- Max. dissimilarity: 0.273
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.165
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66597705 - Preacher357
- 66724983 - jimfromToronto
- 66989108 - Vmargene
- 67329916 - k8mielke
- 67422007 - Moggsy8
- 67460717 - Molly_Carr

WINNER - 66597705 - Preacher357
will it be convenient if I put thepicture on the 10:10 train to
Charing Cross, arriving at about 12:15
I understand you ask a porter to
collect the picture from the train
for you, then either you, or he
sign a paper. If you would rather
that I put it on a later train
let me know - let me know also
what the sending fees for the
"Womens International" are and
I will send you a P.O.
Yesterday I finished cutting out
my new suit - it most complicated
but I think it should look well.
I hope to machine some of it to-
day - as well as marking in "Knosey
Gates" on the map for Tiny!
I do hope my dearest Lion is well
and not too Tired - did you remem-
ber to ring up Hash?
I long to see you - I hope I shall
soon; dear love, devine poet -
I adore you, I love you
66724983 - jimfromToronto
will it be convenient if I put the picture on the 10:10 train to Charing Cross, arriving at about 12:15. I understand you ask a porter to collect the picture from the train for you, then either you, or he sign a paper. If you would rather that I put it on a later train let me know - let me know does what the sending fees for the "Womens International" are and I will send you a P.O.Yesterday I finished cutting out my new suit - it most complicated by I think it should look well. I hope to machine some of it today - as well as marking in "Kussery Gates" on the map for Friday!
I do hope my dearest Lion is well and not too tired - did you remember to ring up Hash?
I long to see you - I hope I shall soon; dear love, divine peer.
I adore you, I love you,
66989108 - Vmargene
Will it he convenient if I put thepicture on the 10.10 train to
Charing Cross, arriving at about 12.15
I understand you ask a porter to
collect the picture from the train
for you. Then either you, or he
sign a paper. If you would rather
that I put it on a later train
let me know - let me know also
what the sending fees for the
"Women's International" are and
I will send you a P.O.
Yesterday I finished cutting out
my new suit - if most complicated
but I think it should look well.
I hope to machine some of it to-
day - as well as mailing in "Kusey
Gates" on the map for Tiny!
I do hope my dearest Lion is well
and not too tired - did you remember-
ber to ring up Teash?
I long to see you - I hope I shall
soon; dear love, divine poet -
I adore you, I love you
67329916 - k8mielke
will it be convenient if I put the picture on the 10-10 train to charing Cross, arriving at about 12:15 I understand you ask a porter to collect the picture from the train for you. Then either you, or he, sign a paper. If you would rather that I put it on a later train let me know. let me know leo what the sending fees for the "Womens International" are and I will send you a P.O. Yesterday I finished cutting out my new suit - it most complicated but I hope to musline Some of it to-day - as well as march in "Kuosuy Gates" on the map for Tiny! I do hope my dearest Lion is well and not too tired - did you remember to ring up teasr? I long to see you - I hope shall soon; dear love, divine poet - I adore you, I love you Sylvia67422007 - Moggsy8
Will it be convenient if I put the picture on the 10.10 train to Charing Cross, arriving at about 12.15 I understand you ask a porter to collect the picture from the train for you. Then either you, or he sign a paper. If you would rather that I put it on a later train let me know - let me know also what the sending fees for the "Women's International" are and I will send you a P.O.Yesterday I finished cutting out my new suit - it's most complicated but I think it should look well. I hope to machine some of it today - as well as marking in "Kissing Gates" on the map for Tiny!
I do hope my dearest Lion is well and not too tired - did you remember to ring up Hast?
I long to see you - I hope I shall soon: dear love, divine poet -
I adore you, I love you
67460717 - Molly_Carr
will it be convenient if I put the picture on the 10.10 tram to chasing Cross, arriving at about 12.15. I understand you ask a poster to colect the picture from the train for you. then either you, or he sign a paper. If you would rather that I put it on a later train let me know - let me know also what the sending fees for the "womens International" are and I will send you a P.O.Yesterday I finished cutting out my new suit - it must be compicated but I think it should look well. I hope to machine some of it today - as well as maasking in "Kursey qates" on the map for Luis!
I do hope my dearest Lion is well and not too tired - did Jon remember to ring up Hash?
I long to see you - I hope I shall soon; dear love, divine poet - I adore you, I love you