- Max. dissimilarity: 0.247
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68637777 - tmeconverse
- 68679409 - JanetCormack
- 68719678 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69751674 - jesseytucker
- 69789887 - Chris5420
- 70033234 - blckchrry

68637777 - tmeconverse
I still feel tired but I hope that the ICA discussion tonight (not open to the public but a meeting to see if any ideas or views emerge from selected artists & critics) will not drag on too long. Then I'll get a good night's sleep. And you my love - how are you sleeping? Well I trust.As you are not coming Thursday I expect to see Paul Sunday & we will discuss matters further.
Blyns - whom I met by chance at the T.G. - sends her love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love you.
Dandy has a small secret which you must not know about yet. That's why it is a backview.
love Hetty
68679409 - JanetCormack
I still feel tired but I hope that the ICA discussion tonight (not open to the public but a meeting to see if any ideas emerge from selected artists & critics) will not drag on too long. Then I'll get a good night's sleep. And you my love - how are you sleeping? Well I trust.As you are not coming Thursday I expect to see Paul Southy & we will discuss matters further.
Blynx - whom I met by chance at the T.G. -sends her love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love you
P.S. Dandy has a small secret which you must not know about yet: That's why it a back view.
Love Hetty
68719678 - Preacher357
I still feel tired, but I hope that theICA discussion tonight (not open to
the public but a meeting to see if any
ideas or views emerge from selected
artists & critics) will not drag on
too long. Then I'll get a good
night's sleep. And you my love -
how are you sleeping? Well I
As you are not coming Thursday,
I expect to see Paul & we will
discuss matters further.
Blyns - whom I met by chance at the T.G. -
sends her love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love
Dandy has a small
secret which you
must not know
about yet: That's
why it is a
love Hetty
WINNER - 69751674 - jesseytucker
I still feel tired but I hope that theICA discussion tonight (not open to
the public but a meeting to see if any
ideas or views emerge from selected
artists ad critics) will not drag on
too long. Then I'll get a good
night's sleep. And you my love--
how are you sleeping? Well I
As you are not coming Thursday
I expect to see Paul Southe and we will
discuss matters further.
Blynx--whom I met by chance at the TG
sends her love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love
Dandy has a small
secret which you
must not know
about yet. That's
why it is a
Love, Hetty
69789887 - Chris5420
I still feel tired but I hope theICA discussion tonight (not open to
the public but a meeting to see if any
ideas or views emerge from selected
artists & critics) will not drag on
too long. Then I'll get a good
night's sleep. And you my love-
how are you sleeping? Well I
As you are not coming Thursday
I expect to see Paul Sandle & we will
discuss matters further.
Blynx - whom I met by chance at the T.G. -
sends her love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love you
Dandy has a small
secret which you
must not know
about yet. That's
why it is a
love Hetty
70033234 - blckchrry
I still feel tired and I hope that theICA discussion tonight (not open to
the public but a meeting to see if any
ideas or views emerge from selected
artists & critics) will not drag on
too long. Then I'll get a good
night's sleep. And you my love -
how are you sleeping? Well I
As you are not coming Thursday
I expect to see Paul & me will
discuss matters further.
Blyme - whom I met by chance at the T.S -
sends his love to you.
I love you, my beauty, I love
Dandy has a small
secret which you
must not know
about yet. That's
one it is a
love Hett