- Max. dissimilarity: 0.221
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.151
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66907799 - botting
- 67046326 - Preacher357
- 68228522 - mikethebike2
- WINNER - 68284217 - clewarne
- 68584509 - FrederikeLisanne
- 68666413 - JanetCormack

66907799 - botting
I have now read Trial By Jury, Princess Ida and Utopia Limited G.W.S. Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddigore. The Major-general in the Pirates of Penzance is amusing:I know our mythic history, King Arthur & Sir Caradoc's....
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows & Zoffanies.
and, there is Scaplico in Utopia Limited:
' when I love it will be with the accumulated fervour of sixty-six years. But I have an ideal- a semi- transparent Being, filled with an inorganic pink jelly!
Princess Ida is madly anti- feminist & Ruddigore relates with Darian; also i think Auden benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very soon, my dearest. I love you
67046326 - Preacher357
I have now read Trial By Jury, Princess Ida, and Uto-pia Limited by W.S. Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddi-
gore. The Mayor - General in the Pirates of Penzance is
I know our mythic history, King Arthur & Sir Caradoc's...,
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows & Zoffanies.
and, there is Scaplio in Utopia Limited:
"when I love it well he with accumulated fervour of
sixty-six years. But I have an ideal - a semi - trans-
parent Being, filled with an inorganic pink-jelly;
Princess' da is madly anti-feminist & Ruddigore relates
with Dorian: also I think Auden benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very
soon, my dearest. I love you
68228522 - mikethebike2
I have now read Trial by Jury, Princess Ida, and Ultima Limited G.W.S.Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddigore. The Major General in the Pirates of Penzance is amusing,I know bus mythic history, King Arthur & Sir Carodoc's,, I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Does & Zoffanies. and , there is Scaplio in Utopia Limited. when I love it will be until the accumulated ferrous of sixty-six years. But I have an idea, a semi trans parent being filled with an inorganic pink- jelly.
Princess Ida is madly anti feminist & Ruddigore relates with Darian, also I think Audan benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very soon my dearest. I love you Lawrence
WINNER - 68284217 - clewarne
I have now read Trial By Jury, Princess Ida, and Uto-pia Limited by W.S. Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddi-
gore. The Major-General in the Pirates of Penzance is
I know our mythic history, King Arthur & Sir Caradoc's...
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows & Zoffanies.
And there is Scapho in Utopia Limited:
'When I love it will be with the accumulated fervour of
sixty-six years. But I have an ideal - a semi-trans-
parent Being, filled with an inorganic pink-jelly'.
Princess Ida is madly anti-feminist & Ruddigore relates
with Dorian: also I think Anden benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very
soon, my dearest.
I love you
68584509 - FrederikeLisanne
I have now read Trial by Jury, Princess Ida, and Utopia Limited by W.S. Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddigore. The Major-General in the Perales of Pengaves is amusing:'I know aus mythic history, Kig Arthur & Sir Carodoc's...
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows & Zoffanies.'
and, there is Scaplio in Utopia Limited:
'When I lone it will be until the accumulated fervour of sixty-six years. But I have an ideal - a semi-transparent Being, filled with an inorganic pink-jelly.'
Princess Ida is madly anti-feminist & Ruddigore relates with Dorian: also I think Auden benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very soon, my dearest. I love you
68666413 - JanetCormack
I have now readd Trial by Jury, Princess Ida and Utopia Limited by W. S. Gilbert as well as the Mikado & Ruddigore. The Major-General in the Pirates of Penzance is amusing:'I know our mythic history, King Arthur & Sir Caradoc's ...
I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows & Zoffanies.'
and, there is Scaplio in Utopia Limited:
'When I love it will be the accumulated fervour of sixty-six years. But I have an ideal - a semi-transparent Being, filled with an inorganic pink-jelly.'
Princess Ida is wildly anti-feminist & Ruddigore relates with Dorian: also I think Auden benefitted from Gilbert.
I love you & look forward to seeing you very soon, my dearest, I love you