- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.647
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67130494 - emcarleton
- 67953720 - tmeconverse
- 68486351 - xuelee
- 68541687 - Crazycatz935
- 68547775 - RommelC
- WINNER - 70046798 - Chris5420

67130494 - emcarleton
67953720 - tmeconverse
28 October 1951Dearest Silvia
If you are in town next Wednesday I do hope we can meet. I am free until the evening when I must go to Barnstead. How lovely if we can meet. If you do not come I see that M is coming anyway. Do you mean he will come to Blackheath? You must let me know when: then I shall be in. Why is he going to look for a room when he has a job at Cambridge...?
I wonder how you enjoy lecturing again. I am sure that you will like it. Hatty wonders if she can book the same lecture from you for the L.I. (Lions' Institute) at an early date. Tell me if you accept (one kiss for 'no', two for 'yes').
Last night I saw Parsons again. Magda & John entertained him as a possible buyer but I think that he will be no more use to John than to me. He has removed a good deal of this mustache but he is quite the same as ever I'm afraid. But Magda took John & I to a very nice dinner first and we had lots of excellent wine and that made up for the later part of the evening.
Your new picture sound charming in color and your sketch is full of sweeping flowing rhythms - as in your picture of Tiny In The Rose Garden though this one will, I think< be more successful. Your dabbing of the paint after ifter it is laid in the sky is a delicate piece of technique I hope to see shortly. (My painting lecture is probably 6th December, bu the way).
Here is a new poem called AFTER ANCESTORS WHAT
When marble trees, columns
On the evening terrace,
Smooth dogs or hunting ones,
Skies made of drapery,
Are carted off by time,
Made chaos of by wind,
What is left except what's gripped by hand?
The skull is left, the scrole
Unfurling to the right,
The sword-guard curving like
Female genitals around the wrist.
When storms are energy
Not gestures of a block
No attribute is certain
Of identity and only
The convex of a mask
Faces the concave head.
And I am working on a poem comparing Autumn to a Wunder Kammer and another one called NOCTURNE AFTER NINE as well as attempting to finish a few poems on scattered subjects. In short I am writing verse again.
Lewisham station is being painted and really it begins to look quite pretty. Perhaps it will be the turn of Blackheath next - it needs it.
Magda and John are both looking forward to seeing you again & so are Madeleine and Paul. But even more passionately waiting to see you are Dandy, Hetty, Lionel, & Yawolla. Oh I love you, I love you so much. I hope I see you on Wednesday. I adore you
68486351 - xuelee
68541687 - Crazycatz935
28 October 1951Dearest Sylvia
If you are in town next Wednesday I do hope we can meet. I am free until an evening when I must go to Bamstead. How lovely if we can meet. If you do
not come I see that M is coming anyway. Do you mean he will come to Black-
heath? You must let me know when I shall see him. Why is he going to
look for a room when he has a job at Cambridge..?
I wonder how you enjoy lecturing again. I am sure that you will like it.
Hetty wonders if she can book us some lecture from you for the L.I. (Lions'
Institute) at an early date. Tell me if you accept (one kiss for 'no', two for 'yes')
Last night I saw Parsons again. Mogda & John entertained him as a possible
buyer but I think that he will no more see a John to me. He has removed
a good deal of his moustache but he is quite as same as ever I'm afraid. But
Mogda took John to a very nice dinner first and we had lots of excellent
wine and that made up for the later part of the evening.
Your new picture sounds charming in color and your sketch is full of sweep-
ing flowing rhythms- as in your picture of Tiny in T6 Rose Garden laugh this new one will, I think, be more successful. Your dabbing of paint after it is
laid in clay is a delicate piece of technique I hope to see shortly. (My
Hartings lecture is probably 09 December, by the way).
Here is a new poem called AFTER ANCESTORS WHAT
When marble trees, columns
On the evening terrace,
Smooth dogs or hunting ones,
Slices made of drapery,
Are carted off by time,
Made chaos of by wing,
What is left except what's gripped by hand?
The skull is left, the scrab
Unfurling to the night,
The sword-guard turning like
Female genitals around the wrist.
When storms are energy
Not gestures of a block
No attitude is certain
of identity and only
The corner of a mask
Faces the concave head.
And I am working on a poem comparing Autumn to a Wunderkammen and await
one calld NOCTURNE AFTER NINE as well as attempting to finish a few poems
on scattered subjects. I am short I am writing verse again.
Lewislam station is being painted and really it begins to look quite pretty.
Perhaps it will be the Arm of
Blackheath next- it needs it.
