- Max. dissimilarity: 0.269
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.205
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68180781 - jesseytucker
- 68337372 - Preacher357
- 68405269 - not-logged-in-100a7442b473d5896a9f
- 69111486 - Shepsdaughter
- 70488758 - mlesullivan
- WINNER - 71094100 - jmfahne

68180781 - jesseytucker
3. On Friday morning when I could goit rained hard after Fred worked just
over an hour--and continued with but a
brief spell until 12 when I had to
go back and get the lunch. I have
been working a desire'e's portrait but
it is not quite satisfactory yet. I
am having rather a struggle. I don't
know whether to start another landscape
at present the weather and the landscape
are so varied. also I ought
perhaps to go my ": for the
mural painters. I might use for
landscape background the view from
the terrace looking towards the rose
garden. It's the right eye level.
Did you see Paul on Monday last by
the way--how is he getting on?
I didn't sleep very well last night
so thinking of . I worked out
the variations on a theme of 3 Fates and
so made use of my insomnia! I
must have had a slip K of Aragon
is Arthuss Deaths--and after she is wid-
owed and kept in great poverty by the 2
kings--and is Henry's Cinderella in a
68337372 - Preacher357
3. On Friday morning when I could go lastit rained hard after that worked just
over an hour - and continued with but a
brief spell until 12 when I had to
go back and get the lunch. I have
been working on Desiree's protrait but
it is not quite satisfactory yet - I
am having rather a struggle. I don't
know whether to start another landscape,
at present the weather and the landscape
are so varied. Also I ought
perhaps to go my "" for the
mural painters - I might use for
landscape back-ground the view from
the terrace looking towards the Rose
Garden - it's the right low eye level.
Did you see Paul on Monday last by
the way - how is he getting on?
I didn't sleep very well last night
so thinking of Sir Osbert. I worked out
the variations on a theme of F Fates and
so made use of my insomnia! - I
must have had made a slip K. of Aragon
to Arthur's Death - and after she is wid-
owed is kept in great poverty by the 2
Kings - and is Henry's Cinderella in a way.
68405269 - not-logged-in-100a7442b473d5896a9f
3. On Friday morning when I could go last of rained hard after I had worked just one an hour-and continued. With but a brief spell until it when I had to go back and get the lunch. I have been working on Desiree's portrait but it is not quite satisfactory yet- I am having rather a struggle. I don't know whether to start another landscape and present the weather and the landscape are so rained at present. Also I ought perhaps to go my "models" for the usual painters- I might use for landscape back-ground the raw from the terrace looking towards the rose garden, it's the the right low eye level. Did you see Paul on Monday last by the was, how is he getting on?I didn't sleep very well last night so thinking of so osters I worked out the variations on a theme of fates and so made use of my insomnia! I must have made a slip K of Aragorn is Arthurs Deaths- and after she is widowed and kept in great poverty by the 2 kings- and is Henrys Cinderella in a way
69111486 - Shepsdaughter
3. On Friday morning when I could go outit rained hard after I had worked just
over an hour - and continued with but a
brief spell until 12 when I had to
go back and get the launch. I have
been working on Desiree's portrait but
it is not quite satisfactory yet - I
am having rather a struggle. I don't
know wheather to start another landscape
or present the and the landscape
are so Also I ought
perhaps to go my for the
mural painters - I might use for
landscape back ground the view from
the terrace looking towards the Rose
garden - its the right low eye level.
Did you see Paul on Monday last by
the way - how is he getting on?
I didnt sleep very well last night
the so thinking of so I worked out so made use of my insomnia! - I
worked out the variations on a theme of Yates and must have had a slip K of Arogon
to Artuhrs death -and after she is wid-
owed and kept in great poverty by the 2
Kings - and is Henrys Cinderella in a way
70488758 - mlesullivan
3. On Friday morning when I could go last It rained hard after I had worked just once an hour - and continued without but a brief spell until 12 when I had to go back and get the lunch. I have been working at Desiree's portrait but it is not quite satisfactory yet - I am having rather a struggle. I don't know whether to start another landscape or pretend the weather and the landscape are so noried. Also I ought perhaps to go to my "modelles" for the mural painters - I might use for landscape background the view from the terrace looking toward the Rose Garden - It's the right low eye level. Did you see Paul on Monday last by the way - how is he getting on?I didn't sleep very well last night so thinking of Sis Ostert I worked on the variations on a theme of J Jatesand so made use of my insomnia! - I must have made a slip K of Aragon to ArthurDeath - and after she is wed oneis kept in great poverty by the 2 kings - and is Henry's Cinderella in a way
WINNER - 71094100 - jmfahne
3. On Friday morning when I could go last it rained hard after I had worked just over an hour - and continued with but a brief spell until 12 when I had to go back and get the lunch. I have been working on Desiree's portrait but it is not quite satisfactory yet. I am having rather a struggle. I don't know whether to start another landscape at present the weather and the landscape are so varied. Also I ought perhaps to go my "modells" for the mural painters. I might use for landscape back-ground the view from the terrace looking towards the Rose Garden - its the right low eye level. Did you see Paul on Monday last by the way - how is he getting on? I didn't sleep very well last night so thinking of ostert I worked out the variations on a theme of Fates and so made use of my insomnia! - I must have made a slip K. of Aragon is Arthurs Death- and after she is widowed is kept in great poverty by the 2 kings - and is Henrys Cinderella in a way