- Max. dissimilarity: 0.323
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.238
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69211650 - jesseytucker
- 69619818 - neko
- 69625454 - gailkoelker
- WINNER - 69872338 - JanetCormack
- 70692863 - Preacher357
- 70759782 - Chris5420

69211650 - jesseytucker
EPIGRAPHApparitions turn into forces
shahan off the French bouth
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
no eyes but arms and hair.
arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feigning chaos on the pillow
women upsidedown and beards
curly in draughts above.
69619818 - neko
EPIGRAPHApparitions turn into forces
shaken off like French dough
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
no eyes but arms and hair,
arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feigning chaos on the pillow,
women upsidedown and beards
curly in draughts above.
water bones of folgr
gaugs of scalp
69625454 - gailkoelker
(i)Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
No eyes but arms and hair,
arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feigning chaos on the pillow,
women upside-down and beards
Apparitions turn into faces
Shaken off the French bough
WINNER - 69872338 - JanetCormack
EPIGRAPH (Apparitions turn into faces shaken off the French bough(i)
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
no eyes but arms and hair,
arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feigning chaos onthe pillow,
women upsidedown and beards
curly in draughts above.
(rather barees of foreign gauge & scalp)
70692863 - Preacher357
EPIGRAPH Apparitions turn into facesshaken off the French bough.
Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
no eyey but arms and hair,
BITS arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feighing chaos on the pillow,
women upsidedown and beards
curly in draught above.
horses of fatigue
goings on scalp
70759782 - Chris5420
Epigraph Apparitions turn into facesshake off the French bougl
The city fixes night in images
Cold and retentive as a spider's web.
Winter is added to the year's goal.
They are crowded four to a bed.
no eyes but arms and hair,
arms over heads sometimes their own,
half buried thighs and backs,
hair, feigning chaos on the pillow,
women upsidedown and beards
surly in draughts above.
(watlesforces of fatigue
gauge &scalp