- Max. dissimilarity: 0.765
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.316
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 69074420 - Preacher357
- 69705683 - h_e_day
- 70957147 - JanetCormack
- 71481240 - Chris5420
- 72622684 - not-logged-in-856e717132cb81d9b80f
- 73053310 - calculatedFlame

WINNER - 69074420 - Preacher357
N.G. Wednesday Dearest SylviaI think your choice of pictures for the S.E.A. was very good. I hope that we
shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realise that life without you is impossible
for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly
and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be
sure I had noticed the constrast of architecture in the Theatre' - I
have not missed much in it I am sure for I have examined it with
loving attention over and over again.
A poem for my cat follows:
'Let nothing happen to you'
I said to the mirror's face
Lovers go for mirrors when they're alone
Narcissus wished for no one but himself
But lovers watch themselves to remember
The body that is loved by some one else
When you see your image in the glass
Love yourself as I do seeing you.
'Let nothing happen to you'
The face in the mirror said.
I am having tea with CJ today & then I am attending a lecture for
boys & girls given by Uncle Clare. This is just to observe his
technique for I am lecturing on Velasquez in this series come
The V & A library is closed for a week or so which means I have
a problem in getting material for my 1st B'ham lecture. Erika
(Hanover gal) has given me photo's of Delvaux & I am trying to
contact the elusive E L T Mesens.
Must close now or C J will come into his office and find me writing
this (it being after 6:00).
I love you
69705683 - h_e_day
N G WednesdayDearest Sylvia
I think your choice of pictures for the SEA was very good. I hope that we shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realise that life without you is impossible for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be sure I had noticed the contrast of architecture in the 'Theatre'. I have not missed much in it I am sure for I have examined it with loving attention over and over again.
A poem for my cat follows:
'let nothing happen to you'
I said to the mirror's face
lovers go for mirrors when they're alone
Narcissus wished for no one but himself
But lovers watch themselves to remember
The body that is loved by someone else
when you see your image in the glass
love yourself as I do seeing you.
'let nothing happen to you'
The face in the mirror said.
I am having tea with CJ today & then I am attending a lecture for boys & girls given by Uncle Clare. This is just to observe his technique for I am lecturing in Velasquez in this series come Friday.
The V & A library is closed for a week or so which means I have a problem in getting material for my 1st B'ham lecture. Erika (Havena 2nd) has given me photos of Delraux & I am trying to contact the elusive E L T Mesens.
Must close now or CJ will come into his office & find me writing this (it being after 6.00).
I love you
70957147 - JanetCormack
N G WednesdayDearest Sylvia
I think your choice of pictures for the SEA was very good. I hope that we shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realise that life without you is impossible for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be sure I had noticed the contrast of architecture in the Theatre'. I have not missed much in it I am sure for I have examined it with loving attention over and over again.
A poem for my cat follows:
'Let nothing happen to you'
I said to the mirror's face
Love go for mirrors when they're alone
Narcissus wished for no one but himself
But lovers watch themselves to remember
The body that is loved by someone else
When you see your image in the glass
Love youself as I do seeing you.
'Let nothing happen to you'
The face in the mirror said.
I am having tea with CJ today and then I am attending a lecture for boys & girls given by Uncle Clare. This is just to observe his techniques for I am lecturing on Velasquez in this series come Friday.
The V & A library is closed for a week or so which means I have a problem in getting material for my 1st B'ham lecture. Eriko (Havana Gal) has given me plates of Delvaux & I am trying to contact the elusive E L T Mesens.
Must close now or CL will come into his office & find me writing this (it being after 4.00).
I love you
71481240 - Chris5420
N G WednesdayDearest Sylvia
I think your choice of pictures for the SEA was very good. I hope that we shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realise that life without you is impossible for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be sure I had noticed the contrast of architecture in the Theatre! - I have not missed much in it I am sure for I have examined it with loving attention over and over again.
A poem for my cat follows:
'Let nothing happen to you'
I said to the mirror's face
Lovers go for mirrors when they're alone
Narcissus wished for no one but himself
But lovers watch themselves to remember
The body that is loved by some one else
When you see your image in the glass
Love yourself as I do seeing you.
'Let nothing happen to you'
The face in the mirror said.
I am having tea with CJ today & then I am attending a lecture for boys and girls biven by Uncle Clare. This is just to observe his technique for I am lecturing on Velasquez in this series come Friday.
The V&A library is closed for a week or so which means I have a problem in getting material for my 1st B'ham lecture. Erika (Havana gal has given me photos of Delvaux & I am trying to contact the elusive ELT Mesens.
Must close now or CJ will come into his office & find me writing this ( it being after 6.00).
I love you
72622684 - not-logged-in-856e717132cb81d9b80f
NG WednesdayDearest ,
I think your choice of pictures for was very good. I hope that we shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realise that life without you is impossible for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be sure I had
73053310 - calculatedFlame
NG WednesdayDearest Sylvia
I think your choice of pictures for the SEA was very good. I that we
shall see them hanging soon.
I miss you very much. I realize that life without you is impossible
for me - depressing, chaotic, infuriating. I love you so dearly
and long for our meeting. I adore your poem and you may be
sure I had natired the contrast of architecture in the Theatre. I
have not missed much in it I am sure for I have examined it with
loving attention over and over again.
A poem for my col fellows:
'let nothing happen to you'
I said to the mirrors face
lovers go for mirrors when they're alone
Narcissus wished for no one but himself
But lovers watch themselves to remember
The body that is loved by some one else
when you see your image in the glass
love yourself as I do seeing you
'let nothing happen to you'
The face in the mirror said.
I am having tea with CJ today & then 1am attending a lecture for
boys & girls given by Uncle Clare. This is just to observe his
technique for I am lecturing on Velasquez in the serves come
The V&A library is closed for a week or so which means I have
a problem in getting material for my 1st B'ham lecture. Erika
(Havena Gal) has given me plates of Delraux & I am trying to
contact its elusive L T Merens.
Must close now or CJ will come into his office & find me writing
this (it being after 4 now).
I love you