- Max. dissimilarity: 0.174
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 69120385 - hoskinml
- 69692496 - altheist
- 69833217 - MrGhelfi
- 69954928 - Preacher357
- 70129337 - highc51239
- 71172972 - Strathdon

WINNER - 69120385 - hoskinml
(vi) PROVINCESCobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
Traffic of creeks tides with sunset.
Standstill of water at the bridge's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
1)The moon circuits
2) The marmalade of ourlands
3) As broken chocolate mends
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
The invisible girl
Eats all souvenirs.
Too late now: who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
69692496 - altheist
(VI) PROVINCESStandstill of water at the bridge's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
Cobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
Traffic of creeks tides with sunset.
1) The moon circuits
2) The marmoledo of colour
3) As broken chocolate mends
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alright in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
Too late now: who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
The invisible girl
Eats all souvenirs.
69833217 - MrGhelfi
(vi) ProvincesStandstill of water at the bridges's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
Cobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
Traffic of creeks tides with sunset.
1) The moon circuits
2) the warmolede of oulads
3) As broken chocolate mends).
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
Too late now: who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
The invisible girl
Eats all souvanirs.
69954928 - Preacher357
(vi) PROVINCESCobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
Traffic of creeks tides with sunset.
Standstill of water at the bridge's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
The moon circuits
The marmalade of orchards
As broken chocolate mends
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
The invisable girl
Eats all souvenirs.
'Too late now': who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
70129337 - highc51239
(vi) provincesStandstill of water at the bridge's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
Cobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
Traffic of creeks tides with sunset.
The moon circuits
(As broken chocolate mends
The plaza's in the water, one of these places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still are heard
Alight in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn.
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's web, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
Too late now: who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
The invisible girl
Eats all souvenirs
2) The marmalade of islands
71172972 - Strathdon
(vi) PROVINCESStandstill of water at the bridge's feet,
Foreshortened silent comedy of houses.
Cobbles wriggle crazy from the feet
And shadows flood High Street,
1 The moon circuits
2 The marmalade of orchards
3 As broken chocolate mends
The plaza's in the water, one of those places
Lost by land to the herring-bone sea
Voices music on nights still heard
Alight in the water the plaza sways
Syren of the liquid inn
In coats of the night, clots
On the season's wen, delayed
By silver of the sticky clime, stars.
Too late now: who sips the waterfall
Risks curtains in the window pool,
For water bludgeons heads till blind.
The invisible girl
Eats all souvenirs.