- Max. dissimilarity: 0.232
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.138
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66577494 - evanstonsherry
- 67309571 - gailkoelker
- 67346953 - Zunie2010
- WINNER - 67932972 - SREM
- 68532177 - ALBECA
- 68552336 - Preacher357
- 68755495 - nhsia

66577494 - evanstonsherry
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB
I have woken to the shining crystal of day which has 4 facets, one for each page
of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday - that would be marvel-
lous. However, I shall - as Coleridge recommended - 'suspend belief'
until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet
you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small sees - in every
way be the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in
the least ashamed. No - on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane or
Caro who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatrous (rap-
acious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it phantastic about the Kensington Gallery show! They are all paying
something towards it, of course. CJ & Payrer have sent me cards but I
have no intention of reviewing it. Moronic Raynor-Banlan to leave
out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my
cat - I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Foote's Taste &
CANTO 'the very mutilation of this piece are worth all the most perfect
performance of modern artists'.
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ravished! Transported! So decent!
So grave! - Is it a man or a woman?"
and later on
'How the Devil would we distinguish the works of the Ancients if
they were perfect?
The Bust's nose in missing:
CANTO "The nose itself without the head, in another's possession, would
be an estate." But here are an Equestrian Statues of Marcus
Aurelius without the Horse & a complete statue of the Emperor
Trojan until only the Head & legs missing'.
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable.
I shall be getting my lectures ready then this evening I am going to
the Rex to see war film and a Western (War Correspondent & Hell Town)
I love you, dearly, dearly.
(adore you)
67309571 - gailkoelker
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB I have woken to the shining crystal of day which has 4 facets, one for each page of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday-that would be marvelous. However, I shall-as Coleridge recommended-"suspend belief" until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small -in every way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in the least ashamed. No-on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane or Carol who are imitating you-for you describe them both as "rapatious" (rapacious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it phantastic about the Kensington Gallery show! They are all paying something towards it, of course. CJ & Poyser have sent me cards but I have no intention of reviewing it. Moronic Rayner-Bonham to leave out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my cat-I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Foote's "Taste" : CANTO 'the very "mutilations" of this piece are worth all the most perfect Performances of Modern Artists'.
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ravished! Transported! So decent! So grave!-is it a man or a woman?' and later on
'How the Devil would we distinguish the Works of the Ancients if they were perfect'.
The Burt's nose is missing:
CANTO 'The Nose itself without the head, in another's possession, would be an estate'. But here are an Equestrian Statue of "Marcus Aurelius" without the Horse, & a complete statue of the Emperor "Trajan" with only the Head & Legs missing'.
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable. I shall be getting my lectures ready, then this evening I am going to the Rex to see a war film and a Western ("War Correspondent" & "Hell Town"). I love you, dearly, dearly. I adore you Lawrence
67346953 - Zunie2010
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB I have waken to the shining crystal of day which has & facets, one for each page of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday - that would be marvelous. However, I shall - as Coleridge recommended - 'suspend belief' until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small sees - in every way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in the least ashamed. Now on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane or Carol who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatrous' (rapacious) and that Desiree never is.
Unit it about the Kensington Gallery show! They are all paying something towards it, of course. 15 of payers have sent me cards but I have no intention of reviewing it. Rayner - Bonham to leave out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my cat - I felt a need for ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art - dealers in Samuel Foote's Taste
CANTO 'the very mutilations of this piece are worth all of the perfect Performance of Modern Artists!
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! ! So decent! So grave! - Is it a man or woman?
and later on
'How the devil would one distinguish the works of the Ancients if they were perfect?
The Bust's nose is missing:
CANTO 'The Nose itself without the , in another's possession, would be an estate! But here are an Equestrian Statutes of Marcus Aurelius without the horse & a complete statue of the emperor Trojan with only the Head and legs missing!
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable. I shall be getting my lectures ready. Then this evening I am going to the Rex to see a war film and a Western (War Correspondent & Hell Town.)
I love you dearly, dearly.
(Adore you)
WINNER - 67932972 - SREM
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB I have woken to the shining crystal of day which has 4 facets, one for each page of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday - that would be marvellous. However, I shall, as Coleridge recommended - 'suspend belief' until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will met you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small sees - in every way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in the least ashamed. No - on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane or Carol who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatious' (rapacious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it fantastic about the Kensington Gallery show! They are all paying something towards it, of course. CJ & Poyser have sent me cards but I have no intention of reviewing it. Moronic Rayner-Bonham to leave out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my cat - I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Foote's Taste:
CANTO 'the very mutilations of this piece are worth all the most perfect performances of modern artists'.
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ravished! Transported! So decent! So grave! - is it a man or a woman?'
and later on
'How the devil would we distinguish the works of the Ancients if they were perfect'.
