- Max. dissimilarity: 0.198
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.138
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 67163210 - hoskinml
- 67411554 - maid71
- 68570480 - ALBECA
- 68862501 - JanetCormack
- 71338027 - k.h.pot
- 71643615 - Zooniverse2017

WINNER - 67163210 - hoskinml
Blackheath [19-10-51]Friday
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia
Your sale of a picture is a great pleasure to me : it has cheered your lion no end as he has been getting over his cold, rather slowly, but, still, surely. You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send lion a little drawing of it, for your MSS lately have not been ( to Hetty's intense disappointment - & to mine) Ill. MSS. A drawing as well as the photograph, that is to say : am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-motion. (If I had found a job yet, I should be very reluctant indeed to be parted from you all this time.) On 6th November I am taking part in a Quiz or Informal Discussion in Blackheath arranged by the local Arts Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there : if he is I shall be firm, very firm.)
No, don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have re-newed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am visiting Father (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by his allergy to the various drugs used to keep post-operative pains down); then tea with CS and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going to Banstead (it'll be like Wednesday) to see Magda. (By the way, there were 19 people at Banstead last Wednesday.) I have undertaken to get PAPA some detective books: anything so long as it is unreadable, unreal as a crossword puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing vieux like Sherlock, for example). Nothing witty, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on Nostalgia and thought, as you did, that it is no great shakes: not even very well written. Still it does define one aspect of our current failure-of-nerve - as symptom rather than as an analysis.
The N G has at last published Davies' catalogue of The Earlier Ital. Schools: 460 pp and 8s. It is a most impressive labour indeed. Davies is a tiny (&academic) Hercules (but tiny).
Give Clifford my love.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you
67411554 - maid71
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia
Your sale of a picture is a great pleasure to me, it has cheered your lion no end as he has been getting over his cold, rather slowly, but, still, surely. You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send him a little drawing of it, for your MSS lately have not been (to Hetty's intense disappointment - & to mine) ill MSS. A drawing as well the photograph, that is to say - am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-motion. (If I had found a job yet, I should very reluctant indeed to be parted from you all this time.) On 6th November, I am taking part in a Quiz of Information Discussion in Blackheath managed by the local Arts Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there. If he is I will be firm, very firm).
No, don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have reviewed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am writing Father (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by his allergy to the ruinous drugs used to keep post-operation pains down); then tea with CS and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going to Banstead (it'll be like Wednesday) to see Magda. (By the way, there were 19 people at Banstead last Wednesday) I have undertaken to get PAPA some detective books; anything so long as it is unreadable, , as a puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing like Sherlock, for example). Nothing witty, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on Nostalgia and thought, as you did, that it is no great shakes, not even very well written. Still it does define one aspect of our current failure-of-nerve, as a symptom rather than as an analysis.
TG NG has at last published Jamie's catalogue of The Earlier Italian Schools: 460 pp and 8s. It is a most impressive labour indeed. Jamie's is a tiny (adademic) Hercules (but tiny).
Give Clifford my love.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you Lawrence
68570480 - ALBECA
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia
Your sale of a picture is great pleasure to me: it has cheered your lion up and as he has been getting over his cold, ratles slowly, but, still, surely. You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send lion a little drawing of it, for your MS lately have not been (to Hetty's intense disappointment - & to mine) . MSS. A drawing as well as the photograph, that is to say: am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-motion. (If I had found a job yet, I should be very reluctant indeed to be parted from you all this time.) On 6th November I am taking part in a Quiz or Informal Discussion in Blockheath arranged by the local Arts Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there. If he is I shall be firm, very firm.)
No, don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have renewed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am visiting Fatle (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by his allergy to the various drugs used to keep post-operative pains down); then tea with CS and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going to Banstend (I'll be back Wednesday) to see Mogda. (By the way, there were 19 people at Bansted last Wednesday.) I have undertaken to get PAPA some detective books: anything so long as it is unreadable, unreal as a crossword puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing like Sherlock, for example). Nothing witty, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on and thought, as you did, that it is no great shakes: not even very well written. Still it does define one aspect of our current failure-of-nerve as a symptom rather than as an analysis.
