- Max. dissimilarity: 0.172
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.123
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 66635447 - not-logged-in-af06b24eb9b00e1cc337
- 66748740 - mariaonufrow
- 66857739 - gailkoelker
- 67463120 - nzanga
- 67818048 - not-logged-in-4029ca247dab5cf7079d
- 68168148 - Berhel

WINNER - 66635447 - not-logged-in-af06b24eb9b00e1cc337
Pett 22.1-.50Dearest Lawrence,
Herewith The photograph of the
Cricket Field Painting - it is 18 1/2" x 24 1/2". The colouring is very
Blue and green - cobalt and some
"new blue"- mainly the Former, and
Emerald green; with Lemon yellow
and Crome yellow (deep), and
pinks and purples - warm -
(in earth, road, and brambles)
mainly of vandyke brown,
burnt siena, and some Alyarin
crimson (Rose Madder) The "New
Blue" is mainly in the foreground and
the shadow on the road. The sky
is mainly cobalt - and the texture
and little white clouds do
not come out in the photograph -
perhaps you can just see they are
on the right - The sky is very
pale and misty looking and I
66748740 - mariaonufrow
Dearest Lawrence,
Herewith the photograph of the Cricket Field Painting - it is 18 1/2" x 24 1/2 ". The colouring is very Blue ad green - cobalt and some "new blue" - mainly the former, and Emerald green; with lemon yellow and Crome yellow (deep), and pinks and purples - warm - ( is earth, road, and brambles mainly of randylike brown, burnt siena, and some Alyarian crimson (Rose Madder) The "New Blue" is mainly in the foreground and the shadow on the road. The sky is mainly cobalt - and the texture and little white clouds do not come out in the photograph - perhaps you can just see they are on the right. The sky is very pale and misty looking and I
66857739 - gailkoelker
Pett 22.10.50 Dearest Lawrence, Herewith the photograph of the Cricket Field Painting. It is 18 1/2 " x 24 1/2". The colouring is very blue and green-cobalt and some -mainly the former, and emerald green, with lemon yellow and yellow (deep), and pinks and purples-warm-(in earth, road, and brambles) mainly of VanDyke brown, burnt siena, and some crimson (rose madder). The "Dew Blue" is mainly in the foreground and the shadow on the road. The sky is mainly cobalt-and the texture and little white clouds do not come out in the photograph. Perhaps you can just see they are on the right. The sky is very pale and misty looking and67463120 - nzanga
PettDearest Lawrence,
Herewith the photograph of the Cricket Field Painting - it is 18 1/2" x 24 1/2". The colouring is very Blue and green - cobalt and some "new blue-" mainly the former, and Emerald green; with Lemon yellow and Crome yellow (deep ), and pinks and purples - warm - in earth, road, and brambles) mainly of vandyke brown, Burnt Siena, and some Alyasion crimson (Rose Madder) The "New Blue" is mainly cobalt - and the texture and little white clouds do not come out in the photograph - perhaps you can just see they are on the right - the sky is very pale and misty looking and
67818048 - not-logged-in-4029ca247dab5cf7079d
Pett 22.10 50Dearest Lawrence,
Herewith the photograph of the Cricket Field Painting - it is 18 1/2" x 24 1/2". The colouring is very Blue and green - cobalt and some 'new blue' - main the former, and emerald green; with lemon yellow and crome yellow (deep), and pinks and purples - warm (in earth, road, and brambles) mainly of randyke brown, burnt Siena, and some Alyarian crimson *Rose Madder) The "New Blue" is mainly in the forground and the shadow on the road. The sky is mainly cobalt - and the texture and little white clouds do not come out in the photograph - perhaps you can just see they are on the right. The sky is very pale and misty looking and I
68168148 - Berhel
Dearest Lawrence,
Herewith the photograph of the Cricket Field Painting - it is 181/2" x 241/2". The colouring is very Blue and green - cobalt and some "new blue" - mainly the former, and Emerald green; with Lemon yellow and crome yellow (deep), and pinks and purples - warm - (in earth, road, and brambles) mainly of brown, burnt Siena, and some crimson (Rose ) The "New Blue" is mainly in the foreground and the shadow on the road. The sky is mainly cobalt - and the texture and little white clouds do not come out in the photograph - perhaps you can just see they are on the right - The sky is very pale and misty looking and