- Max. dissimilarity: 0.974
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.417
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68734677 - Zooniverse2017
- 68873355 - ummm...
- WINNER - 69129876 - jesseytucker
- 70065411 - slartybartfast100
- 70972083 - ZeynepY
- 71009676 - Preacher357

68734677 - Zooniverse2017
15th July 1952Dearest Sylvia,
my cheques have not yet come
but I have requested Mr Parsons
to let me have June payments
immediately. Therefore I wish
you slowed your come before
Thursday: possibly Friday
would be more certain as I
am confident of having plenty
of food and money by then.
However I will meet you on
Thursday if you say so, when
& where you suggest in any
letter: even if I cannot confirm
it in time be sure I shall meet
68873355 - ummm...
15th Jul 1952Dearest Eylnia,
WINNER - 69129876 - jesseytucker
15 July 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
My cheques have not yet come
but I have requested Mr. Parsons
to let me have June payments
immediately. Therefore I think
you should not come before
Thursday: possibly Friday
would be more certain as I
am confident of having plenty
of food and money by then.
However I will meet you on
Thursday if you say so, when
and where you suggest in any
letter: even if I cannot confirm
it in time be sure I shall meet
70065411 - slartybartfast100
Whitehall 7618The National Gallery
Trafalgar Square
London W.C.2
15 July 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
My cheques have not yet come but I have requested Mr Parsons to let me have June payments immediately. Therefore I think you should not come before Thursday: possibly Friday would be more certain as I am confident of having plenty of food and money by then. However I will meet you on Thursday if you say so, when & where you suggest in any letter; even if I cannot confirm in time be sure I shall meet
70972083 - ZeynepY
15th July 1952Dearest Sylvia,
My cheques have not yet come but I have requested Mr Parsons to let me have June payments immediately. Therefore I think you should not come before Thursday: possibly Friday would be more certain as I am confident of having plenty of food and money by then. However I will meet you on Thursday if you say so, when&where you suggest in any letter: even if I cannot confirm it in time be sure I shall meet
71009676 - Preacher357
15th July 1952 Dearest Sylvia,My cheques have not yet come
but I have requested Mr Parsons
to let me have June payments
immediately. Therefore I think
you should not come before
Thursday: possibly Friday
would be more certain as I
am confident of having plenty
of food and money by then.
However I will meet you on
Thursday if you say so, when
& where you suggest in any
letter: even if I cannot confirm
it in time be sure I shall meet