- Max. dissimilarity: 0.198
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.131
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69364999 - not-logged-in-181e2c33930ad5d9835b
- 69755028 - Crazycatz935
- WINNER - 71606940 - the3esses
- 71632717 - Carriechelle
- 71727838 - itsmestephanie
- 71734575 - Zooniverse2017

69364999 - not-logged-in-181e2c33930ad5d9835b
Dearest Sylvia
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will check myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lewisham.
I had not repressed the fact you were visiting M. What you had repressed from me however is the fact it was a week-end. I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the Greenwoods; 3 will not support us very long. Here are some dates. You arrive on 6th. We have the 7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when you will be back but anyway by Monday 10th for Clifford's lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3.00 and a Petersfield lecture at 7.30. I believe I must stay the night. Banstead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back on Sunday night which would give us more time because you might (unless a cheque comes) have to go about Tuesday 11th. Seaved you say that provisionally...
Zadkine's sculptures tho'interesting attractive are not I think first-rate. He is so clever with chiaroscuro that his concavities really look like the 'real thing' sometimes. His lecture was a bit and somewhat elevated but it contained some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially. I saw several other exhibitions yesterday too but nothing worth recording.
The war film article is not finished yet but next weekend I shall complete it. The I.C.A. are showing le Sang d'un poet at the end of the month. If possible you must be here and we shall see it together.
Love you Lawrence
P.S. Dictionary definition of gruyere cheese: 'pale-coloured, firm, full of concavities'. L
69755028 - Crazycatz935
Blackheath4 III 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will
seek myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lennisham.
I had not repressed the fort you were visiting M. week you
had repressed from me however is the fact it was a week-end.
I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the greenwoods: 3 will not support us very
long. Here are some dates. You arrive on 6th. We have the
7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when
you will be back but anyway by Monday 10th for Clifford's
lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3:00 & a
Petersfield lecture at 7:30. I believe I must stay the night.
Baustead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back
on Sunday night which would give us more time because you
might (unless a cleque comes) have to go about Tuesday 11th.
saved you say that provisionally...
Zodkine's sculptures the interesting & attractive are not
I think first-rate. He is so clever with chivalrous that his
concavities really look like the 'real thing' sometimes. His lec-
ture was a bit flat and somewhat elevated but it contained
some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little
man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially.
I saw several other exhibitions yesterday too but nothing worth recording.
The war films article is not finished yet but next weekend
I shall complete it. The I.C.A. are showing Le Song d'un Past
at the end of the month. It possible you must be here and we
shall see it together.
Love you
P.S. Dictionary definition of gruyere cleare:
'pale-colored, firm, a full of concavities.'
WINNER - 71606940 - the3esses
Dearest Sylvia
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will check myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lewisham.
I had not repressed the fact you were visiting M. what you had repressed from me however is the fact it was a week-end. I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the Greenwoods: lb3 will not support us very long. Here are some dates. You arrive on 6th. We have the 7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when you will be back but anyway by Monday 10th for Clifford's lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3.00 & a Petersfield lecture at 7.30. I believe I must stay the night. Banstead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back on Sunday night which would give us more time because you might (unless a cheque comes) have to go about Tuesday 11th. Should you say that provisionally ...
Zadkine's sculptures tho' interesting and attractive are not I think first rate. He is so clever with chiaroscuro that his concavities really look like the real thing sometimes. His lecture was a bit pat and somewhat elevated but it contained some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially. I saw several other exhibitions yesterday too but nothing worth recording.
The War Film article is not finished yet but next weekend I shall complete it. The I.C.A. are showing Le Song d'un poet at the end of the month. If possible you must be here and we shall see it together.
Love you
P.S. Dictionary definition of gruyere cheese: 'pale colored, firm, & full of concavities'.
71632717 - Carriechelle
Blackheath4 11 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will check myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lewisham.
I had not repressed the fact you were visiting M. What you had repressed from me however is the fact it was a week and I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the Greenwoods: 3 will not support us very long. Here are some dates. You arrive on 6th. We have the 7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when you will be back but anyway by Monday 10th for Clifford's lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3:00 and a Petersfield lecture at 7:30. I believe I must stay the night. Banstead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back on Sunday night which would give us more time because you might (unless a cheque comes) have to go about Tuesday 11th. Eaved you say that provisionally . . .
Zadkine's sculptures tho interesting and attractive are not I think first-rate. He is so clever with cliororcurs that his concavities really look like the real thing sometimes. His lecture was a bit rot and somewhat elevated but it contained some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially. I saw several other exhibitions yesterday too but nothing worth recording.
The War Films article is not finished yet but next weekend I shall complete it. The I.C.A are slowing "Le Song d'an poet" at the end of the month. If possible you must be here and we shall see it together.
71727838 - itsmestephanie
Dearest Sylvia
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will
check myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lewisham.
I had not repressed the fact that you were visiting M. What you
had repressed from me however is the fact it was a week-end.
I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the Greenwoods: I 3 will not support us very
long. Here are the dates. You arrive on the 6th. We have the
7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when
you will be back but anyways by Monday 10th for Clifford's
lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3.00 & a
Petersfield lecture at 7.30. I believe I must stay the night.
Banstead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back
on Sunday night which would give us more time because you
might (unless a cheque comes) have to go about Tuesday 11th.
Could you say that provisionally...
Zadkine's sculptures though interesting & attractive are not
I think first-rate. He so clever with chiaroscuro that his
concavities really look like the 'real thing' sometimes. His lec-
ture was a bit pat and somewhat elevated but it contained
some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little
man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially.
I saw several other exhibitions yesterday too but nothing worth recording.
The War Films article is not finished yet but next weekend
I shall complete it. The I.C.A. are showing 'Le Long d'un poste'
at the end of the month. If possible you must be here and we
shall see it together.
Love you
P.S. Dictionary definition of gruyere cheese:
'pale-colored, firm, & full of concavities'.
71734575 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath4 iii 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I look forward to meeting you on Thursday morning. I will
check myself the time of your bus' arrival at Lewisham.
I had not repressed the fact you were visiting M. What you
had repressed from me however is the fact it was a weekend.
I thought it was simply for a day.
About seeing the Greenwoods: lb3 will not support us very
long. Here are some dates. You arrive on 6th. We have the
7th together, then you go to Cambridge. I don't know when
you will be back but anyway by Monday 10th for Clifford's
lecture. Tuesday 11th I have a Tate lecture at 3.00 & a
Petersfield lecture at 7.30. I believe I must stay the night.
Barnstead on Wednesday 12th. Perhaps you can come back
on Sunday night which would give us more time because you might (unless a cheque comes) love to go about Tuesday 11th.
Should you say that provisionally...
Zodkine's sculptures tho' interesting & attractive are not
I think first-rate. He is so clever with chiaroscuro that his
concavities really look like the 'real thing' sometimes. His lec-
ture was a bit fat and somewhat elevated but it contained
some exciting bits and he is a bubbling, eloquent little
man (tiny) who sweeps one along with him, at least partially.
I saw several other exhibitions yesterday but nothing worth recording.
The War Films article is not finished yet but next weekend
I shall complete it. The I.C.A. are showing Le Song d'un poet
at the end of the month. If possible you must be here and we
shall see it together.
I love you
P.S. Dictionary definition of gruyere clears:
'pale-colored, firm, & full of concavities.'