- Max. dissimilarity: 0.228
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.128
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66636056 - elcwt
- 67123414 - not-logged-in-cc9b430207992d739f05
- 67469874 - not-logged-in-364939cf1299b17c79da
- WINNER - 67479665 - SREM
- 67655694 - rhughes307
- 67995668 - Frosty1

66636056 - elcwt
3 Sitting on the little tiled terrace outsidethe front door - it was wonderful
yesterday too. - St. Luke's summer -
some ladies outside the store. told me.
I painted for a short time - just over
an hour yesterday morning and this
morning and I hope I shall paint
longer to-morrow but I haven't felt
well enough to stand very long.
I have now finished the gate, and
shall work on the fence next, then
build up the hedge - which is mainly
brambles - back against the sunny
vista with details of reflected light
in leaves, then the sunny wood is the fore
-ground with its cast shadow. I
love you so well - and paint for you.
Tiny was back and we were so
happy to see her - and I think it
cheered her up to be here again and
also tell me all about it! She
came looking dreadful - and so thin -
we have I think persuaded her of
the importance of this and she will
try to eat more instead of smoking quite
so much. She is very depressed about
67123414 - not-logged-in-cc9b430207992d739f05
3 Sitting on the little hied terrace outside the front door - it was a wonderful yesterday too. - St. Lukes' summer - some ladies outside the Onk told me. I painted for a short time - just over an hour yesterday morning and this morning and I hope I shall paint longer romorrow but I haven't felt well enough to stand very long. I have now finished the gate, and shall work on the fence next, then build the hedge - which is mainly brambles - back against the sunny vistor with details and refelcted ligth in caves, then the sunny road is the foreground with it's casle shadows. I love you so well - and painy for you.Tiny was back and we were so happy to see her and I think it cheered her up to be here again and also tell me all about it! She came looking deradful - and so thin - we have I think persuaded her to the importance of this as she will try to eat more insted of smoking quite so much. She is very depressed about
67469874 - not-logged-in-364939cf1299b17c79da
sitting on the little tiled terrace outside the front door - it was wonderful yesterday too. St. Luke's summer - some ladies outside the told me. I painted for a short time - just over an hour yesterday morning and this morning and I hope I shall paint longer to-morrow but I haven't felt well enough to stand very long. I have now finished the gate, and shall work on the fence next, then build of the hedge - which is mostly brambles - back against the sunny vista with details of reflected light and leaves, then the sunny road in the fore-ground with it's cast shadow. I love you so well - and paint for you.was back and we were so happy to see her - and I think it cheered her up to be here again and also tell me all about it! She came looking dreadful - and so thin - we have I think persuaded her of the importance of this and she will try to eat more instead of smoking quite so much. She is very depressed about
WINNER - 67479665 - SREM
3Sitting on the little tiled terrace outside the front door - it was wonderful yesterday too. St. Luke's sunnier - some ladies outside the park told me. I painted for a short time - just over an hour yesterday morning and this morning and I hope I shall paint longer to-morrow but I haven't felt well enough to stand very long. I have now finished the gate, and shall work on the fence next, then build up the hedge - which is mainly brambles - back against the sunny vista with details of reflected light and leaves, then the sunny road in the foreground with its caste shadow. I love you so well - and paint for you.
Tiny was back and we were so happy to see her - and I think it cheered her up to be here again and also tell me all about it! She came looking dreadful - and so thin - we have I think persuaded her of the importance of this and she will try to eat more instead of smoking quite so much. She is very depressed about
67655694 - rhughes307
Sitting in the little tiled terrace outsidethe front door - it was wonderful
yesterday to. St Luke's summer -
some ladies outside the Cork told me.
I painted for a short time - just over
an hour yesterday morning and this
morning and I hope I shall paint
longer to-morrow but I haven't felt
well enough to stand very long.
I have now finished the gate, and
shall work on the fence next, then
build up the hedge - which is mainly
brambles - back against the sunny
vista with details of reflected light
& leaves, then the sunny road is the fore
-ground with its' caste shadow. I
love you so well - and paint for you.
Sing was back and we were so
happy to see her - and I think it
cheered her up to be here again and
also tell me all about it! She
came looking dreadful - and so thin -
we have I think persuaded her of
the importance of this and she will
try to eat more instead of smoking quite
so much. She is very depressed about
67995668 - Frosty1
3 sitting on the little tiled terrace outside the front door - it was wonderful yesterday too - St. Luke's summer - some ladies outside the Owk. told me. I painted for a short time - just over an hour yesterday morning and this morning and I hope I shall paint longer to-morrow but I haven't felt well enough to stand very long. I have now finished the gate, and shall work on the fence next, then build of the hedge - which is mainly brambles - back against the sunny vista with details of reflected light it leaves, then the sunny road in the foreground with it's castle shadow. I love you so well - and paint for you.Tiny was back and we were so happy to see her - and I think it cheered her up to be here again and also tell me all about it! She came looking dreadful - and so thin - we have I think persuaded her of the importance of this and she will try to eat more instead of smoking quite so much. She is very depressed about