:
The river is what it was then
Sluggish, picturesque, & cool.
The muses of topography
Are lamadryads & river-gods:
Thou no oracle inhales the steam,
Let, superstitious classicist,
I count the toga and the laurel.
Tender fallacies in the contour
Of the landscape and the city:
Emperors posed against the tower
Of 'the lantern of the West'
Mostly it is Minerva I mind
In marble bust and local lore
I think of you all the while, as my poem tries to show. Do think of me. I shall soon be back.
I love you so much & rejoice, may I say it once more, in the Redfern success. I hope Mrs. Taft is nice this afternoon.
I adore you