- Max. dissimilarity: 0.316
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.172
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68925130 - jesseytucker
- 71671194 - the3esses
- 71861445 - EricSaberhagen
- 72291100 - darryluk
- WINNER - 72998100 - hoskinml
- 73609171 - Zooniverse2017

68925130 - jesseytucker
2 Let me tell you a little about my lectures.On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical
training instead of the academic training col-
lege in Bedford. Once that was straightened ot,
however, the lecture went off quite well to CA 100
girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. It is real-
ly rather pretty in its haphazard, suburban
manner. The hotel was not particularly pleas-
ant and I was offered fish or Bubble and squeak for
breakfast. I squeaked protestingly.
AT Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no brighter
than when I just met him and insists on all kinds
of confidence (mainly financial) which I must keep
in myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative
stranger I feel he is more of a whole to himself
than I am. (He has more sources of weave than, and C.
be..) I looked quickl in the Fitzmiller for the
figures like those in the V and A you examined
on Monday but missed them somehow (I had
little time).
The lecture was to midwives and Health Vis-
itors. It was held in the X-Ray room, be-
cause it could easily be blacked out. Great
machines, sinks, screens, rubber cables, all
over the place. This too I think was quite fav-
orably received. Instead of geraniums judg-
ing (or whatever that WI wanted) I was asked ad-
vice on a suitable play for the midwives to
visit in London. I disodnered Zip Goes A
Million which one remember was billen on....
71671194 - the3esses
2 let me tell you a little about my lectures. On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical training instead of the academic training college in Bedford. Once that was straightened out, however, the lecture went off quite well to ca 100 girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. It is really rather pretty in its haphazard, suburban manner. The hotel was not particularly pleasant & I was offered fish or Bubble & squeak for breakfast. I squeaked protestingly.At Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no brighter than when I first met him & insists on all kinds of confidences (mainly financial) which I must keep to myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative stranger I feel he is more of a menace to himself than I am. (He has more sources of income than, sc. sc.) I looked quickly in the Fitzmillian like those in the V&A you examined on Monday but missed them somehow (I had little time).
The lecture was to midwives and Health Visitors. It was held in the X-Ray room, because it could easily be blacked out. Great machines, sinks, screens, rubber cables, all over the place. This too I think was quite favourably received. Instead of geranium judging (is whatever that WI wanted) I was asked advice on a suitable play for the midwives to visit in London. I dis-advised Zip Goes A Million which one member was keen on ....
71861445 - EricSaberhagen
2 Let me tell you a little about my lectures.On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical
training instead of the academic training col-
lege in Bedford. Once that was straightened out,
however, the lecture went off quite well to ca. 100
girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. IC is real-
ly quite pretty in its haphazard, suburban
manner. The hotel was not particularly pleas-
ant as I was offered fish or Bubble & squeak for
breakfast. I squealed protestingly.
At Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no brighter
than when I first met him & insists on all kinds
of confidences (mainly financial) which I must keep
to myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative
stranger I feel his is more of a menace to himself
than I am. (He has more sources of income than, &c,
&c.) I looked quickly in the Fitzmillear for the
figures like those in the V & A you examined
on Monday and missed them somehow (I had
little time).
The lecture was to midwives & Health vis-
itors. IC was held in the X-Ray room, be-
cause it could easily be blacked out. Great
machines, sinks, screens, rubber cobbles, all
over the place. This too I think was quite fav-
orably received. Instead of geraniums judg-
ing (or whatever that WI wanted) I was asked ad-
vice on a suitable play for the midwives to
visit in London. I dis-admired Zip Goes A
Million which one member was keen on...
72291100 - darryluk
2Let me tell you a little about my lectures. On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical training at lege in Bedford. Once that was straightened out, damenes, the lecture went off quite well to ca. 100 girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. It is really rather pretty in its haphazard, suburban manner. The hotel was not particularly pleasant as I was offered just a Bubble and Squeak for breakfast. I squeaked protestingly.
At Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no laughter than when I first met him and insists on all kinds of confidences (mainl financial) which I must keep to myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative stranger I feel he is more of a menace to himself than I am. (He has more sources of income than, bc.
bc.) I looked quickly in the Fitzwilliam for the figures like those in the V & A you examined on Monday but missed them somehow ( I had little time).
Great machines, sinks, sensors, rubber cables, all over the place. This too I think was quite favourably received. Instead of geranium judging (is whatever that W I wanted) I was asked advice on a suitable play for the midwives to visit in London. I dis-advised Zip Goes a Million which one member has been on.....
WINNER - 72998100 - hoskinml
2 Let me tell you a little about my lectures. On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical training instead of the academic training col-lege in Bedford. Once that was straightened out, however, the lecture went off quite well to ca 100 girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. It is real-ly rather pretty in its haphazard, suburban manner. The hotel was not particularly pleas-ant & I was offered fish or Bubble & squeak for breakfast. I squeaked protestingly.At Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no brighter than when I first met him & insists on all kinds of confidences (mainly financial) which I must keep to myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative stranger I feel he is more of a menace to himself than I am. (He has more sources of income than, &c. &c.) I looked quickly in the Fitzwilliam for the figures like those in the V & A you examined on Monday but missed them somehow (I had little time).
The lecture was to Midwives & Health Vis-itors. It was held in the X-Ray room, because it could easily be blacked out. Great machines, sinks, screens, rubber cables, all over the place. This too I think was quite fav-orably received. Instead of geranium judg-ing (or whatever that WI wanted) I was asked ad-vice on a suitable play for the midwives to visit in London. I dis-admired Zip Goes A Million which one member was keen on . . . .
73609171 - Zooniverse2017
2 Let me tell you a little about my lectures.On Monday the taxi took me to a school of physical
training instead of the academic training col-
lege in Bedford. Once that was straightened out,
however; the lecture went off quite well to ca. 100
girls. I went for a walk in Bedford. It is real-
ly rather pretty in its haphazard, suburban
manner. The hotel was not particularly pleas-
ant & I was offered fish or Bubble & squeak for
breakfast. I squeaked protestingly.
At Cambridge I saw Thoms. He is no brighter
than when I first met him & insists on all kinds
of confidence (mainly financial) which I must keep
to myself, he says. But since he confides in a comparative
stranger I feel he is more of a menace to himself
than I am. (He has more sources of income tho, &c.
&c.) I looked quickly in the Fitzwilliam for the
figures like those in the V & A you examined
on Monday but missed them somehow (I had
little time).
The lecture was to midwives & Health Vis-
itors. It was held in the X-Ray room, be-
cause it could easily be blacked out. Great
machines, sinks, screens, rubber cables, all
over the place. This too I think was quite fav-
orably received. Instead of geraniums judg-
ing (or whatever that WI wanted) I was asked ad-
vice on a suitable play for the midwives to
visit in London. I dis-adviced Zip Goes A
Million which one member was keen on....