- Max. dissimilarity: 0.161
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.085
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67137646 - Preacher357
- 67615959 - Molly_Carr
- 68052806 - Carriechelle
- 68095103 - altheist
- 68197660 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 68582319 - not-logged-in-1b7ce6dcfe8ef35b0a67
- 68583027 - FrederikeLisanne
- 68667486 - JanetCormack

67137646 - Preacher357
2 here alone. For it is much worsethan being alone to feel excluded
for although there is no hope of her
recovery she is better and is going
home., - I think it is probable
that TIny will take on Mary-Jane
and Jack and Michael for Christ-
mas - and M. - J for all the
holidays. A pity she is not a
more attractive child - She is so
snug, sly, and mean! I cannot say
I prefer Carol. It is more and
more born in on me, to my sorrows,
that it does not matter how beloved
one is as a friend, directly there
is any case of family one takes
very second place. That's one
reason I think why I have clung
to Michael - he is my family.
Though I think with art you I should
have been dead long ago - at least
to a positive life. You mean so
67615959 - Molly_Carr
2 here alone. For it is much worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for althought there is no hope of her recovery she is better and is going home; - I think it is probable that Tiny will take on Mary - Jane and Jack and Michael for Christmas - and M.- J for all the holidays. A pity she is not a more attractive child - she is smug, sly, and mean! I must say I prefer Carol. It is more and more bose in on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one is as a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes very second place. That' one reason. I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so68052806 - Carriechelle
2here alone. For it is much worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for although there is no hope of her recovery she is better and is going home - I think it is probable that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane and Jack and Michael for Christmas - and M.-J for all the holidays. A pity she is not a more attractive child - she is so smug, sly, and mean! I must say I prefer Carol. It is more and more born L on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one is as a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes very second place. That's one reason I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family
Though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so
68095103 - altheist
2here alone. For it is mush worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for although there is no hope of her recovery she is better and is going home - I think it is probable that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane and Jack and Michael for Christmas - and M. - J. for all the holiday. A pity she is not a more attractive child - she is so smug, shy, and mean! I cannot say I prefer Carol. It is more and more born in on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one if as a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes very second place. That's one reason I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family.
Though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so
68197660 - jesseytucker
2 here alone. For it is much worsethan being alone to feel excluded.
And now that Doris is dying--
for although there is no hope of her
recovery she is better and is going
home. I think it is probable
that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane
and Jack and MIchael for Christ-
mas, and M-J for all the
holidays. A pity she is not a
more attractive child--she is so
smug, sly, and mean! I must say
I prefer Carol. It is more and
more born in on me, to my sorrow,
that it does not matter how beloved
one is as a friend, directly there
is any case of family one takes
my second place. That's one
reason I think why I have clung
to Michael--he is my family.
Though I think without you I should
have been dead long ago--at least
to a positive life. You mean so
WINNER - 68582319 - not-logged-in-1b7ce6dcfe8ef35b0a67
2here alone. For it is much worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for although there is no hope of her recovering she is better and is going home, - I think it is probable that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane and Jack and Michael for Christ-mas - and M-J for all the holidays. A pity she is not a more attractive child - she is so smug, sly, and mean! I must say I prefer Carol. It is more and more borne in on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one is as a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes very second place. That's one reason I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family. Though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so
68583027 - FrederikeLisanne
here alone. For it is much worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for although there is no hope of her recovery she is better and is going home, - I think it is probable that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane and Jack and Michael for Christmas - and M.-J for all the holidays. A pity she is not a more attractive child - she is so smug, sly, and mean! I must say I prefer Carol. It is more and more born .. on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one is as a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes .. second place. That's one reason I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family.Though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so
68667486 - JanetCormack
2 here alone. For it is much worse than being alone to feel excluded. And now that Doris is dying - for although there is no hope of her recovery she is better and is going home; - I think it is probably that Tiny will take on Mary-Jane and Jack and Michael for Christmas - and M. - J for all the holidays. A pity she is not a more attractive child- She is so smug, sly and mean! I must say I prefer Carol. It is more and more born in on me, to my sorrow, that it does not matter how beloved one is a friend, directly there is any case of family one takes very second place. That's one reason I think why I have clung to Michael - he is my family. Though I think without you I should have been dead long ago - at least to a positive life. You mean so