- Max. dissimilarity: 0.064
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.042
- Image votes: 0.0
- 66600814 - nzanga
- 66608778 - Berhel
- 67029410 - Salwell
- 67091615 - not-logged-in-91ae48aaa5b43ee47301
- WINNER - 67149994 - jsprake
- 67672678 - NVarellas

66600814 - nzanga
started I believe!! Undeterred RB has written a Strong review again this week.M is getting me the canvases they will be ready on the 13th or 14th so I can collect them myself! I don't think one has to collect K. Galleries till this week -
I'm so glad about Banstead I thought they would - they enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at Rye potteries - I hope I might get some part-time work - Savage told me about it.
I am so longing to see you, my Apollo - Apollo as Archer at the moment! ah my love. Your presence will show my mistake I love you Sylvia
66608778 - Berhel
stacked I believe! Undeterred RB has written a strong review again this week.M. is getting me the canvasses they will be ready on the 13th or 14th so I can collect them myself! I don't think one has to collect K. Galleries till this week -
I'm so glad about Baustead I thought they would - they enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at Rye Potteries - I hope I might get some part-time work - Savage told me about it.
I am so longing to see you, my Apollo - Apollo as Archer at the moment! Ah my love your presence will show my mistake I love you
67029410 - Salwell
starked I believe! UndeterredRB has written a strong review
again this week.
M is getting me the canvases,
they will be ready on the 13th
or 14th so I can collect them
myself! I don't think one
has to collect K. Galleries till
this week -
I am so glad about Banstead
I thought they would - they
enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at
Rye potteries - I hope I
might get some part-time
work - Savage told me about
I am so longing to see you.
My Apollo - Apollo as Archer
at the moment! Ah my love
your presence will show my
mistake I love you
67091615 - not-logged-in-91ae48aaa5b43ee47301
stacked I believe! UndeteredRB has written a strong review
again this week.
M. is getting me the canvas
they will be ready on the 13th
or 14th so I can collect them
myself! I don't think one
has to collect K. Galleries till
this week -
I'm so glad about Banstead
I thought they would - they
enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at
Rye potteries - I hope I might get some part-time
work - Savage told me about
I am so longing to see you,
my Apollo - Apollo as Archer
at the moment! Ah my love
your presence will show my
mistake I love you
WINNER - 67149994 - jsprake
stacked? I believe! UndeterredRB has written a strong review
again this week.
M. is getting me the canvases
They will be ready on the 13th
or 14th so I can collect them
myself! I don't think one
has to collect K. Galleries till
this week -
I'm so glad about Banstead
I thought they would - They
enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at
Rye potteries - I hope I
might get some part-time
work - Savage told me about
I am so longing to see you,
my Apollo - Apollo As Archer
at the moment! Ah my love
your presence will show my
mistake. I love you.
67672678 - NVarellas
stacked I believe! Undeterred RB has written a strong review again this week.M. is getting me the canvases - they will be ready on the 13th or 14th so I can collect them myself! I don't think one has to collect K. Galleries till this week.
I'm so glad about Bamstead I thought they would. They enjoy you so much!
I am trying for a job at Rye Potteries. I hope I might get some part-time work. Savage told me about it.
I am so longing to see you, my Apollo - Apollo as Archer at the moment! Ah my love your presence will show my mistake. I love you