- Max. dissimilarity: 0.117
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.072
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66532054 - Preacher357
- 66541069 - not-logged-in-9423ddf5fe1ae74b1038
- 66770913 - charlotteisreading
- 67271760 - Chris5420
- 67391872 - tmeconverse
- 68360073 - jesseytucker

WINNER - 66532054 - Preacher357
26-3-51 Pett Dearest Lawrence,I hope your cold is quite
well now and that you had a
happy time at Easter - I wonder
what you did - I expect you
went to Wimbledon for a day
or so.
I enclose my review - I will
send the book in a day or two.
I "boiled it down" as much
as I could - cut it to fit
in if necessary. I also enclose
the W.J.A.C. form - both
works rejected - I leave it
to Yawolla to sign as he did
before so nicely! Please could
you fetch the works in quest-
ion - I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you
like Clifford's review - I thought
66541069 - not-logged-in-9423ddf5fe1ae74b1038
Pelt 26.3.51Dearest Lawrence,
I hope your cold is quite
well now and that you had a
happy time at Easter - I wonder
what you did - I expect you
went to Wimbledon for a day
or so.
I enclose my review - I will
send the book in a day or two.
I "boiled it down" as much
as I could - cut it to fit
in if necessary. I also enclose
the W. I A. C form - both
works rejected - I leave it
to Yawolla to sign as he did
before so nicely! Please could
you fetch the works in quest-
ion - I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you
like Clifford's review - thought
66770913 - charlotteisreading
Dearest Lawrence,
I hope your [cold is quite
well now and that you had a
happy time at Easter - I wonder
what you did - I expect you
went to Wimbledon for a day
or so.
I enclose my review - I will
send the book in a day or two.
I "boiled it down" as much
as I could - cut it to fit
L if necessary. I also enclose
the W.JA. C form -
both wirks rejected - I leave it
to Yawolla to sign as he did
before so neatly! Please could
you fetch the works in quest-
ion - I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you
like Clifford's review. I thought
67271760 - Chris5420
26 . 3 . 51Pett
Dearest Lawrence,
I hope your cold is quite
well now and that you had a
happy time at easter - I wonder
what you did - I expect you
went to Wimbledon for a day
or so.
I enclose my review - I will
send the book in a a day or two.
I "boiled it down" as much
as I could - cut it to fit
L if necessary. I also enclose
the W.J.A.C form - both
works rejected - I leave it
to Yawolla to sign as he did
before so nicely! Please could
you fetch the works in quest-
ion - I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you
like Clifford's review - I thought
67391872 - tmeconverse
Pett 26.3.51Dearest Lawrence,
I hope your cold is quite well now and that you had a happy time at Easter. I wonder what you did. I expect you went to Wimbledon for a day or so.
I enclose my review. I will send the book in a day or two. I "boiled it down" as much as I could - cut it to fit in if necessary. I also enclose the W.I.A.C. form - both works rejected. I leave it to Yawolla to sign as he did before so nicely! Please could you fetch the works in question. I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you like Clifford's review. I thought
68360073 - jesseytucker
Pett 26.3.51Dearest Lawrence,
I hope your cold is quite
well now and that you had a
happy time at Easter. I wonder
what you did. I expect you
went to Wimbledon for a day
or so.
I enclose my review. I will
send the book in a day or two.
I "boiled it down" as much
as I could--cut it to fit
it if necessary. I also enclose
the WJAC form--both
works rejected. I leave it
to Yawolla to sign as he did
before so nicely! Please could
you fetch the works in quest-
ion. I should be so grateful.
I wonder how you
like Clifford's review. I thought