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  1. 66591661 - Preacher357
  2. WINNER - 66677197 - gailkoelker
  3. 67009877 - patamber
  4. 67121456 - not-logged-in-cc9b430207992d739f05
  5. 67439280 - ethomson
  6. 67484719 - Scotssunflower

66591661 - Preacher357

2. Tiny and Clifford think it a very
good thing to go and see my
Falker they think it will be the
complete end of any lingering
illusions I may have they think
I shall be completely able to
deal with the situation - have
nothing to lose - and that his
writing so is in a mild way a
confession, and for me, a triumph -
You may be sure I shall be on
my guard.
What is poor Dandy doing
tearing his hair and with his left
hand on a newspaper? Oh I see the cause form -
I shouldn't come on Monday
anyway for I don't want to leave
Tiny alone, also I could stay
with the Federman's if I liked
I'm sure.
I am delighted by Paul's
blots, I shall send him a drawing
in return.

WINNER - 66677197 - gailkoelker

2. Tiny and Clifford think it a very good thing to go and see my father. They think it will be the complete end of any lingering illusions I may have. They think I shall be completely able to deal with the situation-have nothing to lose-and that his writing so is in a mild way a confession, and, for me, a triumph. You may be sure I shall be on my guard. What is poor Dandy doing tearing his hair and with his left hand on a newspaper? Oh I see the census form. I shouldn't come on Monday anyway for I don't want to leave Tiny alone. Also I "could" stay with the Federman's if I liked I'm sure. I am delighted by Paul's blots. I shall send him a drawing in return.

67009877 - patamber

2. Tinyand Clifford think it a very good thing to go and see my father They think it will be the complete end of any lingering illusions I may have they think I shall be completely able to deal with the situation - have nothing to loose - and that his writing so is in a mild way a confession, and for me, a triumph - you may be sure I shall be on my guard.

What is poor Dandy doing teasing his hair and with his left hand on a newspaper? Oh I see - the census form
I shouldn't come on Monday anyway for I don't want to leave Tiny alone, also I could stay with the Federman's if I liked I'm sure.

I am delighted by Paul's lots, I shall send him a drawing in return.

67121456 - not-logged-in-cc9b430207992d739f05

2. Tiny and Aifford think it a very good thing to go and see my falkor They think it will be the complete end of any lingering illusions I may have They think I shall be completly able to deal with the situatio - have sollies to lose - and that his writing so is in a mild way a confession, and for me, a triumph. You may be sure I sall be on my gnard.
What is poor Dandy doing teasing his haiir and with his left hand on a newspaper? On I see the ancus forde
I should'nt come on mothely anyway for I don't want to leave Tiny alone. also I could stay with the Federman's if I liked
I'm sure.
I am delighted by Pauls' blots - I shall send him a drawing in return.

67439280 - ethomson

2. Tiny and Clifford think it a very
good thing to go and see my
father they think it will be the
complete end of any lingering
illusions I may have they think
I shall be completely able to
deal with the situation - have
nothing to lose - and that his
writing so is in a mild way a
confession, and for me, a triumph.
You may be sure I shall be on
my guard.
What is poor Dandy doing
tearing his hair and with his left
hand on a newspaper? Oh I see - the census form
I shouldn't come on Monday
anyway for I don't want to leave
Tiny alone. also I could stay
with the Federman's if I liked
I'm sure.
I am delighted by Paul's
blots - I shall send him a drawing
in return.

67484719 - Scotssunflower

2. Tiny and Clifford think it a very good thing to go and see my father they think it will be the complete end of any lingering illusions I may have they think I shall be completely able to deal with the situation - have nothing to lose - and that his writing so is in a mild way a confession, and for me, a triumph. You may be sure I shall be on my guard.
What is poor Dandy doing tearing his hair and with his left hand on a newspaper? Oh I see the census forms
I shouldn't come on Monday anyway for I don't want to leave Tiny alone. also I could stay with the Federman's if I liked I'm sure.
I am delighted by Paul's blots - I shall send him a drawing in return.

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