- Max. dissimilarity: 0.207
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.146
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66873396 - SREM
- 66911695 - tmeconverse
- 66915987 - not-logged-in-b70787aeaece0513727e
- 67123727 - Preacher357
- 67649503 - rhughes307
- 68362124 - highc51239

WINNER - 66873396 - SREM
I have not quite finished the cricket field view - but very nearly - I think it most successful. I have taken great care. I think I may sell it. It has been much admired on the sight - by Josephine (Horsewoman's) est while landlord and his wife - (a Mrs. Pengelly who is about to leave the district) for 10 gns - he also wants a pendant - the Mill - I think - he and his wife are coming on Monday to inspect.I enclose the London Group Form - I wonder if you could possibly take and "Ajax and the Poet" on Monday or Tuesday? What do you think - I enclose a P.O. Labels etc. I should be glad if you could possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on Friday and Saturday!
In haste as I have the Savages to dinner.
I love you
66911695 - tmeconverse
I have not quite finished the cricket field view - but very nearly. I think it most successful. I have taken great care. i think i may sell it - It has been much admired on the sight - by Josephine (Horsewoman's) cost - while Candlord and his wife - (or Mrs. Pengelly who is about to leave the district) for 10 gns - he also wants a pendent - the Mill - I think - he and his wife are coming on Monday to inspect.I enclose the London Group form. i wonder if you could possibly take in "Ajax and the Poet" on Monday or Tuesday? What do you think - I enclose a P.O. Labels etc. I should be glad if you could. possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on Friday and Saturday!
In haste as I have the Savages to dinner. Lo love you,
66915987 - not-logged-in-b70787aeaece0513727e
I have not quiet finished the cricket feld view - but very nearly - I think it most successful. I have taken great care - I think I may sell it. It has been much admired on the sight - by Josephine (Horsewomans') east while landlord and his wife (a Mr Pengelly who is about to leave the district) for 10 gns - he also wants a pendant - the mill I think - he and his wife are coming on Monday to inspect.I enclose the London Group form - I wonder if you could possibly take to "Ajax and the Poet" on Monday or Tuesday? What do you think - I enclose a P.O. Labels etc. I should be glad if you could possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on Friday or Saturday!
In haste as I have the Sawyers to dinner. I love you, Sylvia
67123727 - Preacher357
I have not quite finished thecricket field view - but very
nearly - I thnk it most success-
ful - I have taken great care -
I think I may sell it - It has
been much admired on the sight -
by Josephine (),
while land lord and his wife -
(or Mr Pengelly who is about to
leave the district) for 10 gns - he
also wants a pendent - the mill -
I think - he and his wife are
coming on Monday to inspect.
I enclose the London Group
Form - I wonder if you could
possibly take it "Ajax and the Poet"
on Monday or Tuesday? What
do you think - I enclose a
P.O. Labels etc. I should
be glad if you could possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on
Friday and Saturday!
In haste as I have the Savages
to dinner. I love you
67649503 - rhughes307
I have not quite finished theCricket field view - but very
nearly - I think it most success-
ful. I have taken great care.
I think I may sell it. It has
been much admired on the sight -
by Josephine (Horsewoman's) cost
while landlord and his wife -
(a Mrs Pengelly who is about to
leave the district) for 10 yrs - he
also wants a pendant, the Mill,
I think, he and his wife are
coming on Monday to inspect.
I enclose the London Group
Form - I wonder if you could
possibly take "Ajax and the Poet"
on Monday or Tuesday? What
do you think - I enclose a
P.O. Labels etc. I should
be glad if you could possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on
Friday and Saturday!
In haste as I have the Sawyers
to dinner. I love you
68362124 - highc51239
I have not quite finished the cricket field view--but very nearly--I think it most successful- I have taken great care. I think I may sell it - It has been much admired on the sight by Josephine (Horeswomans) erstwhile landlord and his wife - (or Mrs Pengelly who is about to leave the district) for 1- gnh - he also wants a pendent - the aull - I think - he and his wife are coming on Monday to inspect.I enclose the London Group Loem - I wonder if you could possibly take "Ajax and the Poet" on Monday or Tuesday? What do you think - I enclose a P.O. labels etc. I should be glad if you could possibly.
Rejections have to be collected on Friday and Saturday!
In haste as I have the Sawyers to dinner. I love you.