- Max. dissimilarity: 0.185
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.113
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66600217 - Preacher357
- 66641700 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
- 66977780 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
- 67291721 - Molly_Carr
- 68086925 - Scotssunflower
- WINNER - 68104444 - saffyre13

66600217 - Preacher357
Mary Jane will be coming hereshortly.
I hope you get on well
with Parson's to-morrow it is
very exciting -
I am rather rushed with
meals etc: at the moment
so please forgive me if I
do not write very regularly
during the next few days.
Please give Paul my love -
I hope all goes well with
him -
I love you, by adored poet,
My superb Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow
a copy of Virginia Dent
I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think
of my suggestions re "evergreen?)
66641700 - not-logged-in-9550bd1d342b63726e05
Mary Jane will be coming here shortly.I hope you get on well with Parson's to-morrow it is very exciting -
I am rather rushed with meals etc: at the moment so please forgive me if I do not write very regularly during the next few days.
Please give Paul my love - I hope all goes well with him.
I love you, my adored poet, my superb Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow a copy of Virginia Dent I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think of my suggestions to "Evermeow?
66977780 - not-logged-in-129402a1804e88f4a088
Mary Jane will be coming here shortly.I hope you get on well with Parson's to-morrow it is very exciting--
I am rather rushed with meals etc. at the moment so please forgive me if I do not write very regularly during the next few days. Please give Paul my love -- I hope all goes well with him-
I love you, my adored poet, my enberb Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow a copy of Virginia Dent I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think of my suggestions re "evevermeew
67291721 - Molly_Carr
Mary Jane will be coming here shortly.I hope you get on well with Parson's to - mossow it is very exciting -
I am rather routed with meals etc: at the moment so please forgive me if I do not write very regulary during the next few days.
Please give Paul my love - I hope all goes well with him-
I love you, my adored poet, my suberb Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow a copy of Virginia Dent I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think of my suggestion to sveverreow
68086925 - Scotssunflower
Mary Jane will be coming here shortly.I hope you get on well with Parson's to-morrow it is very exciting -
I am rather rushed with meals etc. at the moment so please forgive me if I do not write very regularly during the next few days. Pleas give Paul my love - I hope all goes well with him -
I love you, my adored poet, my snbert Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow a copy of Virginia Dent I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think of my suggestions re "Eversneew?"
WINNER - 68104444 - saffyre13
Mary Jane will be coming here shortly.I hope you get on well with Parson's to-morrow it is very exciting -
I am rather rushed with meals etc. at the moment so please forgive me if I do not write very regularly during the next few days.
Please give Paul my love - I hope all goes well with him.
I love you, my adored poet, my snbest Lion.
I love you
(P.S. If I could borrow a copy of Virginia Dent I should be delighted)
P.P.S. What did you think of my suggestions re "Evensmeer"?