- Max. dissimilarity: 0.101
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.072
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66916374 - clv
- 67124985 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 67151220 - not-logged-in-ef0fa968b98b6492c7f6
- 67202866 - southsidesunny
- 67268535 - Chris5420
- 67768661 - jsprake

66916374 - clv
but a charming yound girl! I think Clifford has done wonders with her.Janina rang up the other day and wanted to come over - but of course everyone was away.
I am going to Bexhill with Clifford so I must start preparing tea and laying supper.
Michael is a ditchling until Saturday doing some sets for Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well, it is almost as green as a pre-Raphaelite! Desiree is going to sit for me on Saturday morning and Monday.
My dearest Lawrence, I love you so much - I am so afraid of depending on you. Love me if you can - I love you. Sylvia
67124985 - Preacher357
but a charming young girl! Ithink Clifford has done wonders
with her.
Janina rang up the other day
and wanted to come over - but
of couse everyone was away.
I am going to Bexlutt with
Clifford so I must start prep-
aring tea and laying supper.
Michael is at Ditchling until
Saturday doing some sets for
Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well,
it is almost as green as a
pre-Rapheulite! Desiree is
going to sit for me on Saturday
morning and Monday.
My dearest Lawrence, I love
you so much. I am so afraid
of depending on you - love me
if you can - I love you
WINNER - 67151220 - not-logged-in-ef0fa968b98b6492c7f6
but a charming young girl! Ithink Clifford has done wonders
with her.
Janina rang up the other day
and wanted to come over - but
of course everyone was away.
I am going to Bexhill with
Clifford so I must start pre-
paring tea and laying supper.
Michael is a Ditchling until
Saturday doing some sets for
Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well,
it is almost as green as a
pre-Raphealite! Desiree is
going to sit for me on Saturday
morning and Monday.
My dearest Lawrence, I love
you so much - I am so afraid
of depending on you - love me
if you can - I love you.
67202866 - southsidesunny
but a charming girl! Ithink Clifford has done wonders
with her.
Janina rang up the other day
and wanted to come over - but
of course everyone was away.
I am going to Bexhill with
Clifford so I must start prep-
aring tea and laying supper.
Michael is at Ditchling until
Saturday doing some sets for
Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well,
it is almost as green as a
pre-Raphaelite! Desire is
going to sit for me on Saturday
morning and Monday.
My dearest Lawrence, I love
you so much - I am so afraid
of depending on you - love me
if you can - I love you
67268535 - Chris5420
but a charming young girl! Ithink Clifford has done wonders
with her.
Jamina rang up the other day
and wanted to come over - but
of course everyone was away.
I am going to Bexhill with
Clifford so I must start prep-
aring tea and laying supper.
Michael is at Ditchling until
Saturday doing some sets for
Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well,
it is almost as green as a
pre-Raphaelite! Desiree is
going to sit for me on Saturday
morning and Monday.
My dearest, Lawrence, I love
you so much - I am so afraid
of depending on you - love me
if you can - I love you
67768661 - jsprake
but a charming young girl! Ithink Clifford has done wonders
with her.
Jamima? rang up the other day and wanted to come over - but
of course everyone was away.
I am going to Boxhill with Clifford so I must start prep-
aring tea and laying supper.
Michael is at Ditchling until
Saturday doing some sets for
Georgie - I think I told you.
My landscape progresses well,
it is almost as green as a
pre-Raphealite! Desiree is
going to sit for me on Saturday
morning and Monday.
My dearest Lawrence, I love you so much - I am so afraid
of depending on you - Love me
if you can - I love you