- Max. dissimilarity: 0.206
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.149
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67159203 - jsprake
- 67420349 - Preacher357
- 68147710 - cocolocoblondie
- 68299027 - jesseytucker
- 68412127 - Berhel
- WINNER - 68443291 - not-logged-in-8d3bd347144d35ce6bce

67159203 - jsprake
Dearest Lawrence
I am sorry to have written so
drearily yesterday. I feel much better
to-day, and M? and I spent an evening with Clifford and Tiny and
he read his article and we dis-
cussed Jungian fallacies which
was most interesting and cheered
me up - I hope your cold is quite
better now.
Please would you send Clifford
and Marjorie some sugar - Tiny's
badly in need of it and will re-
fund cost and postage.
I see Piero's book for Sir
Kenneth is advertised in the
N.S. Thank you for Easter greet-
ings .
I am glad about Ithel Cohomes
article. I shall be very excit
67420349 - Preacher357
23-3-51 Pett Dearest LawrenceI am sorry to have written so
drearily yesterday - I feel much better
to-day, and M. and I spent an
evening with Clifford and Tiny and
he read his article and we dis-
cussed Jungian fallacies which
was most interesting and cheered
my up - I hope your cold is quite
better now.
Please would you send Clifford
and Marjorie some sugar - Tiny's
badly in need of it and will re-
fund cost and postage.
I see Pier's book by Sir
Kenneth is advertised in the
N.S. Thank you for Easter greet-
ings 2.
I am glad about Ithel
article. I shall be very excit
68147710 - cocolocoblondie
Pett. 23-3-351Dearest Lawrence
I am sorry to have written so
drearily yesterday - I feel much better
to-day, and M. and I spent an
evening with Cllifford and Lucy and
her read his article and we dis-
cussed Jungian fallacies which
was most interesting and cheered
me up - I hope your cold is quite
better now.
Please would you send Clifford
and Marjorie some sugar - They're
badly in need of it and will re-
fund cost and postage.
I see Piero's book by Sir
Kenneth is advertised in the
N.S. thank you for Easter greet-
ings 2.
I am glad about Ethel Cohoone's
article. I shall be very exult
68299027 - jesseytucker
Pett 23.3.51Dearest Lawrence,
I am sorry to have written so
drearily yesterday. I feel much better
today, and M. and I spend an
evening with Clifford and Lwy and
he read his article and we dis-
cussed Junsian fallacies which
was most interesting and cheered
me up. I hope your cold is quite
better now.
Please would you send Clifford
and Marjorie some sugar--Tiny's
badly in need of it and will re-
fund cost and postage.
I see Piers is book by Sir
Kenneth is advertised in the
NS. Thank you for EAster greet-
ings 2.
I am gald about Ithel Cohoemy
article. I shall be very sxult
68412127 - Berhel
Dearest Lawrence,
I am sorry to have written so drearily yesterday - I feel much better today, and M, and I spent an evening with Clifford and Tiny and he read his article and we discussed Junjian fallacies which was most interesting and cheered me up - I hope your cold is quite better now.
Please would you send Clifford and Marjorie some sugar - Tiny's badly in need of it and will refund cost and postage.
I see Piers's book by Sir Kenneth is advertised in the N.S. Thank you for Easter greetings 2.
I am glad about article. I shall be very exult
WINNER - 68443291 - not-logged-in-8d3bd347144d35ce6bce
Pett. 23.3.51Dearest Lawrence
I am sorry to have written so
drearily yesterday - I feel much better
today, and M and I spend an
evening with Clifford and Tinyand
he read his article and we dis-
cussed Jungian fallacies which
was most interesting and cheered
me up - I hope your cold is quite
better now.
Please would you send Clifford
and Marjorie some sugar - Tiny's
badly in need of it and will re-
fund cost and postage.
I see Piero's book by Sir
Kenneth is advertised in the
N.S. Thank you for Easter greet-
ings 2.
I am glad about Ethel Cohoemoby
article. i shall be very excit