- Max. dissimilarity: 0.08
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.044
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68773064 - SilverSeadog
- 68886120 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69303867 - HauteDoy777
- 69658552 - neko
- 69762447 - jesseytucker

68773064 - SilverSeadog
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for the coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrung laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along an alphabet of orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from the noble blank.
Venus is crouched in our symbolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is soon. Some woman, a young one I think Mrs Harrison called her, is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss mercer's luggage, she asks?)
Here are two views of Dandy, trying to dress to suit the weather:
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must shave before I leave!
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you
68886120 - Preacher357
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for the coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrong laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along an alphabet of orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from the noble blank.
Venus is couched in our sybolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is
soon. Some woman , a young one I think Mrs Harrison called her,
is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss Mercer's luggage,
she asks?)
Her are two views of Dandy, trying to dress to suit the wea-
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must
shave befroe I leave!
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you
WINNER - 69303867 - HauteDoy777
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for the coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrung laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along an alphabet of orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from the noble blank.
Venus is couched in our symbolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is soon. Some woman, a young one I think Mrs Harrison called her, is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss Mercer's luggage, she asks?)
Here are two views of Dandy trying to dress to suit the weather:
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must shave before I leave!
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you
69658552 - neko
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for the coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrung laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along the alphabet of orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from the noble blank.
Venus is couched in our symbolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is
soon. Some woman, a young one I think Miss Harrison called her,
is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss Mercer's luggage,
she asks?)
Here are two views of Dandy, trying to dress to suit the wea-
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must
shave before I leave!
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you
69762447 - jesseytucker
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for the coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrung laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along an alphabet or orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from the noble blank.
Venus is couched in our symbolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is
soon. Some woman, a young one I think Mrs Harrison called her,
is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss Mercer's luggage,
she asks?)
Here are two views of Dandy, trying to dress to suit the wea-ther:
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must
shave before i leave?
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you.
Slow-motion of a second in a dream.We can even blow bottles for coming wine.
If someone's late excess, a mask, a drug,
Wrung laurels from the earth, juice from the air,
Poured neon into letters of his name
Like sap along an alphabet of orchards,
It is his field, the field of Mars and him.
Mars for he won it from thenoble blank.
Venus is couched in our symbolic selves,
The happy voyeur, the amiable ear.
I don't know how soon Miss Mercer's leaving but I think it is soon.
Some women, a young one I think Mrs Harrison called her, is due soonish. (Can Trumpet help with Miss Mercer's luggage, she asks?)
Here are two views of Dandy, trying to dress to suit the wea-
Darling I must close now. If I am to please mother I must shave before I leave.
I love and adore you. Think of me as I do of you.
I love you