- Max. dissimilarity: 0.245
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.16
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67414898 - mikethebike2
- 67494905 - Preacher357
- 68051572 - Carriechelle
- 68098117 - JanetCormack
- WINNER - 68190280 - jesseytucker
- 68566788 - Molly_Carr

67414898 - mikethebike2
4 O certainly see some images in it, and I think some psychological allusions, but then all your poems have, is it something from the lecture notes? I am pleased to se your doing the " Diana's Mirror" image again, it is such a lovely one and here very complex I feel. I adore the short pace, how gallant you are, my dear love. I must paint you a la Dobson as a remarelBy the way if Hetty has any pennies to spare(!) she should get in some tins of meat and sausages for the store cupboard for I understand that they soon will be no longer imported.
I'm so sorry to bother you with more errands, but Michael seems to be having great difficulty with
67494905 - Preacher357
4 O certainly see some muchimages in it - and I think
some psychologic allusions -
but then all your poems have -
is it something from the lecture
notes? I am pleased to see
your using the "Diana's
Mirror" image again - it is
such lovely one and here
very complex I feel. I adore
the short piece - gallant
you are, my dear love. I
must quickly paint you a la
Dobson as a reward!
By the way if Hetty has
our pennies to spare (!)
she should get in some tins
of meat and sausages for the
store cupboard for I under-
stand that they soon will
be no longer imported.
I'm so sorry to bother
you with more errands -
but Michael seems to be
having great difficulty with
68051572 - Carriechelle
4I certainly see some murch images in it - and I think some psychologic allusions - but then all your poems have - is it something from the lecture notes? I am pleased to see your using the "Diana's Mirror" image again - it is such a lovely one and here very complex I feel. I adore the short piece - how gallant you are, my dear love. I must quickly paint you a la Dobson as a reward!
By the way if Wetty has any pennies to spare (!) she should get L some tins of meat and sausages for the store cupboard for I understand that they soon will be no longer imported.
I'm so sorry to bother you with more errands - but Michael seems to be having great difficulty with
68098117 - JanetCormack
4 I certainly see some Munch images in it - and I think some psychologic allusions - but then all your poems have - is it something from the lecture notes? I am pleased to see you using the "Diana's mirror" image again - it is such a lovely one and here very complex I feel. I adore the short piece - how gallant you are, my dear love. I must quickly paint you a la Dobson as a reward!By the way if Hetty has any pennies to spare (!) she should get in some tins of meat and sausages for the store cupboard for I understand that they will soon no longer be imported.
I'm so sorry to bother you with more estands -but Michael seems to be having great difficulty with
WINNER - 68190280 - jesseytucker
4 O certainly see someimages in it--and I think
some psychologic allusions--
but then all your poems have.
Is it something from the lecture
notes? I am pleased to see
your using the "Diana's
Mirror" image again. It is
such a lovely one and here
very complex I feel. I adore
the short piece--how gallant
you are, my dear love. I
must quickly paint you a la
Dobson as a reward!
By the way if Hetty has
any pennies to spare (!)
she should get in some tins
of meat and sausages for the
store cupboard for I under-
stand that they soon will
be no longer imported.
I'm so sorry to bother
you with more errands--
but Michael seems to be
having great difficulty with
68566788 - Molly_Carr
4 I certainly see some Mucch images in it - And i think some psychologie allusions - but then all your poems have - is it something from the lucture notes? I am pleased to see your doing the "Diana's nussor" image again - it is such a lovely one and here very complex I feel. I adore the short piece - how gallant you are, my dear love. I must quickly paint you a la Dobson as a remasd! By the way if Wetty has any pennies to spare (!) she should get in some tins of meat and sausages for the store capboard for I understand that they sonn will be no longer im ported.I'm so sorry to bother you with more exends - but Michael seems to be having grater difficulty with