- Max. dissimilarity: 0.093
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.05
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66743376 - Preacher357
- 66898013 - MrComaToes2
- 66979335 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
- 67008883 - k.h.pot
- 67415915 - xuelee
- 67827348 - charlotteisreading

WINNER - 66743376 - Preacher357
Aristotelian quotrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a leg, lace of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths, and landings
Who do I imitate except desire.
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Without whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For An Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I check the floral zodiac
In whose favours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christened the white profile of clematis
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses:
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and mushrooms
As phallic heads of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperweight.
66898013 - MrComaToes2
Asistotelian quotrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a log, lace of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and the murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths and landings
Who do I imitate except desire
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Without whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For an Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I check the floral zodiac
In whose favours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christened the white profile of the climatis
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses:
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and mushrooms
As phallic heads of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperweight.
66979335 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
Aristotelian quatrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a leg, lace of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths, and landings
Who do I imitate except desire.
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Without whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For An Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I check the floral zodiac
In whose favours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christened the white climatis profile of
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses;
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and mushrooms
As phallic heads of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperweight.
67008883 - k.h.pot
Aristotelian quatrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a leg, lace of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths, and landings
Who do I imitate except desire.
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Without whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For An Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I check the floral zodiac
In whose favours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christened the white profile of clematis
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses:
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and musrooms
As phallic heads of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperweight.
67415915 - xuelee
Aristotelian quotrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a leg, lace of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths, and landings
Who do I imitate except desire.
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Without whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For An Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I chek the floral zodiac
In whose favours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christened the white profile of clematis
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses:
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and mushrooms
As phallic heads of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperweight.
67827348 - charlotteisreading
Aristotelian quotrainsWho do I imitate when I address
The man in the moon or the female stars,
Moss on a leg, lave of a monolith?
Who do I imitate except chaotic love.
The tableau vivant in the glacier
Edges into Europe carrying
The sabre-toothed tiger and murdered head.
Who do I imitate except the past.
When the alphabet of objects spells
Roses in all shadows and all lights,
In chimneys, basins, paths, and landigs,
Who do I imitate except desire.
When I beat time to silent music
Who do I imitate except myself
Whitout whose ardour, could I imitate
Minervan statues on this North, this rock?
For An Aunt
Today being Sunday, your guest a gardener,
I check the floral zodiac
In whose flavours the country day ripens,
But query if your herbals are the same.
Has she seen the lacerated tulips
Bleed perfume for the senses,
Christend the white profile of chlomatis
Spindly on the rough wall of the night?
What associations have the roses:
Are they mouths the hermits fed,
Does she reckon leaves as quims and mushrooms
As phallic heafs of fertile buried fellows?
The Poet
The paper - like a girl
On a sheet, white bowl
Where a rose lies - waits
For ink, or substitutes.
I question the sail -
A thoughtful mate.
The craft is becalmed
Like a paperwight.