- Max. dissimilarity: 0.027
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.013
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66933410 - maestrie
- 67649017 - rhughes307
- 67734089 - not-logged-in-9e4e3cc6f82267d350b2
- 67744455 - SilverSeadog
- 68157419 - Berhel
- 68178237 - Preacher357
- 68179269 - jesseytucker

WINNER - 66933410 - maestrie
I have been reading Simone Weil on TheIliad: The Poem of Force and I think I
may expand my war films article a bit.
She argues a man faced with death is a
thing, in the existential sense: no lib-
erty, no future. The killer is equal-
ly force's victim.
Congratulations on finishing Erika's
portrait: what I saw was delightful
and I am impatient to see the finished
thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I
was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He
is doing some interesting abstractions
now: subltler in color, more complex,
and with considerable glazing. Today
I am meeting him and we are going to the
private view of British Abstract Art at
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do
not think it is quite right. It is not
conceivable that I work in the Library
as an assistant, for example. The age
limit is 16-25. The posts are for peop-
le absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going
public. I fear I should risk exposing
myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods.
I will write them soon - and you again.
I adore you.
67649017 - rhughes307
I have been reading Simone Weil on TheIliad: The Poem of Force and I think I
may expand my war films article a bit.
She argues a man faced with death is a
thing, in the existential sense: no lib-
erty, no future. The killer is equal-
ly forcer's victim.
Congratulations on finishing Erika's
portrait: what I saw was delightful
and I am impatient to see the finished
thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I
was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He
is doing some interesting abstractions
now: subtler in color, more complex,
and with considerable glazing. Today
I am meeting him and we are going to the
private view of British Abstract Art at
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do
not think it is quite right. It is not
conceivable that I work in the Library
as an assistant, for example. The age
limit is 16-25. The posts are for peop-
le absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going
public. I fear I should risk exposing
myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods.
I will write them soon - and you again.
I adore you,
67734089 - not-logged-in-9e4e3cc6f82267d350b2
I have been reading Simone Weil on TheIliad: The Poem of Force and I think I
may expand my war films article a bit.
She argues a man faced with death is a
thing, in the existential sense: no lib-
erty, no future. The killer is equal-
ly force's victim.
Congratulations on finishing Erika's
portrait: what I saw was delightful
and I am impatient to see the finished
thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I
was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He
is doing some interesting abstractions
now: subtler in color, more complex,
and with considerable glazing. Today
I am meeting him and we are going to the
private view of British Abstract Art at
Thank You for the V and A cutting: I do
not think it is quite right. It is not
conceivable that I work in the Library
as an assistant, for example. The age
limit is 16-25. The posts are for peop-
le absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going
public. I fear I should risk exposing
myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods.
I will write them soon - and you again.
I adore you,
67744455 - SilverSeadog
I have been reading Simone Weil on The Iliad: The Poem of Force and I think I may expand my war films article a bit. She argues a man faced with death is a thing, in the existential sense: no liberty, no future. The killer is equally force's victim.Congratulations on finishing Erika's portrait: what I saw was delightful and I am impatient to see the finished thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He is doing some interesting abstractions now: subltler in colour, more complex, and with considerable glazing. Today I am meeting him and we are going to the private view of British Abstract Art at Gimpel.
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do not think it is quite right. It is not conceivable that I work in the Library as an assistant, for example. The age limit is 16-25. The posts are for people absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going public. I fear I should risk exposing myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods. I will write them soon - and you again.
I adore you,
68157419 - Berhel
I have been reading Simone Weil on The Iliad: The Poem of Force and I think I may expand my war films article a bit. She argues a man faced with death is a thing, in the existential sense: no liberty, no future. The killer is equally force's victim.Congratulations on finishing Erika's portrait: what I saw was delightful and I am impatient to see the finished thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He is doing some interesting abstractions now: subtler in colour, more complex, and with considerable glazing. Today I am meeting him and we are going to the private view of British Abstract Art at Gimpel.
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do not think it is quite right. It is not conceivable that I work in the Library as an assistant, for example. The age limit is 16-25. The posts are for people absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going public. I fear I should risk exposing myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods. I will write them soon - and you again. I adore you,
68178237 - Preacher357
I have been reading Simone Weil on TheIliad: The Poem of Force and I think I
may expand my war films article a bit.
She argues a man faced with death is a
thing, in the existential sense: no lib-
erty, no future. The killer is equal-
ly force's victim.
Congratulations on finishing Erika's
portrait: what I saw was delightful
and I am impatient to see the finished
thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I
was lecturing at the N.G. so came. He
is doing some interesting abstractions
now: sublter in color, more complex,
and with considerable glazing. Today
I am meeting him and we are going to the
private view of British Abstract Art at
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do
not think it is quite right. It is not
conceivable that I work in the Library
as an assistant, for example. The age
limit is 16-25. The posts are for peop-
le absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going
public. I fear I should risk exposing
myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods.
I will write them soon - and you again.
I adore you,
68179269 - jesseytucker
I have been reading Simone Weil on TheIliad: The Poem of Force and I think I
may expand my war films article a bit.
She argues a man faced with death is a
thing, in the existential sense: no lib-
erty, no future. The killer is equal-
ly force's victim.
Congratulations on finishing Erika's
portrait: what I saw was delightful
and I am impatient to see the finished
thing. I am glad she liked it.
John McHale heard from Madeleine that I
was lecturing at the N.G so came. He
is doing some interesting abstractions
now: subtler in color, more complex,
and with considerable glazing. Today
I am meeting him and we are going to the
private view of British Abstract Art at
Thank you for the V and A cutting: I do
not think it is quite right. It is not
conceivable that I work in the library
as an assistant, for example. The age
limit is 16-25. The posts are for peop-
le absolutely unfamiliar to the art-going
public. I fear I should risk exposing
myself to a step down.
I love you. Give my love to the Woods.
I will write them soon--and you again.
I adore you,