- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.402
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68915695 - gailkoelker
- 69365765 - altheist
- 71643523 - the3esses
- 71698408 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72197086 - hoskinml
- 73132275 - saffyre13

68915695 - gailkoelker
I have been reading Thomas Mann's "Essay of 3 Decades", including a marvelous commentary on a version of "Amphitryion" by Kleist. I am tempted to write about this myth myself-except, of course, M. Molehill has, so perhaps I should look for something else...Your railway bridge subject is very good. I have examined it since you left and my opinion of it is confirmed and raised. The tone seems very good to me, even in the unfinished foreground.
The weather continues fine for you at Pett: I hope you can enjoy it even tho' it is not what you want for your garden.
Do excuse pencil but you know what my is like at present...
I love you, dearest Sylvia
Adore you Lawrence
69365765 - altheist
I have been reading Thower Mann's Essays Of 3 Decades, including a marvellous commentary on a version of Amphitryon by Kleist. I am tempted to write about this myth myself - except, of course, M. Malchill has, so perhaps I should look for something else...Your vocabulary bridge subject is very good. I have examined it since you left and my opinion of it has confirmed and raised. The tone seems very good to me, even in the unfinished foreground.
The weather continues fine for you at Pett: I hope you can enjoy it even tho' it is not what you want for your garden.
Do excuse pervial but you know what my bins is like at present...
I love you, dearest Sylvia,
I adore you,
71643523 - the3esses
I have been reading Thomas Mann's Essay of 3 Decodes, including a marvellous commentary on a version of Amphittyion by Kleist. I am tempted to write about this myth myself - except, of course, M, Molehill has, so perhaps I should look for something else ....Your railway bridge subject is very good. I have examined it since you left and my opinion of it is confirmed and raised. The tone seems very good to me, even in the unfinished foreground.
The weather continues fine for you at Pett: I hope you can enjoy it even tho' it is not what you want for your garden.
Do excuse pencil but you know what my biro is like at present ..
I love you, dearest Sylvia,
Adore you
71698408 - Preacher357
I have been reading Thomas Mann's Essaysof 3 Decades, including a marvellous comment-
ary on a version of Amphitryion by Kleist. I
am tempted to write about this myth myself -
except, of course, M. Malehill has, so per-
haps I should look for something else...
Your railway bridge subject is very
good. I have examined it since you
left and my opinion of it is confirmed
and raised. The tone seems very good
to me, even in the unfinished foreground.
The weather continues fine for you
at Pett: I hope you can enjoy
it even tho' it is not what you want
for your garden.
Do excuse pencil but you know
what my is like at present...
I love you, dearest Sylvia,
I adore you
WINNER - 72197086 - hoskinml
I have been reading Thomas Mann's Essays of 3 Decades, including a marvellous comment-ary on a version of Amphitryion by Kleist. I am tempted to write about this myth myself - except, of course, M. Molehill has, so perhaps I should look for something else. . .Your railway bridge subject is very good. I have examined it since you left and my opinion of it is confirmed and raised. The tone seems very good to me, even in the unfinished foreground.
The weather continues fine for you at Pett: I hope you can enjoy it even tho' it is not what you want for your garden.
Do excuse pencil but you know what my biro is like at present . . .
I love you, dearest Sylvia,
I adore you
73132275 - saffyre13