- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.411
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66899557 - southsidesunny
- 67159491 - ethomson
- 67817330 - Preacher357
- 67918266 - not-logged-in-324275d77a5b5201e0d8
- 68293196 - jesseytucker
- 68348132 - not-logged-in-84d8f626888ebe864256

WINNER - 66899557 - southsidesunny
up Chulk hill- it was a mar-vellous day - larks and
goldfinches, bull finches, linnets and pew wits we saw, all
singing calling and disporting
themselves in the sunshine.
Michael tells me that it would
be wasted effort to send in
"Lake Nemi" as the usual
water-colour paintings are
half-imperial for the R.A. Perhaps
I shall send in another oil instead.
One could alter the label I expect
perhaps I shall send in Greenwise
Michael could bring it up with
I have being working on "The Kiss"
which I think I shall call "Kissing"
instead- as I mean it to represent
several movements at once.
Clifford has started his art-
icle --that is the introduction--
it seems very good to me
67159491 - ethomson
up Chalk hill - it was a mar-vellous day - larks and
goldfinches, bullfinches, linnets
and pewits we saw, all
singing calling and disporting
themselves in the sunshine.
Michael tells me that it would
be wasted effort to send in
"Lake Nemi" as the usual
water-colour paintings are
half-imperial for the R.A. perhaps
I shall send in another oil instead.
One could alter the label I expect
perhaps I shall send in Greenwich
Michael could bring it up with
his -
I have been working on "The Kiss"
which I think I shall call "Kissing"
instead - as I mean it to represent
several movements at once.
Clifford has started his art-
icle - that is the introduction -
it seems very good to me.
67817330 - Preacher357
up Chuck hill - it was a mar-rellons day - larks and
goldfinches, bull finches, binnets,
and Pewint's we saw, all
singing calling and disporting
themselves in the sunshine.
Michael tells me that it would
be wasted effort to send in
"Lake Nimi" as the usual
water-colours paintings are
half-imperial for the R.A. perhaps
I shall send in another oil instead,
one could alter the label I expect
perhaps I shall send in Greenwish
Michael could bring it up with
his -
I have been working on "The Kiss"
which I think I shall call "Kissing"
instead - as I mean it to represent
several movements at once.
Clifford has started his art-
icle - that is the introduction -
it seems very good to me
67918266 - not-logged-in-324275d77a5b5201e0d8
68293196 - jesseytucker
up Chuck hill--it was a mar-vellous day--larks and
goldfinches, bullfinches, linnets
and pewwits we saw, all
singing calling and disporing
themselves in the sunshine.
Michael tells me that it would
be wasted effort to send in
"Lake Nemi" as the usual
water-colour paintings are
half-imperial for the RA perhaps
I shall send in another oil instead.
One could alter the label I expect
perhaps I shall send in Greenwhich
Michael could bring it up with
I have being working on "The Kings"
which I think I shall call "Kissing"
instead--as I mean it to represent
several movements at once.
Clifford has started his art-
icle--that is the introduction,
it seems very good to me.
68348132 - not-logged-in-84d8f626888ebe864256
up Clulk hill - it was a marvelous day - larks and goldfinches, bullfinches, linnets and Pewwits we saw, all singing calling and disposting themselves in the sunshine.Michael tells me that it would be wasted effort to send in "Lake Nemi" as the usual water-color paintings are half-imperical for the R.A. perhaps I shall send in another oil instead. One could alter the label I expect perhaps I shall send in Greenwill Michael could bring it up with his -
I have being working on "The Kings" which I think I shall call "Kissing" instead - as I mean it to represent several movements at once.
Clifford has started his article that is the introduction. It seems very good to me.