T6 NS has at last published Danie's catalogue of The Earlies Schools: 460pp and 8s. It is a most impressive labour indeed. Danie is a (& academic) Hercules (but tiney).
give Clifford my love.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you
68862501 - JanetCormack
Blackheath [19.10.51]Friday
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia
Your sale of a picture is a great pleasure to me: it has cheered your lion no end as he has been getting over his cold, rather slowly, but, still, surely. You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send Lion a little drawing of it, for your MSS lately have not been (to Hetty's intense disappointment - & to mine) Ill. MSS. A drawing as well as the photograph, that is to say: am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-motion. (if I found a job yet, I should be very reluctant indeed to be parted from you all this time.) On 6th November I am taking part in a Quiz or Informal Discussion in Blackheath arranged by the local Arts Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there: if he is I shall be firm, very firm)
No, don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have renewed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am visiting Father (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by his allergy to the various drugs used to keep post-operative pain down); then tea with CJ and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow (Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going to Banstead (it'll be like Wednesday) to see Maga. (By the way, there were 19 people at Banstead last Wednesday.) I have undertaken to get PAPA some detective books: anything so long as it is unreadable, unreal as a crossword puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing vieux like Sherlock, for example). Nothing witty, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on Nostalgia and thought, as you did, that it is not great shakes: not even very well written. Still it does define one aspect of our current failure-of-nerve - as a symptom rather than as an analysis.
The NG has at last published Davies' catalogue of The Earlier Ital Schools: 460 pp and 8s. It is a vast impressive labour indeed. Davies is a tiny & academic) Hercules (but tiny).
Give Clifford my love.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you
71338027 - k.h.pot
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia
Your sale of a picture is a great pleasure to me: it has cheered your lion
and as he has been getting over his cold, rather slowly, but, still, surely.
You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send lion a little drawing of
it, for your MSS lately have not been (to Metty's intense disappointment - &
to mine) Ill. Mss. A drawing as well as the photograph, that is to
say: am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-
motion. (If I had found a job yet, I should be very reluctant indeed to be
parted from you all this time.) On 6th November I am taking part
in a Quiz or Informal Discussion in Blackheath arranged by the
local Arts Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there: if he is I
shall be firm, very firm.)
No don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have re-
newed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am visiting Father (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by
his allergy to the various drugs used to keep post-operative pains down);
then tea with CS and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow
(Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going
to Banstead (it'll be like Wednesday) to see Magda. (By the way, there
were 19 people at Banstead last Wednesday.) I have undertaken to
get PAPA some detective books: anything so long as it is unreadable,
unreal as a crossword puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing meus
like Sherlock, for example). Nothing witty, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on Nostalgia and though, as you did,
that it is no great shakes: not even very well written. Still it does
define one aspect of our current failure-of-nerve as a sympton rather
than as an analysis.
TG NS has at last published Davies' catalogue of The Earlier
Ital. Schools: 460 pp and 85. It is a most impressive labour indeed.
71643615 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath [19-10-51]Friday
Dearest, my dearest Sylvia,
Your sale of a picture is a great pleasure to me: it has cheered your lion
up and as he has been getting over his cold, rather slowly, but, still, surely.
You might perhaps (this is only a suggestion) send lion a little drawing of
it, for your MSS lately have not been (to Metty's intense disappointment - &
to mine) Ill. MSS. A drawing as well as the photographs, that is to
say: am I not greedy!
Well, I shall expect you on about Monday fortnight. Time is a monster in slow-
motion. (If I had found a job yet, I should be very reluctant indeed to be
parted from you all this time.) On 6th November I am taking part
in a Quiz or Informal Discussion in Blackheath arranged by the
local Art Society. (I fear that awful fat man will be there: if he is I
shall be firm, very firm.)
No, don't return Henry VIII until you have finished with it. I have re-
newed it and will do so again tomorrow. There is no hurry.
Today I am writing Father (who is slowly convalescing, delayed a bit by
his allergy to the various drugs used to keep post-operative pains down);
then tea with CS and, if I'm not tired, I shall drop in on Paul. Tomorrow
(Saturday) is my day of rest and I can stay at home. Sunday I am going
to Barnstead (it'll be like Wednesday) to see Mogda. (By the way, there
were 19 people at Barnstead last Wednesday.) I have undertaken to
get PAPA some detective books: anything so long as it is unreadable,
unreal as a downward puzzle, English, and up-to-date (nothing much
like Sherlock, for example). Nothing with, like Chandler.
I have read at last Bowen on Nostalgia and thought, as you did,
that is is no great shocker: not even very well written. Still it does
define on aspect of our current failure-of-nerve - as a symptom rather
than as an analysis.
The NG has at last published Danies' catalogue of The Earlier
Ital. Idols: 460 pp and 8s. It is a most impressive labour indeed.
Danies is a tiny (academic) Hercules (but tiny).
Give Clifford my love.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you