The bust's nose is missing:
CANTO 'The nose itself without the head, in another's possession, would be an estate'. But here are an Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius without the horse & a complete statue of the emperor Trajan with only the head & legs missing'.
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable. I shall be getting my lectures ready, then this evening I am going to the Rex to see a war film and a western (War Correspondent & Hell Town)
I love you, dearly, dearly
I adore you
68532177 - ALBECA
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB I have woken at the shining crystal of day which has , one for each page of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday - that would be marvelous. However, I shall - as Coleridge recommended 'suspend belief' until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small sees - in every way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in the least blamed. No on re-doing your letter it must be Mary Jane or Carol who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatious' (rapacious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it fantastic about the Kennington Valley show! They are all paying something towards it, of course. & Poyrer have sent me cards but I have no intention of reviewing it. Moronie Rayner - Bonlom to leave out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my - I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savoge reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Footer Tart's: CANTO 'the very mutilations of this piece are worth all the most perfect performances of modern Artists?
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ! Comforted! So decent! So grave! - Is it a man or a woman?'
and later on
'How the Devil would we distinguished the works of the Ancients if they were perfect?
The Bust's nose is missing:
CANTO 'The Nose itself the mood, in another's possession, would be an estate! But here are an Statues of Marden Amelius the Horse a complete statue of the emperor Trojan with only the Head & legs missing.'
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable. I shall be getting my lectures ready. This evening I am going to the RX to see a war film and a Western (War Correspondent & Hell Town.)
I love you, dearly, dearly.
(adore you)
68552336 - Preacher357
Monday morningI have woken to the shining crystal of day which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the PRB
of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday - that would be marvel-
lous. However, I shall - as Coleridge recommended - 'suspend belief'
until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet
you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small - in every
way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in
the least ashamed. No - on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane &
Carol who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatious' (rap-
acious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it fantastic about the Kerrington Gallery show! They are all paying
something towards it, of course. C J & Payer have sent me cards but I
have no intention of reviewing it. Moronic Rayner - Banlam to leave
out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my
cat - I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Foote's Taste
CAN TO 'the very Mutilations of this piece are worth all the most perfect
Performances of Modern Artists'.
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ravished! Tramported! So decent!
so grave! - Is it a man or a woman?
and later on
-How the Devil would we distinguish the Works of the Ancients if
they were project?
The Bust's nose is missing:
CAN TO 'The Nose itself without the Head, in another's possession, would
be an estate: But here are an Equestrian statues of Marcus Aurelius without the Horse & a complete statue of the Emperor
Trajan with only the Head & legs missing:
Today you will be painting Desiree. I am sure that will be enjoyable.
I shall be getting my lectures ready, then this evening I am going to
the REX to see a war film and a Western (War Correspondent & Hell Town)
I love you, dearly, dearly.
I adore you
68755495 - nhsia
Monday morningAfter a night in which I had complicated and anxious dreams about the P R B
I have woken to the shining crystal of day which has 4 facets, one for each page of your letter.
You say you may be able to come on Friday -- that would be marvel-
lous. However, I shall - as Coleridge recommended - 'suspend belief'
until you actually say when you are coming definitely. Be sure I will meet
you whenever it is.
I am amused to hear that Desiree and Carol are now small sees - in every
way but the essential ones, of course. You should be flattered and not in
the least ashamed. No - on re-reading your letter it must be Mary Jane &
Carol who are imitating you - for you describe them both as 'rapatious' (rap-
acious) and that Desiree never is.
Isn't it phantastic about the Kensington Gallery show! They are all paying
something towards it, of course. CJ & Poyrer have sent me cards but I
have no intention of reviewing it. Maranic Rayner-Bonham to leave
out Madeleine and yourself! I kept my article as a surprise for my
cat - I felt a reader of ART NEWS needed surprises!
Savage reminds me of the art-dealer in Samuel Foate's Tarto &
CANTO 'the very mutilations of this piece are worth all the most perfect
Performances of Modern Artists'.
NOVICE 'Great! Amazing! Divine! I'm ravished! Transported! So decent!
so grave! -- Is it a man or a woman?'
and later on
'How the Devil would we distinguish the Works of the Ancients if
they were perfect?
The Bunt's nose is missing:
CANTO "The Nose itself without the Head, in another's possession, would
be an estate" But here are an Equestrian Statues of Marcus
Aurelius without the Horse & a complete statue of the Emperor
Trajan with only the Head and legs missing?
Today you will be painting Desiree: I am sure that will be enjoyable.
I shall be getting my lectures ready, then this evening I am going to
the REX to see a war film and a Western (War Correspondent & Hell Town).
I love you, dearly, dearly.
I adore you