- Max. dissimilarity: 0.225
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.13
- Image votes: 0.0
- 67047416 - Preacher357
- 67163303 - ethomson
- 67499259 - not-logged-in-d5bf3d5e6016608e6be1
- WINNER - 67597398 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
- 68003875 - marcinj
- 68296997 - jesseytucker

67047416 - Preacher357
30-13-51 Pett Dearest Lawrence,To-morrow is New-Year's
Eve and I do wish you a very
happy New Year, and that I
could be with you- I love you
so much.
I will enclose the N.P.G.
aquisition. I see in A. News
that they are having an Exhibition
of their new aquistions. Also that
Foldes is having another show
at the Redfern.
I have had a very frustrating
and maddening day, apart
from a lovely dinner this evening
and a pleased evening with the
Woods, and a magnificent
sermon by Clifford this morning.
For I have been trying to cut
down a frame for my picture
of the mill - with fairly
disasterous results- Clifford
has very kindly offered to try
to put it for we
67163303 - ethomson
Pett 30 12.51Dearest Lawrence,
To-morrow is New-Year's
Eve and I do wish you a very
happy New Year, and that I
could be with you - I love you
so much.
I will enclose the N.P.G
acquisitions. I see in the A. News
that they are having an Exhibition
of their new acquisitions. Also that
Foldes is having another show
at the Redfern.
I have had a very frustrating
and maddening day, apart
from a lovely dinner this evening
and a pleasant evening with the
Woods, and a magnificent
sermon by Clifford this morning.
For I have been trying to cut
down a frame for my picture
of the 'Mill' - with fairly
disastrous results - Clifford
has very kindly offered to try
to put it right for me.
67499259 - not-logged-in-d5bf3d5e6016608e6be1
Dearest Lawrence,To-morrow is New-Year's Eve and I do wish you a very happy New Year, and that I could be with you- I love you so much.
I will enclose the N.P.G acquisitions. I see on A.News that they are having an exhibition of their new acquisitions. Also that Toledo is having another show at the Redford.
I have had a very frustrating and maddening day, apart from a lovely dinner this evening and and a pleasant evening with the woodo, and a magnificent sermon by Clifford this morning. For I have been trying to cut down a frame for my picture of the nill with fairly disastrous results- Clifford has very kindly offered to stay to put it for me.
WINNER - 67597398 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
Pett 30. 12. 51Dearest Lawrence,
To-morrow is New-Year's Eve and I do wish you a very happy New Year, and that I could be with you -- I love you so much.
I will enclose the N.P.Q acquisitions. I see in A. News that they are having an Exhibition of their new acquisitions. Also that Foldes is having another show at the Redfern.
I have had a very frustrating and maddening day, apart from a lovely dinner this evening and a pleasant evening with the Woods, and a magnificent sermon by Clifford this morning.
For I have been trying to cut down a frame for my picture of the 'Mill' -- with fairly disastrous results -- Clifford has very kindly offered to try to put it right for me
68003875 - marcinj
Pett 30 12.51Dearest Lawrence,
To-morrow is New- Year's
Eve and I do wish you a very
happy New Year, and that I
could be with you - I love you so much.
I will enclose the N.P.G
aquistions- I see in A. News
that they are having an Exhibition
of their new aquisitions. Also that
Lordes is having another show
at the Redfern.
I have had a very frustrating
and maddening day, apart
from a lovely dinner this evening
and a pleasent evening with the
Woods, and a magnificent
sermon by Clifford this morning.
For I have been trying to cut
down a frame for my picture
of the 'Mill' - with fairly
disastrous results- Clifford
has very kindly offered to try
to put it right for me
68296997 - jesseytucker
Pett 30.12.51Dearest Lawrence,
Tomorrow is New Year's
Eve and I do wish you a very
happy New Year, and that I
could be with you--I love you
so much.
I will enclose the NPG
acquisitions. I see in A. News
that they are having an exhibition
of their new acquisitions. Also that
Foldes is having another show
at the Red Fern.
I have had a very frustrating
and maddening day, apart
from a lovely dinner this evening
and a pleasant evening with the
woods, and in magnificent
sermon by Clifford this morning.
For I have been trying to cut
down a frame for my picture
of the "Will"--with fairly
disastrous results--Clifford
has very kindly offered to try
to put it right for me.