- Max. dissimilarity: 0.957
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.37
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66588327 - Preacher357
- 67401484 - maid71
- 67918186 - not-logged-in-324275d77a5b5201e0d8
- WINNER - 68017696 - jsprake
- 68358256 - tinkapuppy
- 68373656 - _secunda

66588327 - Preacher357
25th September Dearest SylviaThis is little more than a note to give you my love - &
my thanks for the SUPERB drawing of Warrily - so well-drawn &
deliciously inventive.
It is 7:20 in the evening. I have just returned from
London where I have the Whistles lecture - with, I think,
success. In a few moments the post will go but
I did not want to leave you without any thing from my
paw. Forgive me but I have been fairly busy -
right up to the last moment nor will I have much leis-
ure until after Thursday's lecture.
My beautiful painter - your new self-portrait is
very good, very good indeed. I have studied it for
several days. (I came back Sunday from Wimbledon.)
Must run to the post in the heavy rain now, More
tomorrow. I love you
67401484 - maid71
25th SeptemberDearest Sylvia
This is little more than a note to give you my love - & my thanks for the SUPERB drawing of Wavily- so well-drawn & deliciously inventive.
It is 7.20 in the evening. I have just returned from London where I gave the Whistler lecture - with, I think, success. In a few moments the past will go but I did not want to leave you without anything from my now. Forgive me but I have been fairly busy - right up to the last moment - nor will I have much until after Thursday's lecture.
My beautiful painter - your new self-portrait is very good, very good indeed. I have studied it for several days. (I came back Sunday from Wimbledon.)
Must run to the port in the heavy rain now. More tomorrow.
I love you
67918186 - not-logged-in-324275d77a5b5201e0d8
25th SeptemberDearest Sylvia
WINNER - 68017696 - jsprake
25th SeptemberDearest Sylvia
This is little more than a note to give you my love - &
my thanks for the SUPERB drawing of Warrily - so well-drawn &
deliciously inventive.
It is 7:20 in the evening. I have just returned from
London where I gave the Whistler lecture - with, I think,
success. In a few moments the post will go but
I did not want to leave you without any thing from my
hand?. Forgive me but I have been fairly busy -
right up to the last moment nor will I have much leis-
ure until after Thursday's lecture.
My beautiful painter - your new self-portrait is
very good, very good indeed. I have studied it for
several days (I came back Sunday from Wimbledon).
Must run to the post in the heavy rain now. More
I love you
68358256 - tinkapuppy
25th SeptemberDearest Sylvia,
This is little more than a note to give you my love - &
my thanks for the SUPERB drawing of Warrily - so well-drawn &
deliciously inventive.
It is 7:20 in the evening. I have just returned from
London where I gave the Whistler lecture - with, I think,
success. In a few moments the post will go but
I did not want to leave you without anything from my [...].. Forgive me but I have been fairly busy -
right up to the last moment: not will I have much leis-
ure until after Thursday's lecture.
My beautiful painter - your new self-portrait is
very good, very good indeed. I have studied it for
several days (I came back Sunday from Wimbledon).
Must run to the post in the heavy rain now. More
(I love you)
68373656 - _secunda
25th SeptemberDearest Sylvia
This is little more than a note to give you my love--& my thanks for the SUPERB drawing of Wassily--so well-drawn & deliciously inventive.
IC in 7.20 in the evening I have just returned from London where I gave the Whistler lecture--with, I think, success. In a few moments the part will go but I did not want to leave you without any thing from my paw. Forgive me but I have been fairly busy--right up to the last moment nor will I have much leisure until after Thursday's lecture.
My beautiful painter--your new self-portrait is very good, very good indeed. I have studied it for several days. (I came back Sunday from Wimbledon.)
Must run to the port in the heavy rain now. More tomorrow.
I love you