- Max. dissimilarity: 0.251
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.138
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66683681 - not-logged-in-376344590b8aa9b0de3f
- WINNER - 67077359 - BevB56
- 67416724 - ethomson
- 67457879 - Molly_Carr
- 67498873 - Preacher357
- 68286198 - jesseytucker

66683681 - not-logged-in-376344590b8aa9b0de3f
Pelt 10.10.51Dearest Lawrence,
I wrote to Cambridge yester-
day - but put on the back -
"if undelivered please return to 107"
etc. So you should have it any
way - I'm so very sorry Miss Chalk
muddled it - I hope it hasn't
inconvenienced you too much.
I am very interested about
what you say of the weight S the
Fitzilliam - I hope I shall see
it sometimes - preferably with you!
I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasant-
er - I had an idea that it as
delightful - but I expect it was
a wish!
I hope you have had pleasant
audiences - I wonder what your
other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasant day
to-day. Painting at the oak -
and the vie I told you of is the
WINNER - 67077359 - BevB56
Pett 10.10.51Dearest Lawrence,
I wrote to Cambridge yesterday - but put on the back - "if undelivered please return to 107" etc. so you should have it any way - I'm so sorry Miss Chilk muddled it - I hope it hasn't inconvenienced you too much.
I am very interested about what you say of the weight of the Fitzwilliam - I hope I shall see it sometime - preferably with you! I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasanter - I had an idea that it was delightful - but I expect it was a wish!
I hope you have had pleasant audiences - I wonder what your other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasant day to-day. Painting at the Oak - and the view I told you of in the
67416724 - ethomson
Pett 10.10.51Dearest Lawrence,
I wrote to Cambridge yester-
day - but put on the back -
"if undelivered please return to 107"
etc. So you should have it any
way - I'm so sorry Miss Chilk
muddled it - I hope it hasn't
inconvenienced you too much.
I am very interested about
what you say of the Wright in the
Fitzwilliam - I hope I shall see
it sometime - preferably with you!
I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasant-
er - I had an idea that it was
delightful - but I expect it was
a wish!
I hope you have had pleasant
audiences - I wonder what your
other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasant day
to-day. Painting at the Oak -
and the view I told you of in the
67457879 - Molly_Carr
Pett 10. 10. 51Dearest Lawrence,
I wrote to Cambridge yesterday - but put on the back -" if untelwered please return to 107" etc. So you should have it any way - I'm so sorry miss Chelk middled it - I hope it hasn't incovenienced you too much.
I am very interested about what you say of the weight in the Fitzwillion - I hope I shall see it sometime - poreferably with you!
I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasente. er - I had an idea that it was delightful - but I except it was a wish!
I hope you have had pleasent audiences - I wonder what your other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasent day today. Painting at the oak - and the view I told you of in the
67498873 - Preacher357
10-10-51 Pett Dearest Lawrence,I wrote to Cambridge yester-
day - but put on the back -
"if undelivered please return to 107"
etc. So you should have it any
way - I'm so sorry Miss
it - I hope it hasn't
inconvenienced you too much.
I am very interested about
what you say of the weight of the
Fitzwilliam - I hope I shall see
it sometime - preferably with you!
I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasent-
er - I had an idea that it was
delightful - but I expect it was
a wish!
I hope you have had pleasent
audience - I wonder what your
other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasent day
to-day. Painting at the oak -
and the view I told you of in the
68286198 - jesseytucker
Pett 10.10.51Dearest Lawrence,
I wrote to Cambridge yester-
day, but put on the back--
"if undelivered please return to 107"
etc. So you should have it any
way. I'm so sorry Miss Chalk
muddled it. I hope it hasn't
inconvenienced you too much.
I am very interested about
what you say of the in the
Fitz William. I hope I shall see
it sometime--preferably with you!
I'm sorry that Ipswich is not pleasant.
er. I had an idea that it was
delightful--but I expect it was
a wish!
I hope you have had pleasant
audience. I wonder what your
other subjects were?
I have had a very pleasant day
today. Painting at the oak,
and the view I told you of in the