- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.531
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66858310 - Antihelios
- WINNER - 67390252 - tmeconverse
- 68008019 - evanstonsherry
- 68331775 - Preacher357
- 68486284 - xuelee
- 68549737 - jesseytucker

66858310 - Antihelios
Dearest SylviaHere is the first draft of the Tudor up
to Elizabeth chapter - at least, my part
of it. Do please let me have your crit-
icizms of it (though you needn't bother
M with it). The homes, castle, tapest-
ries will come in Elizabeth's reign.
Today I am lunching with friends of
Mac Mole: somebody connected with Jilming
will be there. I doubt if there is a chance
of a job there but I can talk the matter over
with him.
You mention Regres-Barlam: I heard his
lecture on the pre-Raphaelites. He might
have been at home - or blind - for all the at-
tention he gave to the pictures around him. I
think he knew who I was for each time he
made generalizations I looked thoughtfull
(& conspicuous) around: then he qualified
what he said, seeing my venement. He had
read a good deal about the (19th Ct it
WINNER - 67390252 - tmeconverse
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the first draft of the Tudors up to Elizabeth chapter - at least, my part of it. Do please let me have your criticisms of it (though you needn't bother M with it). The names, clothes, tapestries will come in Elizabeth's reign.
Today I am lunching with friends of MacHale: somebody connected with films will be there. I doubt if there is a chance of a job there but I can talk the matter over with him.
You mention Rhynes-Barbar: I heard his lecture on the per-Raphaelites. He might have been at home - or blind - for all the attention he gave to the pictures around him. I think he knew who I was for each time he made generalizations I looked thoughtfully (& conspicuously) around: then he qualified what he said, seeing my movement. He had read a good deal about the C 19th but it
68008019 - evanstonsherry
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the first draft of the Tudors up
to Elizabeth chapter - at least, my part
of it. Do please let me have your crit-
icism of it (though you needn't bother
M with it). The houses, clothes, tapest-
ries will come in Elizabeth's reign.
Today I am lunching with friends of
More Hale: somebody connected with films
will be there. I doubt if there is a chance
of a job there but I can talk the matter over
with him.
You mention Rhyne Banlan: I heard his
lecture on the pre-Raphaelites. He might
have been at home - or blind - for all the at-
tetion he gave to the pictures around him. I
think he knew who I was for each time he
made generalizations I looked thoughtfull
(& inconspicuously) around: then he qualified
what he said, see my movement. He had
read a good deal about he (19th but it
68331775 - Preacher357
Dearest SylviaHere is the first draft of the Tudor & up
to Elizabeth chapter - at least, my part
of it. Do please let me have your crit-
icisms of it (though you needn't bother
M. with it.) The houses, clothes, tapest-
ries will come in Elizabeth's reign.
Today I am lunching with friends of
Mac Hale: somebody connected with films
will be there. I doubt if there is a choice
of a job there but I can talk the matter over
with him.
You mention Rayner-Banlam: I heard his
lecture on the pre- . He might
have been at home - or blind - for all the at-
tention he gave to the pictures around him. I
think he knew who I was for each time he
made generalisations I looked thoughtful
& around: then he qualified
what he said, seeing my movement. He had
read a good deal about the (19th but it
68486284 - xuelee
68549737 - jesseytucker
Dearest Sylvia
Here is the first draft of the Tudor by
to Elizabeth chapter--at least, my part
of it. Do please let me have your crit-
icisms of it (though you needn't bother
M with it). The hauve, latte, tapest-
ries will come in Elizabeth's reign.
Today I am lunching with friends at
Moe Hole: somebody connected with filming
will be there. I doubth if there is a chance
of a job there but I can talk with the matte, over
will him.
Your Metrlim rayne Bandom: I heard his
bedtime on the pre-Raphaelites. He might
have been at home --or blind--for all the at-
tention he gave to the pictures around him. I
live heknew who I was for sad time he
made generalizations. I looked thoughtful
be impressional around; then he qualified
but he said, seiing my moment. He found
record a good deal about the (19th but it