- Max. dissimilarity: 0.202
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.142
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66563455 - WiltedLotus
- 66588009 - nzanga
- 66842145 - N5bz
- 66912837 - tmeconverse
- WINNER - 67130949 - Frosty1
- 67320460 - k8mielke

66563455 - WiltedLotus
Dearest SylviaI miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed for a wonderful time in the country. I do hope I shall see you again there shortly. You certainly owe it to me in time: tell M that I have demanded some of my back time. I hope that you will be able to paint this afternoon- it is sunny & dry in London, tho' there was a night of storm. I do think that your new watercolour is an important one. Oh dearest Sylvia - how I admire your art: do go to Mrs. Hake this week for 'her' view. You will please her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear that I have missed no lectures: the post was only friendly or informative (17 letters in all). Atlas was among them. I will send you copies tomorrow. I think it looks rather well. This morning I went to Ted & then to the Tate Gallery; it included the original Pequet or Virtue in Danger from Buffalo, US. I have found in the library a M.L.A. book about England C18th novels which should be very interesting.
I'm afraid this letter is a bit chaotic but post offices are not the best places to write in.
How I look forward to seeing you & the Woods next week. I love you, I cannot possibly live without you
66588009 - nzanga
Dearest SylviaI miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed for a wonderful time in the country. i do hope I shall see you there again shortly. You certainly owe it to me in time: tell M that I have demanded some of my back time. I hope that you will be able to paint this afternoon - it is sunny & dry in London, tho' there was a night of storm. I do think that your new watercolour is an important one- as dearest Sylvie- how I admire your art: do go to Mrs Hake this week for 'her' view. You will please her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear that I have missed no lectures: the post was only friendly and informative (17 letters in all). Atlas was among them. I will send you copies tomorrow. I think it looks rather well. This morning I went to Ted & then to the Tate Gallery: it includes the original Piquet or Voiture in Danger form Buffalo, U.S. I have found in the library a M.L.A. book about English 18thC novels which should be very interesting.
I'm afraid this letter is a bit drastic but post offices are not the best places to write in.
How I look forward to seeing you & the Woods next week. I love you, I cannot possibly live without you.
66842145 - N5bz
Dearest SylviaI miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed
for a wonderful time in the country. I do hope
I shall see you there again shortly. You certainly
owe it to me in time: tell M that I have demanded
some of my back time. I hope that you will be
able to paint this afternoon - it is sunny & dry in
London. tho ' there was a night of storm. I do think
that your new watercolor is an important one. as dearest Sylvia - how I admire your art : do go
to Mrs Blake this week for ' her ' view. You will please
her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear
that I have missed no lectures : the past was only
friendly or informalin (17 letters in all). Athers
was away then. I will send you copies tomorrow.
I think it looks rather well. This morning I
went to Ted & then to the Tate Valley: it include
the original Piquet or Virline in Danger from Buffalo,
U. S. I have found = the library a M.L.A. book
about Englind (18th novels which should be very
I'm afraid this letter is a bit chaotic but post
offices are not the best places to write in.
How I look forward to seeing you & the woods next
week. I love you, I cannot possibly live
without you
66912837 - tmeconverse
Dearest SylviaI miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed for a wonderful time in the country. I do hope I shall see you there again shortly. You certainly owe it to me in time: Tell M that I have demanded some of my back time. I hope that you will be able to paint this afternoon - it is sunny & dry in London, tho' there was a night of storm. I do think that your new watercolor is an important one. Oh dearest Sylvia - how I admire your art: do go to Mrs. Make this week for 'her' view. You will please her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear that I have missed no lectures: the post was only friendly on informalities (17 letters in all). Atlas was among them. I will send you copies tomorrow. I think it looks rather well. This morning I went to Ted & then to the Tate Gallery: it includes the original Piquet or Virtue in Danger from Buffalo, U.S. I have found in the library a M.L.A. book about English C18th novels which should be very interesting.
I'm afraid this letter is a bit chaotic but post offices are not the best places to write in.
How I look forward to seeing you & the Woods, next week. I love you, I cannot possibly live without you
WINNER - 67130949 - Frosty1
Dearest SylviaI miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed for a wonderful time in the country. I do hope I shall see you there again shortly. You certainly owe it to me in time : tell M that I have demanded some of my back time. I hope that you will be able to paint this afternoon - it is sunny & dry in London, tho' there was a night of storm. I do think that your new watercolour is an important one. As dearest Sylvia - how I admire your art : do go to Mrs Hake this week for 'her' view. You will please her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear that I missed no lectures : the post was only friendly or informative ( 17 letters in all ). A thesis was among them. I will send you copies tomorrow. I think it looks rather well. This morning I went to Ted & then to the Tate gallery : it includes the original Piquet or Virtue in Danger form Buffalo, U.S. I have found in the library a M.L.A. book about English C18th novels which should be very interesting.
I'm afraid this letter is a bit chaotic but post offices are not the best places to write in.
How I look forward to seeing you & the Woods next week. I love you, I cannot possibly live without you
67320460 - k8mielke
Dearest Sylvia I miss you very much. Thank you very much indeed for a wonderful time in the country. I do hope I shall see you there again shortly. You certainly owe it to me in time. I hope that you will be able to paint this afternoon - it is sunny & dry in London, tho' there was a night of storm. I do think that your new watercolour is an important one. Oh dearest Sylvia - how I admire your art: do go to Mrs Hale this week for 'her' view. You will please her, yourself, & me. You will be glad to hear that I have missed no lectures: the past was only friendly and informative (17 letters in all). Atlas was among them. I will send you copies tomorrow. I think it looks rather well. This morning I went to Ted & then in the Tate gallery: it includes the original Piquet or Virline in Danger from Buffalo, U.S. I have found in the library a M.L.A. book about Evgline (18th novels which should be very interesting) I'm afraid this letter is a bit Iaotic but part offices are not the best places to write in. How I look forward to seeing you & the Woods next week. I love you, I cannot possibly live without you Lawrence