- Max. dissimilarity: 0.197
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.135
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66526335 - tmeconverse
- 66612485 - Preacher357
- 66767393 - xuelee
- 66840849 - k8mielke
- 68357037 - jesseytucker
- 68376816 - Pandanglish

WINNER - 66526335 - tmeconverse
You will be pleased to hear that my toe is much better. I showed it to Clifford on Monday night and it was already much improved as it was yesterday. I haven't looked to-day yet - but it is much flatter and I think it will not show when it is healed. You will also be pleased to hear that I have done a good deal more of Tiny's portrait in the garden. What Paul calls the Spinx it is getting on very nicely. Tiny sat very faithfully, and in between I worked on the landscape. I have also washed part of the stair carpet and unpicked a chair for reupholstering - as well as roasting a duck (which was most delicious) and making pastry so I feel most virtuous!
66612485 - Preacher357
3 .You will be pleased to hear that
my toe is much better - I showed
it to Clifford on Monday night
and it was already much im-
proved as it was yesterday -
I haven't looked to-day yet -
but it is much latter and I
think it will not show when it
is healed. You will also be pleased
to hear that I have done a
good deal more of Tiny's portrait
in the garden - what Paul calls the
Sphinx it is getting on very nicely.
Tiny sat very faithfully, and
in between I worked on the land-
scape. I have also washed part
of the stair - carpet and inpicked
a chair for reupholstering - as well
as roasting a duk (which
was most delicious) and making
pastry so I feel most virtuos!
66767393 - xuelee
3 June.You will be pleased to hear that my toe is much better - I showed it to Clifford on Monday night hel it was already much improved as it was yesterday - I haven't looked to-day yet - but it is much flatter and I think it will not show when it is healed. You will also be pleased to hear that I have done a good deal more of Jinys portrait in the garden - what Paul calls the Spinx it is getting on very nicely. Jiny sat very faithfully, and in between I worked on two land-scape. I have also washed part of the stair carpet and unpicked a chair for re-upholstering - as well as roasting a duck (which was most delicious) and making pastry so I feel most virtuous!
66840849 - k8mielke
3 Leuse. You will be pleased to hear that my toe is much better. I showed it to Clifford on Monday night and it was already much improved as it was yesterday. I haven't looked to-day yet - but it is much flatter and I think it will not show when it is healed. You will also be pleased to hear that I have done a good deal more of Triny's portrait in the garden. What Paul called the Sphinx it is getting on very nicely. Triny sat very faithfully, & between I worked on the landscape. I have also washed past of the stair, carpet and unpicked a chair for reupholstery - as wall as roasting a duck (which was most delicious) and raising pastry so I feel most virtuous!68357037 - jesseytucker
3 lause.You will be pleased to hear that
my toe is much better. I showed
it to Clifford on Monday night
and it was already much im-
proved as it was yesterday.
I haven't looked today yet,
but it is much flatter and I
think it will not show when it
is healed. You will also be pleased
to hear that I have done a
good deal more of Tiny's portrait
in the garden. What Paul calls the
Sistaix "11" is getting on very nicely.
Tiny sat very faithfully, and
in between I worked on the land-
scape. I have also washed part
of the stair, carpet and unpicked
a chair for upholstering--as well
as roasting a duck (which
was most delicious) and making
pastry so I feel most virtuous!
68376816 - Pandanglish
2 SeneeYou will be pleased to hear that
my toe is much better - I showed
it to Clifford on Monday night
and it was already much im-
proved as it was yesterday -
I haven't looked to-day yet -
but it is much flatter and I
think it will not show when it
is healed. You will also be pleased
to hear that I have done a
good deal more of things postried
in the garden - what Paul calls the
Sphinx it is getting on very nicely.
Tiny sat very faithfully, and
in between I worked on the land-
scape. I have also washed part
of the stair-carpet and unpicked
a chair for reupholstering - as well
as roasting a duck (which
was most delicious) and making
pastry so I feel most virtuous!