- Max. dissimilarity: 0.404
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.226
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66589223 - not-logged-in-68031b4ab207c1a26c0d
- 66641296 - Preacher357
- 67124010 - mar15ted
- 67267353 - not-logged-in-e29f1f9f0939f073a547
- WINNER - 68101468 - SilverSeadog
- 68191189 - jesseytucker

66589223 - not-logged-in-68031b4ab207c1a26c0d
3. I must admit that I have neverheard of the books you mention.
Did you see what the Kensington
Gallery have got from the eleventh
until the 29th? Let me die!
I did laugh when I saw it!
You will be pleased to hear I
quite enjoyed the evening with
the Savages- he had some lovely
bronzes of about the C5 from
Olympus- 1 horse's bit- composed
of two small bronze horses.
1 another Gojett- probably a deal,
2 the form of a horse- an
Etruscan figurine, and a Roman
magical figure- which I will tell
you about- most strange. They
sent us home with lots of mushrooms
and puffballs- which I
You will be pleased to hear
66641296 - Preacher357
3. I must admit that I have neverheard of the books you mention.
Did you see what the Kensington
Gallery have got from the eleventh
until the 29th? Let me die!
I did laugh when I saw it!
You will be pleased to hear I
quite enjoyed the evening with
the Savages - he had some lovely
bronzes of about the 5 from
Olympus - I horse's bit - composed
of two small bronze horses.
Another object - prapably a
2 the form of a horse - an
Etinscan figurene, and a Roman
Magical figure - which I will tell
you about - most strange. They
sent us home with lots of Mushrooms
and putt -balls - which I
You will be pleased to hear
67124010 - mar15ted
3. I must admit that I have never heard of the books you mention. Did you see what the Kensington Gallery have got from the eleventh until the 29th? Let me die! I did laugh when I saw it! You will be pleased to hear I quite enjoyed the evening with the Savages - he had some lovely bronzes of about the C5 from Olympus - a horse's bit - composed of two small bronze horses & another object - probably a Lealy in the form of a horse - an Etruscan figurine, and a Roman magical figure - which I will tell you about - most strange. They sent us home with lots of mushrooms and puff-balls which I love. You will be please to hear67267353 - not-logged-in-e29f1f9f0939f073a547
I must admit that I have never heard of the book you mentioned. Did you see what the Kensuton Gallery have got from the eleventh until the 29th? Let me die! I did laugh when i saw it! You will be pleased to hear I wite enjoyed the evening with the Sawages - he had some lovely bionzer of about the 5 from Olymups - I horse's bit composed of two tuy small bronze horses. I another objett - prapably a deal, 2 the form of a horse - an efmoca fugnseine and a roman magical funse - which I will tell you about - most sleavge. They sent me home whith lots of mushrooms and putt-balls - which I you will be pleased to hearWINNER - 68101468 - SilverSeadog
3. I must admit that I have never heard of the books you mention.Did you see what the Kensington Gallery have got from the eleventh until the 29th? Let me die! I did laugh when I saw it!
You will be pleased to hear I quite enjoyed the evening with the Savages - he had some lovely bronzes of about the 5C from Olympus. I horse's bit composed of two small bronze horses. I another object - probably a seal in the form of a horse - an Etruscan figurine, and a Roman magical figure - which I will tell you about - most strange. They sent us home with lots of mushrooms and puff-balls - which I love.
You will be pleased to hear
68191189 - jesseytucker
3. I must admit that I have neverheard of the books you mention.
Did you see what the Kensington
Gallery have got from the eleventh
until the 29th? Let me die!
I did laugh when I saw it!
You will be pleased to hear I
quite enjoyed this evening with
the Savages--he had some lovely
of about the 5 from
Olympus. I horse's bit--complete
two small bronze horses.
I another object--probably a seal,
2 the form of a horse--and
Etruscan figurine, and a Roman
Magical figure--which I will tell
you about--most strange. They sent us home with lots of mushrooms
and putt-balls--which I love.
You will be pleased to hear