- Max. dissimilarity: 0.06
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.029
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67026785 - not-logged-in-82d3bbaf71c543f18ba4
- WINNER - 67348409 - tinkapuppy
- 67519567 - not-logged-in-cb80d29dafb722bbd729
- 67996599 - Frosty1
- 68007977 - not-logged-in-504251784f923a1352b8
- 68086004 - JanetCormack
- 68489640 - elle67

67026785 - not-logged-in-82d3bbaf71c543f18ba4
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, the character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our flight, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
WINNER - 67348409 - tinkapuppy
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With Music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our flight, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
67519567 - not-logged-in-cb80d29dafb722bbd729
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our flight, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
67996599 - Frosty1
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot : by standing still
He defined our flight, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
68007977 - not-logged-in-504251784f923a1352b8
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
in pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as shark as moss and jokes
Make sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our flight, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
68086004 - JanetCormack
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like Autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that character?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He has his purposes like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our fligh, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.
68489640 - elle67
THE DANCERSThe sun's north is the island's south.
This is the shortest night is June.
Delay as if it were the longest.
Like unrooted flowers alive
In pervasive and transparent water
We follow seasons in an evening,
Not free to die like autumn leaves
But held within our vase of arms.
When I dreamed of floating
It was with you, it was this accord
With music in the mid-summer.
Where is he from, that charachter?
His hair was like a windmill
Reflected in a grey canal.
Square in the door he mocked his peers
With thoughts as sharp as moss and jokes
Made sinister by provincial stages.
He had his purpose, like a peasant
In a double-plot: by standing still
He defined our flighty, as we floated
Like acrobats across the big top.