- Max. dissimilarity: 0.178
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.125
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68672575 - JanetCormack
- 70195979 - glt
- 71299932 - k.h.pot
- 71567177 - Zooniverse2017
- 71701059 - Preacher357
- 73099035 - not-logged-in-74423774ee648dbbc0e9

WINNER - 68672575 - JanetCormack
Blackheath23 VI 52
Dearest Sylvia
It is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend following the fete. I should adore to come. I could not come until Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th but I could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on these dates but I am pretty sure from 5th-10th I am free. Could a lion be put up with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am simply dying to see you again my love.
The Hunterian Collection is very pleasant and I look forward to taking you there later. The Poulenc-Bernor recital was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It was you who introduced me to Wolf - remember my impresario cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces is nice, exactly what one expected - except I hoped for some Satie, also.
I have a busy day today: this morning I must review the Blackheath Art Society exh,; then go to the Tate to make notes for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a psychologist whis is delaying with his Athena article; & finally, at 6.00, get to Finsbury Public Library for the opening of a show of Children's Drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he won't get his 10 minutes reading in today!
The British Films' love-making is growing into an article on Clothes and Sex in the Cinema.
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is why I prefer 'shit' to 'dung'. When readers expet me to say 'shit' then 'dung' will be accessible to me. (Also dung is not the right sound in that poem.)
I adore you, love you
70195979 - glt
Blackheath23 VI 52
Dearest Sylvia
It is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend following the fete. I should adore to come. I could not come until Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th but I could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on these dates but I am pretty sure from 5th - 10th I am free. Could a lion be put up with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am simply dying to see you again my love.
The Hunterian collection is very pleasant and I look forward to taking you there later. The Poulenc-Bernac recital was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It was you who introduced me to Wold - remember my impresario cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces is nice, exactly what one expected - except I hoped for some Satie, also.
I have a busy day today: the morning I must review the Blackheath Art Society : then go to the Tate to make notes for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a psychologist who is delaying with his Athens; finally, at 6.00, get to Finchley Public library for the opening of a show of children's Drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he won't get his 10 minutes reading in today!
The British Films' love-making is growing into an article on clothes and sex in the cinema.
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is why I prefer 'shit' to 'dung'. When readers expect me to say 'shit' then 'dung' will be accessible to me. (Also dung is not the right sound in that poem.)
I adore you, love you
71299932 - k.h.pot
Blackheath23 II 52
Dearest Sylvia
It is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend
following the fete. I should adore to come. I could not come until
Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th but I
could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on
Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on these dates but I am
pretty sure from 5th-10th I am free. Could a lion be put up
with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am
simply dying to see you again my love.
The Hunterion collection is very pleasant and I look for-
ward to taking you there later. The Poulere-Bernoi recit-
al was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It
was you who introduced me to Wolf. - remember my impresario
cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces is nice,
exactly what one expected - except I hope for some Satie, also.
I have a busy day today: this morning I must review the
Blackheath Art Society exh.; then go to the Tate to make notes
for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a
psychologist who is delaying with his Athens article; & finally,
at 6.00, get to Finchuy Public library for the opening of a
show of children's drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he won't get
his 10 minutes reading in today!
The British Films' love-making is growing into an article
on Clothes and Sex in the Cinema
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is
why I prefer 'shit' to 'dung'. When readers expect me to say 'shit'
then 'dung' will be accessible to me. (also dung is not the right
71567177 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath23 VI 52
Dearest Sylvia,
It is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend
following the f^ete. I should adore to come. I could not come until
Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th but I
could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on
Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on those dates but I am
pretty sure from 5th-10th I am free. Could a lion be put up
with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am
simply dying to see you again my love.
The Munterion Collection is very pleasant and I look for-
ward to taking you there later. The Paulere-Bennor recit-
al was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It
was you who introduced me to Wolf - remember my impresario
cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces in nice,
exacts what one expected - except I hope for some Satre, also.
I have a busy day today: this morning I must review the
Blackheath Art Society exh.; then go to the Tate to make notes
for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a
psychologist who is delaying with his Atler article; & finally,
at 6.00, get to Finsbury Public library to the opening of a
show of Children's Drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he can't get
his 10 minutes reading in today!
The British films love-making is growing into an article
on Clothes and Sex in the Cinema.
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is
why I prefer 'slit' to 'dung'. When readers expect me to say 'slit'
the 'dung' will be accessible to me. (Also dung is not the right
sound in that poem.)
I adore you, love you
71701059 - Preacher357
23 vi 52 Blackheath Dearest SylviaIt is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend
following the Fete. I should adore to come. I could not come until
Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th, but I
could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on
Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on there dates but I am
pretty sure from 5th - 10th I am free. Could a lion be put up
with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am
simply dying to see you again my love.
The Hunterian collection is very pleasant and I look for-
ward to taking you there later. The Paulenc - Bernor recit-
al was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It
was you who introduced me to Wolf - remember my
cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces is nice,
exactly what one expected - except I hoped for some satire, also.
I have a busy day today: this morning I must review the
Blackheath Art Society exh.; then go to the Tate to make notes
for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a
psychologist who is delaying with his Athene article; & finally,
at 6:00, get to Finching Public library for the opening of a
show of Children's Drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he wont get
his 10 minutes reading in today!
The British films love making is growing into an article
on Clothes and Sex in the Cinema.
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is
why I prefer 'shit' to 'dung'. When readers expect me to say 'shit'
than 'dung' will be accessible to me. (Also dung is not the right
sound in that poem.)
I adore you, I love you
73099035 - not-logged-in-74423774ee648dbbc0e9
Blackheath23 01 52
Dearest Sylvia,
It is very kind of Tiny to invite me to Pett for the weekend
following the fete. I should adore to come. I could not come until
Saturday evening as I have an afternoon lecture on 5th but I
could stay until Thursday morning. I have two lectures on
Thursday (10th) afternoon. I must check on these dates but I am
pretty sure from 5th-10th I am free. Could a lion he put up
with for that period of time? I should love to come. I am
simply dying to see you again my love.
The Hunterian collection is very pleasant and I look for-
ward to taking you there later. The Poulere-Bennoe recit-
al was charming. I enjoyed the Hugo Wolf songs best. It
was you who introduced e to Wolf - remember my impresanio
cat? I enclose the programme: the choice of pieces is nice,
exactly what one expected- except I hoped for some satire, also.
I have a busy day today: this morning I must review the
Blackheath Art Society exh. ; then go to the Tate to make rota
for next Thursday's Constable lecture; then try and contact a
psychologist who is delaying with his Athens article; & swalf,
at 6.00, get to Finsbury Public Library for the opening of a
show of children's drawings. Phew, says Dandy: he won't get
his 10 minutes reading in today!
TG British Films Love making is growing into an article
on clothes and sec in the cinema.
By the way, poets should not use words commonly: that is
why I prefer "shit" to "dung". When readers expect me to say "shit"
only "dung" will be accessible to me. (Also dung is not too right
sound in that poem.)
I adore you, love you