- Max. dissimilarity: 0.2
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.112
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68790388 - jesseytucker
- 68891930 - Preacher357
- 69667357 - gailkoelker
- 70108184 - southsidesunny
- WINNER - 70545908 - LibrarianMark
- 70871618 - SailorVal

68790388 - jesseytucker
This morning, shamed by the sunlightI did some house work, as well as pre-
pared my lecture. I am afraid that
even when I got home yesterday the
plant (I am not sure how to spell its
name) had wilted, flopping outwards
from the centre, over the jardiniere.
This morning it was no better. What
am I do do? You watered it only
By the way, you may be interested
to hear that Rembrandt's El Illuminations
are influenced by translations from
Cliver verse which were current
in the 2nd Empire: Gautier's dau-
gate Judith published one such col-
lection. I Live de Jade.
I must set off for Banstead, via
the Public Library at Wimbledon.
Sleep well my dear love. You are
my life.
I love you
68891930 - Preacher357
This morning, slaned by the sunlight,I did some house work, as well as pre-
pared my lecture. I am afraid that
even when I got home yesterday the
plant (I am not sure how to spell its
name) had wilted, flopping outwards
from the centre, over the gardiniere.
This morning it was no better. What
am I to do? You watered it only
By the way, you may be interested
to hear that Rimband's les Illuminations
are influenced by translation from
Chinese verse which were current
in the 2nd Empire: Gautier's dau-
ghters Judith published one such col-
lection - le Livre de Jade.
I must set off for Banstead, via
the Public Library at WImbledon.
Sleep well my dear love. You are
my life.
I love you
69667357 - gailkoelker
This morning, shamed by the sunlight I did some house work, as well as prepared my lecture. I am afraid that even when I got home yesterday the plant (I am not sure how to spell its name) had wilted, flapping outwards from the centre, over the jardiniere. This morning it was no better. What am I to do? You watered it only yesterday.By the way, you may be interested to hear that Rimbaud's Les Illuminations are influenced by translations from Clinere verse which were current in the 2nd Empire: Gautier's daughter Judith published one such collection in Le Linre de Jade.
I must set off for Banstead, via the public library at Wimbledon. Sleep well my dear love. You are my life.
I love you
70108184 - southsidesunny
This morning, slowed by the sunlightI did some house work, as well as pre-
pared my lecture. I am afraid that
even when I got home yesterday the
plant (I am not sure how to spell its
name) had wilted, flopping outwards
from the centre, over the jardiniere.
This morning it was no better - what
am I to do? You watered it only
By the way, you may be interested
to hear that Rimbaud's Les Illuminations
are influenced by translations from
Chinese verse which were current
in the 2nd Empire: Gautier's dau-
ghter Judith published one such col-
lection --Le Livre de Jade.
I must set off for Banstead, via
the Public library at Wimbledon.
Sleep well my dear love. You are
my life.
I love you
WINNER - 70545908 - LibrarianMark
This morning, shamed by the sunlight I did some house work, a swell as prepared my lecture. I am afraid that even when I got home yesterday the plant (I am not sure how to spell it's name) had wilted, flopping outwards from the centre, over the jardiniere. This morning it was no better. What am I to do? you watered it only yesterday.By the way, you may be interested to hear that Rimbaud's Les Illuminations are influenced by translations from Chinese verse which were current in the 2nd Empire: Gautiere's daughter Judith published one such collection - Le Livre de Jade.
I must set off for Banstead, via the Public Library at Wimbledon.
Sleep well my dear love. You are my life.
I love you
70871618 - SailorVal
This morning, shamed by the sunlightI did some housework, as well as pre-
pared my lecture. I am afraid that
even when I got home yesterday the
plant (I am not sure how to spell its
name) had wilted, flopping outwards
from the centre, over the jardiniere.
This morning it was no better. What
am I to do? You watered it only
By the way, you may be interested
to hear that Riambaud's Les Illuminations
are influenced by translations from
Chinese verse which were current
in the 2nd Empire: Gautier's dau-
ghter Judith published one such col-
lection, Le Livre de Jade.
I must set off for Barstead, via
the Public Library at Wimbledon.
Sleep well my dear love. You are
my life.
I love you