68547775 - RommelC
28 October 1951Dearest Sylvia
If you are in town next Wednesday I do hope we can meet. I am free until this evening when I must go to Banstead. How lovely if we can meet. If you do not come I see that is coming anyway. Do you mean he will come to Blackheath? You must let me know when: then I shall be in. Why is he going to look for a room when he has a job at Cambridge..?
I wonder how you enjoy lecturing again. I am sure that you will like it. Hetty wonders if she can book the same lecture from you for the L.I. (Lions' Institute) at an early date. Tell me if you accept (one kiss for 'no', two for 'yes').
Last night I saw Parsons again. Madge's John entertained him as a possible buyer but I think he will be no more use to John than to me. He has removed a good deal of his moustache but he is quite the same as ever I'm afraid. But Magda took John and I to a very nice dinner first and we had lots of excellent wine and that made up for the later part of the evening.
Your new picture sounds charming in color and your sketch is full of sweeping flowing rhythms- as is your picture of "Tiny in the Rose Garden" though this new one will, I think, be more successful. Your dabbing of the paint after it is laid in the is a delicate piece of technique I hope to see shortly. (My Hastings lecture is probably 6th December, by the way).
Here is a new poem called AFTER ANCESTORS WHAT
When marble trees, columns
On the evening terrace
Smooth dogs or hunting ones,
Skies made of drapery,
Are carted off time,
Made chaos of by mind,
What is left except what's gripped by hand?
The skull is left, the scroll
Unfurling to the right,
The sword-guard aiminglike
Female genitals around the wrist.
When storms are energy
Not gestures of a block
No attribute is certain
of identity and only
The convex of a mask
Faces the concave head.
And I am working on a poem comparing Autumn to a
Wunder Kammes and another one called NOCTURNE AFTER NINE as well as attempting to finish a few poems on scattered subjects. In short I am writing verse again.
Lewisham station is being painted and really it begins to look quite pretty. Perhaps it will be the turn of Beachheath next - it needs it.
Magda and John are both looking forward to seeing you again and so are Madeleine and Paul. But even more passionately waiting to see you are Dandy, Hetty, Lionel and Yawalla. Oh I love you, I love you so much. I hope to see you on Wednesday.
I adore you
WINNER - 70046798 - Chris5420
28 October 1951Dearest Sylvia
If you are in town next Wednesday I do hope we can meet. I am free until
the evening when I must go to Banstead. How lovely if we can meet. If you do
not come I see that M is coming anyway. Do you mean he will come to Black-
heath? You must let me know when: then I shall be in. Why is he going to
look for a room when he has a job at Cambridge...?
I wonder how you enjoy lecturing again. I am sure that you will like it.
Hetty wonders if she can book the same lecture from you for the L.I. (Lion's
Institute) at an early date. Tell me if you accept (one kiss for 'no', two for 'yes').
Last night I saw Parsons again. Magda & John entertained him as a possible
buyer but I think that he will be no more are to John than to me. He has removed
a good deal of his moustache but he is quite the same as ever I'm afraid. But
Magda took John & I to a very nice dinner first and we had lots of excellent
wine and that made up for the later part of the evening.
Your new picture sounds charming in colour and your sketch is full of sweep-
ing flowing rhythms - as in your picture of Tiny In The Rose Garden though this
new one will, I think, be more successful. some dabbling of the paint after it is
laid in the sley is a delicate piece of technique I hope to see shortly. (My
Hastings lecture is probably 6th December, by the way).
Here is a new poem called AFTER ANCESTORS WHAT
When marble trees, column
On the evening terrace,
Smooth dogs or hunting ones,
Skies made of drapery,
Are carted off by time,
Made chaos of by wind,
What is left except what's gripped by hand?
The skull is left, the scroll
unfurling to the night,
The sword-guard twining like
Female genitals around the waist.
When storms are energy
Not gestures of a block
No attribute is certain
Of identity and only
The convex of a mask
Faces the concave head.
And I am working on a on a poem comparing autumn to a Wunder Kammer and another
one called NOCTURNE AFTER NINE as well as attempting to finish a few poems
on scattered subjects. In short I am writing verse again.
Lewisham station is being painted and really it begins to look quite pretty.
Perhaps it will be the turn of Blackheath next - it needs it.
Magda and John are both looking forward to seeing you again and so
are Madeleine and Paul. But even more passionately waiting to see you are
Dandy, Hetty, Lionel, & YAWOLLA. Oh I love you so much. I
hope I see you on Wednesday. I adore you