- Max. dissimilarity: 0.324
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.237
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66590937 - Preacher357
- 67271578 - gailkoelker
- WINNER - 67556777 - nhsia
- 67990076 - itsmestephanie
- 68115518 - Sticker88
- 68531237 - jesseytucker

66590937 - Preacher357
3 I have read the Raz which ismost interesting, and will hand
on Crases - but I think the woods
have it.
Have you had any news about Hogarth?
Don't you think, it not, that you
ought to enquire? M. said Keith
Baynes the other day he has
just done a book for Hodelens
on Vine yards of France with lots
of illustrations, coloured too,
and it came out almost at
once -
I enjoyed Twinkle very much,
of it's kind it was very well
done - I rather admired it!
There was one awful excerpt
of Immemorium for J. Norello!
He was dull - no "Shunes"!
and all themes basicly infantied.
In the everning we all went -
including Wacko - but not un-
67271578 - gailkoelker
3 I have read the which is most interesting, and will hand on but I think the Woods have it.Have you had any news of Hogarth? Don't you think, if not, that you ought to enquire? M. saw Keith Barynes the other day he has just done a book for on Vineyards of France with lots of illustrations, coloured too, and it came out almost at once.
I enjoyed Twinkle very much, of its' kind it was very well done. I rather admired it! There was one awful excerpt of for I. Norvello! She was dull-no and all themes basically infantile!
In the evening we all went-including -but not un-
WINNER - 67556777 - nhsia
3 I have read the Proz which ismost interesting, and will hand
on Graces - but I think the woods
have it.
Have you had any news of Hogarth?
Don't you think, if not, that you
ought to enquire? M. Saw Keith
Baynes the other day he has
just done a book for Hodelers
or Vine yards of France with lots
of illustrations, coloured too,
and it came out almost at
once --.
I enjoyed Twinkle very much,
of it's kind it was very well
done -- I rather admired it!
There was one awful excerpt
of Immemorium for I. Novello!
He was dull -- no "Shunes"!
and all themes basically infantile!
In the evening we all went -
including Wacko - but not un-
67990076 - itsmestephanie
I have read the Reaz which ismost interesting, and will hand
on Craces - but I think the Woods
have it.
Have you had any news of Hogarts?
Don't you think, if not, that you
ought to inquire? M. saw Keith
Baynes the other day he has
just done a book for Hoddens
on Vineyards of France with lots
of notations, coloured too,
and it came out almost at
once -
I enjoyed Twinkle very much,
of its kind it was very well
done - I rather admired it!
There was one awful excerpt
of Inmemorium for J. Novello!
He was dull - no "Shunes"!
and all these basically infantile!
In the evening we all went -
including Wacko - but not un-
68115518 - Sticker88
3 I have read the Praz which ismost interesting, and will hand
on Graces - but I think the woods
have it.
Have you had any news of Hogarth?
Don't you think, if not, that you
ought to enquire? Hi. Saw Keith
Baynes the other day he has
just done a book for Hoddens
on Vineyards of France with lots
of ill notations, coloured too,
and it came out almost at
I enjoyed Twinkle very much,
of its kind it was very well
done. I rather admired it!
There was one awful excerpt
of Immemorium for I. Norells!
He was dull - no"Shames"!
and all themes basically infantile!
In the evening we all went;
including wacko - but not un-
68531237 - jesseytucker
3 I have read the Reaz which ismost interesting, and will hand
on Craces--but I think the Woods
have it.
Have you had any news of Harth?
Don't you think, if not, that you
out to enquire? M. Saws Keitlh
Baynes the other day he has
just done a book for Hoddens
on Vineyard of France with lots
of Illnotrakows, coloured too,
and if came out almost at
I enjoyed Twinkle very much,
of it's kind it was very well
done. I rather admired it!
There was one waful excerpt
of Immemorium for J. Novello!
He was dull--no "shines"!
and all themes basically infantile!
In the evening we all went--
including Wacko--but not un-