- Max. dissimilarity: 0.129
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.099
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66608334 -
- 66701911 - hoskinml
- WINNER - 67706354 - Janet616
- 67892886 - jsprake
- 68247307 - uninvitedghosts
- 68547912 - jesseytucker

66608334 -
feel very happy about it for itis like sharing you with John -
perhaps my feelings are quite irrat
ing - but I 'have always felt that
John's feelings towards me were very
muted and I feel it would be like
sharing with him one most private
joys - I'm afraid you may be
angry with me, but if you are I
shall be all the more convinced that
your friends have won you from
me - I cannot think of any thing
else to say to urge my case - but
I do feel very strongly about it,
and I hope that you will oblige
me in this. By the way I have
the key - I will send it back if you
Let me know about the little bush
and I will send you a cheque by
return so that you will not be embar-
rassed - or a P. O. if you'd rather.
P.PS. Please do not ignore this
request regarding J. but let me know
your views. S
66701911 - hoskinml
feel very happy about it for it is like sharing you with John - perhaps my feelings are quite irrat-ional - but I have always felt that John's feelings towards me were very mixed and I feel it would be like sharing with him our most private joys - I'm afraid you may be angry with me, but if you are I shall be all the more convinced that your friends have won you from me - I cannot think of anything else to say to urge my case - but I do feel very strongly about it, and I hope that you will oblige me in this. By the way I have the key - I will send it back if you wish.Let me know about the little bush and I will send you a cheque by return so that you will not be embar-assed - on a p. o if you'd rather.
P.PS. Please do not ignore this request regarding J. but let me know your views. S
WINNER - 67706354 - Janet616
feel very happy about it for it is like sharing you with John - perhaps my feelings are quite irrat-ional - but I have always felt that john's feeling towards me were very wicked and I feel it would be like sharing with him one most private joys - I'm afraid you may be angry with me, but if you are I shall be all the more convinced that your friends have won you from me - I cannot think of anything else to say to urge my case - but I do feel very strongly about it, and I hope that you will oblige me in this. By the way I have the key - I will send it back if you wish.Let me know about the little bust and I will send you a cheque by return so that you will not be embar-rassed - or a P.O. if you'd rather.
P.P.S. Please do not ignore this request regarding J. but let me know your views. S
67892886 - jsprake
feel very happy about it for itis like haring you with John -
perhaps my feelings are quite irrat-
ional - but I have always felt that
John's feelings towards me were very
buked and I feel it would be like
sharing with him our? most private
joys - I'm afraid you may be
angry with me, but if you are I
shall be all the more convinced that
your friends have won you from me - I cannot think of anything
else to say to urge my case - but
I do feel very strongly about it
and I hope that you will oblige
me in this. By the way I have
the keey - I will send it back if you
Let me know about the little bust
and I will send you a cheque by
return so that you will not be embar-
assed - or a P.O. if you'd rather.
P.P.S. Please do not ignore this
request regarding J. but let me know
68247307 - uninvitedghosts
feel very happy about it for itis like sharing you with John -
perhaps my feelings are quite ori-
ginal - but I have always felt that
John's feelings towards me were very
naked and I feel t would be like
sharing with him one most private
joys - I'm afraid you may be
angry with me, but if you are I
shall be all the more convinced that
your friends have won you from
me - I cannot think of anything
else to say to urge my case - but
I do feel very strongly about it,
and I hope that you will oblige
me in this. By the way I have
the key - I will send it back if you
Let me know about the little bush
and I will send you a cheque by
return so that you will not be embar-
assed - or a P.O if you'd rather.
P.P.S. Please do not ignore this
request regarding J. but let me know
your views. S
68547912 - jesseytucker
feel very happy about it for itis like sharing you with John--
perhaps my feelings are quite irrat-
ional--but I have always felt that
John's feelings towards me were very
liked and I feel it would be like
sharing with him one most private
joys. I' afraid you may be
angry with me, but if you are I
shall be all more convinced that
your friends have won you from
me. I cannot think of anything
else to say to urge my case, but
I do feel very strongly about it,
and I hope that you will oblige
me in this. By the way I have
the key. I will send it back if you wish.
Let me know about the little bust
and I will send you a cheque by
return so that you will not be embar-
assed, on a PO if you'd rather.
P.P.S. Please do not ignore this
request regarding J. but let me know
your views. S