- Max. dissimilarity: 0.254
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.141
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67097229 - N5bz
- WINNER - 67270052 - Chris5420
- 68211225 - JanetCormack
- 68279801 - clewarne
- 68383048 - ckoen
- 68435292 - Preacher357

67097229 - N5bz
Heffer's for a further interview on Wednesday.Clifford is here and I think will stay
most of the time, though of course he will
be out lecturing most afternoons and every evening I think. Lury is staying at Little Hampton with her mother in .
definitly as when a housekeep is
found Gueta will have a holiday -
Clifford thinks that she will not come
back until the end of october. Doris
gets better and worse alternately.
Jack M has suggested that the maintains
should spend Christmas at the rectory!
I haven't written to Tiny - nor she to me.
Clifford says they saw "La Ronde"
which he enjoyed very much indeed - its
sounds charmingly cynical and just his
cup of tea!
I have finished Henny's Love letters
and am very Elevested - they fit
perfectly with Flugel and Dr. Edith!
I am turning over methods of
writing in my head. I shall start
with a triumphal car of the
Fates! and perhaps end with the
WINNER - 67270052 - Chris5420
Heffer's for a further interview on Wednesday.Clifford is here and I think will stay
most of the time, though of course he will
be out lecturing most afternoons and
every evening I think. Tiny is staying
at Littlehampton with her mother in:
definitely as when a housekeeper is
found Greta will have a holiday -
Clifford thinks that she will not come
back until the end of October. Doris
gets better and worse alternately.
Jack M. has suggested that the Maintains
should spend Christmas at the Rectory!
I haven't written to Tiny - nor she to me.
Clifford says they saw "La Ronde"
which he enjoyed very much indeed - it
sounds charmingly cynical and just his
cup of tea!
I have finished Henry's Love letters
and am very interested - they fit
perfectly with Flugel and Dr. Edith!
I am turning over methods of
writing in my head. I shall start
with a triumphal car of the
Fates! and perhaps end with the
68211225 - JanetCormack
Heffer's for a further interview on Wednesday. Clifford is here and I think will stay. Most of the time, though of course he will be out lecturing most afternoons and every evening I think. Tiny is staying at Little Lampton with her mother indefinitely as when a housekeeper is found Greta will have a holiday - Clifford thinks that she will now come back until the end of October. Doris gets better and worse alternately. Jack M. has suggested that the Mountains should spend Christmas at the Rectory! I haven't written to Tiny - nor she to me. Clifford says they saw "La Ronde" which he enjoyed very much indeed - it sounds charmingly cynical and just his cup of tea!I have finished Henry's Love Letters and am very interested - they fit perfectly with Flugel and Dr. Edith! I am turning over methods of writing in my head. I shall start with a triumphal car of the Fates! and perhaps end with the
68279801 - clewarne
Hetter's for a further interview on Wednesday.Clifford is here and I think will stay
most of the time, though of course he will
be out lecturing most afternoons and
every evening I think. Luing is staying
at Little hampton with her mother in-
definitely as when a housekeeper is
found Greta will have a holiday -
Clifford thinks that she will not come
back until the end of October. Doris
gets better and worse alternately.
Jack M. has suggested that the mountains
should spend Christmas at the Rectory!
I haven't written to Tiny - nor she to me.
Clifford says they saw "La Ronele"
which he enjoyed very much indeed - it
sounds charmingly cynical and just his
cup of tea!
I have finished Henny's Love letters
and am very interested - they fit
perfectly with Flugel and Dr. Edith!
I am turning over methods of
writing in my head. I shall start
with a triumphant car of the
Fateo! and perhaps end with the
68383048 - ckoen
Hetter's for a further on Wednesday. Clifford is here and I think will stay most of the time, though of course he will be out lecturing most afternoons and every evening I think. is staying at Little Lampton with mother is definitely as when a housekeeper is found Greta will have a holiday - Clifford thinks that she will not come back until the end of October. Doris gets better and worse alternately. Jack Sr has suggested that the Mountains should spend Christmas at the Rectory! I haven't written to - nor she to me. Clifford says they saw "La Ronde" which he enjoyed very much indeed - it sounds charmingly cynical and just his cup of tea!I have finished Henry's love letters and am very interested - they fit perfectly with and Dr. Edith! I am turning over methods in my head. I shall start with a case of the ! and perhaps end with the
68435292 - Preacher357
Hetter's for a further interview on Wednesday.Clifford is here and I think will stay,
most of the time, though of course he will
be out lecturing most afternoons and
every evening I think. Tiny is staying
at Little Hampton with her mother is
definitely as when a housekeeper is
found Aneta will have a holiday -
Clifford thinks that she will not come
back until the end of October. Doris
gets better and worse alternately.
Jack M. has suggested that the Maintains
should spend Christmas at the Rectory!
I haven't written to Tiny - nor she to me.
Clifford says they saw "La Ronele"
which he enjoyed very much indeed - it
sounds charmingly synical and just his
cup of tea!
I have finished Henny's Love letters
and am very interested - They fit
perfectly with Flugel and Dr. Edith!
I am terming over methods of
writing in my head. I shall start
with a triumphal car of the
Tates! and perhaps end with the